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DaniGirl 07-24-2009 01:46 PM

What is your most Prized Posession?
Now I started thinking about this after my friends house burnt down. She lost everything. So now thinking about what she has gone threw I was wondering what if it happened to me? What would I grab if something happened? Now of course my most prized posessions are my daughter, but I know that is what every parent would say. So lets say your children and pets were already safe. What would you save?

Now for me I have a book that my mother gave me a book of my heritage. Birth records and marriage certificates. I also have our social security cards in this book. So I would grab this book. I even have it in a dresser right next to the door. So now I am ready, just in case. I bet my husband and Punk.of.Ages would grab there guitars and xbox 360.

So what would you save? What is your most prized possession?

Xerxys 07-24-2009 02:34 PM

I have nothing that I cherish so close to me that it is in my home.

Allyallyally 07-24-2009 02:50 PM

If I could only save one thing, I'd save my laptop (or external hard drive). It has all of my music, my photos, my videos, my writings. Everything else can be replaced, but the recordings of the best (and worst) times of my life can't. They're all in one place. Easy decision for me.

Willravel 07-24-2009 03:00 PM

I'd say my dog is my most prized possession. Everything else I have is basically replaceable, but if I lost my dog I'd be pretty devastated.

I also like my axe.
Pictured: Me with my axe.

uncle phil 07-24-2009 03:07 PM

as long as my wife made it out, i could care less what got lost...

Willravel 07-24-2009 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by DaniGirl
What is your most Prized [Possession]?


Originally Posted by uncle phil (Post 2675344)
...my wife...

Ouch. :expressionless:

LordEden 07-24-2009 03:15 PM

Nothing in my house I could lose and not be able to replace. A few knick-knacks that I keep and not many of those at that.

I would *like* to keep my main PC as I put a bit of time, money and effort to build the thing. If I did lose it, I would be sad, but I could rebuild it back to original form.

This thread makes me sad. I don't have anything that means that much to me.

Willravel 07-24-2009 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by LordEden (Post 2675349)
Nothing in my house I could lose and not be able to replace. A few knick-knacks that I keep and not many of those at that.

I would *like* to keep my main PC as I put a bit of time, money and effort to build the thing. If I did lose it, I would be sad, but I could rebuild it back to original form.

This thread makes me sad. I don't have anything that means that much to me.

Think of things associated with important moments in your life, like diplomas, or images of past loves or unique gifts from people that were/are special to you. Anything come to mind?

Lasereth 07-24-2009 03:52 PM

If my house started burning I would go for the dog and the wife and that's about it. Depending on how bad the fire was I would try to get the PC and TV out also but it's not a big deal if it goes up in flames. I used to be very sentimental with objects but not really anymore.

Ourcrazymodern? 07-24-2009 04:03 PM

Good for you, for having your priorities straight. The violence burning around me turns me off. My believing in my self & other turns me on.

---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ----------

& you know what my most-prized possession is.

LordEden 07-24-2009 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2675364)
Think of things associated with important moments in your life, like diplomas, or images of past loves or unique gifts from people that were/are special to you. Anything come to mind?

I'm not a picture person, I don't have one single picture round my house or in my wallet. I have digital pictures, but nothing major. Diplomas are at the parents house.

I said this in another thread, I do have a small collection of Buddhas that I have gotten from friends. I would like to keep those, but if I lost them (only 3) I wouldn't be truly upset. My PC is about it. I just don't have alot of stuff.

I did have a pool table once during my college years. It was crappy so we didn't use it alot. I had a piece of plywood on top it. Well it was pretty much the center piece of our apt. It was college so alot of drinking was done around my pool table. I had a stack of sharpes that I let people draw/trace/write on it. That board had long lost memories of drunken nights and some great artwork on it. 2 years of friends coming and going. I lost it when I lost 75% of my stuff from one of my last moves. If I still had that, I would save that piece of wood.


Not to be nitpicky, but the OP said that kids and pets are out. I'm guessing it means only material possessions. Even if I had a roommate I didn't like, I would save him/her or any animal.

Charlatan 07-24-2009 04:07 PM

My Fleshlight.

The whole thing.

girldetective 07-24-2009 05:26 PM

Photographs of people I love or have loved, and things they have written.
I know just where they are.

wooÐs 07-24-2009 05:43 PM

After my dog and cats made it out, I'd go for my computer.

Then I'd go for the pillows, teddy bear and duvet on my bed. My bed is a sacred place for me as it probably is for most, and I've never invited just anyone to join me in my room. Especially after losing my home, I'd definitely need those items to turn to.

If I had time, I'd then go for my jewelry. Each piece has a different story or vibe. I'd hate to lose any of it.

Great thread. Made me think.

ratbastid 07-24-2009 06:01 PM

Wives, then dog, then laptop and external drive. My iPhone would be right there, so I'd grab that too, even though there's nothing on it that couldn't be replaced from my laptop. It'd be handy for dialing 911. (Although evidently I have a quick-call button on my home security system. No idea whether it works, because I've never tried it.)

The cats are on their own. Don't even talk to me about the chickens.

ring 07-24-2009 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2675348)
Ouch. :expressionless:

Please elaborate.

Is this expressionless ouch a sign of a stoic in pain, or what?

I don't consider my dog a possesion. (yeah, technically money changed
hands when I 'bought' him, so I guess, 'technically' I 'own' him.

I consider him a beloved packmember that lives with me.

My lover possesses my heart, and I his. That is different than ownership.

If I had the time to gather items,
I would take the tent,
and my crayons and coloring books.

Willravel 07-24-2009 07:58 PM

It's just the question is about possessions, and uncle phil's first thought went to his wife... as a possession.

Bill O'Rights 07-24-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2675425)
Don't even talk to me about the chickens.

Mmmmm...fried chicken.

CinnamonGirl 07-24-2009 11:16 PM

I'm not really a "stuff" kind of person, but things like my books, my dvds, and my music... I'd really hate to lose those.

Then again, those could all be replaced. So...I'd make a grab for the collage picture frame full of pics of my brother and me. I'd also grab the teddy bear he gave me for graduation.

uncle phil 07-25-2009 02:44 AM

from the op...


Originally Posted by DaniGirl (Post 2675309)

So what would you save?

again, my wife...

DaniGirl 07-25-2009 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by uncle phil (Post 2675515)
from the op...

again, my wife...

Well when I mentioned that kids and pets were safe I meant to say all living things are ok, What "possession" would you save. Photos, home movies, records etc.

Strange Famous 07-25-2009 07:46 AM

Im not sure I have any possession I prize that much. If i had time Id grab my cell phone and wallet, if I had a bit more time probably my laptop. But thats really just for the inconvenience of replacing them rather than any intrinsic value I place in them.

biznatch 07-25-2009 08:57 AM

My leather jacket, which i wear all too much. I spend most of my time at home at my computer desk, and on the back of it is my jacket.
I'd throw that on, and take my recently-built desktop, and bust out of there.
I do like my Stevie Ray Vaughan DVD that my best friend gave to me at my wedding. It wasn't new, it just meant a lot because it was his before and we both loved the damn thing. Maybe I'll keep the dvd in the computer, lol.
The other one would be my drums. But it's unlikely I'd have the time to get them.

Crack 07-25-2009 09:24 AM

After saving the cats; nothing, let the fucker burn.

Xerxys 07-25-2009 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Crack (Post 2675652)
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!! We don't need no water let the motherf****r burn!!

Zeraph 07-25-2009 11:25 AM

Besides anything living, nothing really.

Vigilante 07-25-2009 12:32 PM

As stated for some, spouse and pets are safe. You have a phone call stating that they are in another city. Whether by teleportation, beam-me-up-scotty, or city bus, they are nowhere near the fire.

Now, what would you save?

I once ran into a burning building (early stages) to get my pocketknife. That was when I was young and dumb. Now I'm just dumb :)

Now, depends on what floor I'm on.

I'd probably throw my fileserver and PCs (mine and wife's) out the 2nd floor window. The case would mangled, but the hard drives, as long as they had spun down, should be fine.

If I wasn't close enough (downstairs) then I would probably grab the urns from our past pets. Since their collars and pictures are right next to the urns, I'd grab them as well. That would mean alot to my wife. My shit can burn, I've had nothing in the past and can rise up from nothing again.

Glory's Sun 07-25-2009 02:15 PM

umm can I throw things into the fire?? Like any cats I can grab?

as long as my family was safe I don't think there's anything I couldn't replace.. have pictures sure..but there are online copies of most of them so it shouldn't be much of a loss..

Clark Kent 07-25-2009 06:46 PM

My libido.

mixedmedia 07-25-2009 06:53 PM

Camera and, yeah, external hard drive with my music and photo files. Everything else is replaceable.

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