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KellyC 07-05-2009 01:17 AM

Most bad ass looking sword?
I suddenly got an interest in cool looking swords. Be they fictional or real.

I vote for Cloud's Buster sword. That a mean lookin' mofo that you don't wanna mess with.


Reese 07-05-2009 08:50 AM

I alway's preferred that sword's enemy.


Jozrael 07-05-2009 09:45 AM

Not the most badass, but one of my favorites.


Bear Cub 07-05-2009 09:51 AM


Xerxys 07-05-2009 10:50 AM


I do like Sephiroths long sword but There shall never be a more practical lethal sword than the Katana!

Puttz 07-05-2009 11:07 AM

I really love Celtic broadswords, and Japanese swords.

Celtic swords mostly because they are huge and awesome looking, but Japanese swords because of the craftsmanship involved in making them... the old school way anyway.

But, all swords are cool :D

Fremen 07-05-2009 11:53 AM

I always liked the description of Rand's Heron Mark sword from the Wheel of Time series.

Wheel of Time Heron Mark Sword CB Swords - Fantasy and Reproduction Swords and Sword Accessories - CB Swords


In the world of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series, heron-mark swords are traditionally presented to those who have earned the title of "Blademaster"- either by killing a Blademaster in a fair fight or by being granted the title by a unanimous vote of five Blademasters. These individuals are unrivaled in their mastery of the sword, and are accordingly rare. Some heron-mark swords were made during the War of Power through use of the One Power, which produced blades that never required maintenance, and were essentially unbreakable. Rand al'Thor possessed one of these swords, a gift from his father. But after the Three Oaths were established, forbidding Aes Sedai to (among other things) use the One Power to make weapons, the number of blademasters eventually began to outstrip the number of Power-wrought blades, necessitating the creation of heron-mark swords of a more conventional nature. The Heron Mark Sword is a superb example of the sword maker's art. In the old days, the Heron Mark swords were made by blending metals to make a blade that need never be sharpened, nor could it be broken. But today, the Heron Mark is a sign that the sword was made by a blade master. Such swords are awarded only to he who has proven that he has the highest possible skill with a sword. We are very proud to offer this Heron Mark sword; hand-forged and of a very tough, high carbon steel. The guard and pommel are brass and the balance is simply superb. Authorized and approved by Robert Jordan, this sword is an accurate copy of those blades in The Wheel of Time series. Once you hold this blade in your hands, you realize how quick and deadly is the sword.

MSD 07-08-2009 11:14 AM

You're all a bunch of nerds, but it's forgivable.
I like the great knife from my Pyramid Head costume

Punk.of.Ages 07-08-2009 11:31 AM

I've always been a fan of the way rapiers look...

Definitely my favorite sword.



As far as fictional swords go, Bear Cub hit it right on the nose.

The most badass Final Fantasy sword was Squall's gunblade in VIII...


Strange Famous 07-08-2009 11:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I vote also for this one:

Baraka_Guru 07-08-2009 12:06 PM

The red one.

Though the green and blue ones look pretty bad-ass as well.

Jinn 07-08-2009 12:16 PM


Punk.of.Ages 07-08-2009 12:17 PM

Ooooh, well, if lightsabers are game, here's my vote...



Baraka_Guru 07-08-2009 12:21 PM


LordEden 07-08-2009 12:21 PM


I'm a fan of the classics. Maybe I just watched the Princess Bride and Zorro to much.


I want a sword that turns me into a muscle bound, mullet-wearing, princess rescuing, big fucking cat riding, super hero. I mean, FF7 swords are cool and all, but the POWER OF FUCKING GREYSKULL! Think of what you could do with the ability to turn one of BlahBlahBlah's cats into a big purple tiger that you could ride? Coolest. Sword. Ever.

highdro69 07-08-2009 02:23 PM

I'm going to have to jump on the Buster Sword train. Oh Cloud Strife, how we heart thee.

lostgirl 07-08-2009 03:01 PM

This isn't the coolest sword I have ever seen, but I love this sword I have called the sword of darkness. I have others but this is my favorite.


levite 07-08-2009 03:32 PM

Looking good.

But this one is what I actually would fight with.

snowy 07-08-2009 03:47 PM

Hoshigaki Kisame's Samehada has to be the most bad ass looking sword in my mind. It doesn't look so awesome when it is covered, but it's awesome when the sharkskin comes out! Plus, it injures those who try to wield it without the owner's permission. :D

Couldn't find a great screencap of it, but this one is decent:

Jetée 07-08-2009 04:01 PM

A disproportionate number of votes towards fictional zanbatos (horse-slayers ; swords that sport a blade that is as large the person wielding it). Kinda funny because that's the way you would describe how the weapon looks—disproportionate.

Well, here is my preferred horse-slayer, the guandao (a Chinese-variable halberd).


...and just because this guy is so freakin'-cool, he also looks bad-ass brandishing the "Northern Shaolin Kung Fu Hook Swords".


KellyC 07-08-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by snowy (Post 2665745)
Hoshigaki Kisame's Samehada has to be the most bad ass looking sword in my mind. It doesn't look so awesome when it is covered, but it's awesome when the sharkskin comes out! Plus, it injures those who try to wield it without the owner's permission. :D

Couldn't find a great screencap of it, but this one is decent:

O yeah that's a mean one. They only show three of the seven swords from the legendary swords men right? I wanna see the rest.

Zabuza's sword is also bad ass looking too, even though it resembles a giant old fashion can opener.


ObieX 07-08-2009 08:06 PM

I must have spent a couple hours lookin' on teh interwebz for a sword that i liked and would use as my personal weapon and i cant seem to find anything.

I kinda like the 300 sword for how it seems it would handle but the hilt doesn't do it for me. I need my swords to be intricate!

I guess I'll have to keep looking. Google is letting me down.

Martian 07-08-2009 08:12 PM

P'raps I'm not imaginative enough, but I'm looking at most of these and all I can think is how wildly impractical they are.

Levite's suggestion of the claymore appeals to my heritage, but much as it pains me to say it I suspect I'm simply not big enough to use such a weapon effectively. As such, I'd be more likely to choose something like this, had I the necessity and training:


Simple, elegant and effective.

Wrexify 07-08-2009 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2665754)
...and just because this guy is so freakin'-cool, he also looks bad-ass brandishing the "Northern Shaolin Kung Fu Hook Swords".


Beat me to it! +1 for the Hook Swords.

Punk.of.Ages 07-08-2009 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru (Post 2665609)

Was that a gay crack?

healer 07-08-2009 10:26 PM

Ichigo's sword, Zangetsu, looks totally badass IMO. If only it didn't look so lame when it goes Bankai.

(Apologies for the huge pic)

Baraka_Guru 07-09-2009 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2665864)
Was that a gay crack?

It was meant generally as a cock crack.

But sometimes a sword is just a sword.

Esoteric 07-09-2009 06:49 AM

Sparda from Devil May Cry

Nightmare's Soul Calibur

Jinn 07-09-2009 07:26 AM

Pedant warning:

That's actually Soul Edge.

But you did remind me that I think Soul Calibur is one of the coolest swords out there too:


---------- Post added at 09:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 AM ----------

Another image I found looking at Soul Calibur, that was too funny not to share here:


Good god, that girl must be BUILT.

Crack 07-09-2009 07:40 AM


Warglaive of Azzinoth

Baraka_Guru 07-09-2009 08:01 AM

Another vote....


Giant Hamburger 07-09-2009 09:07 AM

or its "brother" Mournblade

Esoteric 07-09-2009 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Jinn (Post 2666027)
Pedant warning:

That's actually Soul Edge.

You are correct, my bad.

Adding another:
Frostmourne. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet.

mrklixx 07-09-2009 12:59 PM

I think I'm going to go a little more realistic and oldschool with the first sword I ever bought. The Conan the Barbarian "Atlantean" sword.


Stare At The Sun 07-09-2009 02:26 PM


Fremen 07-09-2009 05:29 PM


This is the three-bladed sword from "The Sword and the Sorcerer" starring Lee Horsley as "Talon".
Two of the blades shot out from the sword as projectiles. That, along with a lightsaber were the swords I most wanted as a kid.

/sorry about the pic, it was the best I could find

MSD 07-13-2009 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2665575)
The most badass Final Fantasy sword was Squall's gunblade in VIII...


If I'm going to consider a gun sword, I want a real one. Pinfire sword gun

Gebbinn 07-13-2009 11:26 PM

There is none better than RA Salvatore's famous epic Drow, Drizzt Do'Urden and his twin scimitars, Twinkle and Icingdeath.


Demonicaa 03-22-2010 09:50 AM

how about a cross between lightsaber and katana :expressionless:

ObieX 03-22-2010 03:34 PM

Here's one that I've finally found that i like:


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