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Plan9 04-09-2009 08:10 AM

Fashion: Skinny Jeans on Guys
...am I the only one that sees some dude in skinny jeans and wonder if it's some kind of Shakespearean fashion revival? I mean, I see skinny jeans and think that maybe doublets and cod pieces should be involved. And lotsa smutty Ye Olde English talk.

What am I missing here? I'm still wearing boot cut jeans and cargo pants. I'm so 2001.

And I think it would be cool if doublets and cod pieces came back. Especially if they were Judge Dredd style.

(I realize this has been posted before somewhere, but I don't think it featured cod pieces or doublets)

Manic_Skafe 04-09-2009 08:27 AM

Ten points for a Judge Dredd reference.

And it's pretty common for me to see a couple in matching skinny jeans and asymmetrical haircuts. Especially in the more hipster-laden areas. It's not my style but whatever floats your boat.

Willravel 04-09-2009 08:39 AM

It's just time for people to not wear gigantic baggy jeans anymore. Boot cut jeans are fine, but they're casual. They don't have to be spandex, just make sure they fit. And for Christ's sake, don't buy into the whole crayola color jean fad, because it's stupid. No one wants to see you in tight orange or tan jeans.

I am the law.

Edit: Pics for gg:

Skinny good:

Skinny bad:

Boot good:

Boot bad:

Glory's Sun 04-09-2009 08:41 AM

no skinny jeans here.. relaxed boot cut..

and destroyed. I prefer mine with the holes in them already. I hate waiting for them to develop on their own.

genuinegirly 04-09-2009 08:43 AM

This discussion definitely needs pictures to accompany the styles mentioned.
Skinny jeans:
Boot-cut jeans:

mmmmmm guys in tight jeans are yummy.

nomcat 04-09-2009 08:44 AM

Aww man it drives me insane too... I just don't get how tight jeans, pointy shoes, a jacket from the 80's, and a woman's scarf can look good on a dude!!

genuinegirly 04-09-2009 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by nomcat (Post 2621662)
Aww man it drives me insane too... I just don't get how tight jeans, pointy shoes, a jacket from the 80's, and a woman's scarf can look good on a dude!!

But they do!
The key is doing something to show off that body. Having some sort of style. Too many men throw on whatever happens to be laying on the floor closest to their bed when they get up in the morning. Yuck!

Plan9 04-09-2009 08:57 AM

I have plenty of style. Just ask anybody who's seen me in clothes. All three of 'em.

I'm not for skinny jeans even though I'm a tall skinny guy and scene girls would mob me just because I was wearing them. What if I'm more conservative with my clothing? I don't want you to be able to visually measure my manjunk. It's like a the male equiv of cameltoe. Slutty. I also don't want jeans so tight that they pull out leg hairs when I try to play-kick one of my buddies in the head at school. I don't want to feel like I'm in tights or bondage gear. I want functional pants. My biggest gripe with most pants today is how useless the hip pockets are... I have to stand up straight and push with some effort to get my damn cell phone out. What gives?!

Willravel 04-09-2009 09:03 AM

Well if you really want to go conservative, try the Martin Luther look:
You won't have to be on a diet of worms to fit. Get it? Reformation humor doin' anything for ya?

Just wear regular fit jeans. Levis 501 work just fine.

SabrinaFair 04-09-2009 09:04 AM

Skinny, fine. Second skin, bad.

I'm not a huge fan of skinny jeans in general...I don't find them to be very flattering. But they can look really sharp on the right person.

Bear Cub 04-09-2009 09:05 AM

I own one two pairs of jeans that are "slim fit." They are NOT skinny jeans, there is still adequate room for all of my leg to move around inside the denim. They fit well and make my already marvelous butt look even better.


They periodically smush my junk. Every so often, I'll notice one ball on either side of the pant split or the outline of some wang. I can't fathom how painful a pair of actual skinny jeans would be on the groin.

P.S. - I hate emo kids.

Willravel 04-09-2009 09:09 AM

Yeah, junk smashing is absolutely unacceptable. Showing off, maybe, but if the Justice League is in a vice there's no way they can save the day. If you catch my drift. About sexual intercourse.

laconic1 04-09-2009 09:28 AM

Count me in as not a fan of skinny jeans. Although I am making an effort to buy clothes that fit properly, instead of like a parachute. Which in many cases means spending extra money on tall sizes instead of buying something one size larger to get the length I need. I'm ok with slim fit jeans.

FuglyStick 04-09-2009 09:57 AM

I am admittedly no fashionista, but there ain't no way in hell I'm gonna wear skinny jeans. I've tried them on, and they just aren't comfortable. I live in jeans, and they should be the most comfortable clothes in the wardrobe. Plus, I'm too old to be jumping on fashion bandwagons.

Plus, does dis guy look like a hipster to you?

StanT 04-09-2009 10:13 AM

Skinny jeans are like a cheap hotel; no ballroom.

No thanks, jeans are all about comfort.

World's King 04-09-2009 10:37 AM

Okay... No. I don't wear skinny jeans. I may be a hipster but I refuse dress like one.

I only wear Levis. Boot cut. Dark blue. None of that faded/pre-warn crap.

samcol 04-09-2009 11:08 AM

When I see tight jeans on a guy I either think gay or a skateboarder. Relaxed fitting jeans at the waist and sometimes boot cut for me. I don't care for these effeminate trends, or the gansta baggy sytles.

Radio Monk33 04-09-2009 11:14 AM

I guess my question is where is the line drawn between a tight, slim fit and "skinny"?

new man 04-09-2009 11:23 AM

I find the skinny jeans look amusing on skateboarders and emo types, at least they are trying. But the skinny jeans wore prisonsex lowrider style looks really stupid.

Willravel 04-09-2009 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by samcol (Post 2621752)
When I see tight jeans on a guy I either think gay or a skateboarder. Relaxed fitting jeans at the waist and sometimes boot cut for me. I don't care for these effeminate trends, or the gansta baggy sytles.

What about the effeminate gangsta styles?

Plan9 04-09-2009 12:14 PM

Will, we already have a self-portraits thread going. Stay on topic.

Willravel 04-09-2009 12:17 PM

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta....

Zeraph 04-09-2009 12:26 PM

Codpiece! SO metal
GUBA - Metalocalypse 12 Murdering Outside the Box (ws) [Moonsong].avi

Plan9 04-09-2009 12:30 PM

Will, in reference to your pictures, I'm confused.

The little elf slippers men wear today don't go with boot cut jeans.

I wear "boot cut" because I actually wear boots most of the time.

They look kinda goofy with running shoes. I avoid that combo.


Screw a belt buckle that holds a lighter, I want a codpiece that holds brass knuckles.

World's King 04-09-2009 12:31 PM

In the words of Jay-Z...


Got a bop like this
Can't wear skinny jeans cause my knots don't fit
No one on the corner got a pocket like this
So I rock Roc jeans cause my knots so thick

CinnamonGirl 04-09-2009 12:42 PM

Gah. I'm not a fan of skinny jeans, period, whether it's girls, guys, or your neighbor's dog. They just don't look... right.


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2621657)

Now, see, I think these look just fine. Granted, maybe not with a tucked in shirt, but still.

For myself, I like bootcut jeans. I was a big fan of the flares when they came around again in the 90s (not the huge pipeline/elephant ones... the more subtle ones.)

Guys look hot in relaxed fit jeans. Bootcut jeans. Cargo pants. Skinny jeans do not enter into that picture AT ALL.

Willravel 04-09-2009 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2621812)
Will, in reference to your pictures, I'm confused.

The little elf slippers men wear today don't go with boot cut jeans.

I wear "boot cut" because I actually wear boots most of the time.

They look kinda goofy with running shoes. I avoid that combo.

You don't have to go "elf slipper" with bootcuts. You can go walking shoe, you can go boot, you can go slightly dress, whatever. I like to wear my Chuck Taylors with my bootcut pants when I'm not dressed for work or a date or anything. Nothing in the world comes close to Chucks. When it starts warming up, you can also just toss on flip flops.

Then again, don't give up on elf slippers, some of them are badass:

SSJTWIZTA 04-09-2009 12:49 PM

are you talking about the punk/emo kids sporting the "joey ramones?"

i personally dont like them because they hinder my ability to move from the waist down and they dont have quite as much pocket space.

i dress in whatever is comfortable, i dont really have a set pants style.

Punk.of.Ages 04-09-2009 12:50 PM

I don't like skinny jeans and would never wear them, but to make fun of them would be doing something I told myself I would never back when everyone used to give me shit about my insanely baggy pants that hung to my knees. I am not a hypocrite dammit!

This still doesn't stop me from giving my straightedge little brother endless shit about wearing chick pants. I gotta' get my revenge somehow...

I wear boot cut (also cause I actually wear boots) these days. I still have a tendency to get them a little on the big side though.

uncle phil 04-09-2009 12:57 PM

ok, all of you dedicated followers of fashion, let's not forget appropriate headgear...


settie 04-09-2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2621644)
What am I missing here? I'm still wearing boot cut jeans and cargo pants. I'm so 2001.

I'm a girl, and I can't live without my cargos. I have lots and lots of cargo pants. ^_^ Screw fashion! Long live cargo pants!

I don't like skinny jeans on men or women. They look ridiculous.
A proper fitting boot cut on a man is very very sexy. I just might drop my jaw and stare. ;)

flstf 04-09-2009 01:03 PM

My jeans are about the same style as those worn in the 50's like the picture below. I did go through a bell bottom phase in college for a while though. I do remember a trend in the early 60's where guys would buy standard Levis and have them pegged much like todays skinny jeans.


snowy 04-09-2009 01:16 PM

I think the skinny jean trend is funny. I see it around campus on a regular basis. I don't find it attractive in the slightest. Don't get me wrong--I like seeing a guy's tushy, but that doesn't mean I want all the details ;) I much prefer a boot cut with a bit of hug through the rear, but not super-tight. That's hot.

biznatch 04-09-2009 01:18 PM

Black 501's, that's how I roll. None of that skin tight bullshit, which I imagine must feel like you have your nuts in a vise. Also slim blue jeans, nothing that forces me to lie down to stuff my ass and legs in.
And ocasionally, on cold days, Levis relaxed fit (that I've worn to hell, full of holes) with sweatpants underneath. Classy.

lostgirl 04-09-2009 01:24 PM

Don't like the look of skinny jeans on boys or girls. It's just another bad fashion trend.

mixedmedia 04-09-2009 01:39 PM

As you can see here, Heidi Klum loves giving piggyback rides to fellas in skinny jeans.


Bear Cub 04-09-2009 01:55 PM

OK, a little clarification.

My Levis 514 Slim Straight look like this. A bit narrower in the thigh, and straight bottom which is not at all tight or clingy. They look, well, like a pair of jeans that fit. Also, they're narrow enough at the bottom that they do NOT drag on the ground when wearing my Chucks or low cut Adidas, since those are all I wear anymore.


My lighter 514's run a hair smaller than my dark pair.

noodle 04-09-2009 01:57 PM

slim fit IF you're slim... marginally on the side of acceptable.
"skinny jeans" are hideous. in my opinion.

World's King 04-09-2009 02:17 PM

Levi's 527 Low Rise Boot Cut...

Yeah, I know the low rise part isn't very manly...

Plan9 04-09-2009 02:38 PM

I'm wearing 527s right now.


Wait, is that bad?


Originally Posted by uncle phil (Post 2621831)
ok, all of you dedicated followers of fashion, let's not forget appropriate headgear...

Is that what they had paratroopers wear before they decided the beret was better? Hilarious.

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