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Cynthetiq 02-17-2009 06:07 PM

Why don't you share TFP with more people?
I was discussing this site with some friends and admins, and I was wondering why do you or don't you share the TFP with your friends?

Does it have to do with the porn? The sexuality posts? The exhibition posts? Your real point of view????

What about TFP is why you don't want to share this place with your other friends?

I thought I didn't want my personal intimate thoughts out there to be discussed and hammered out with friends, but then I realized the good friends I have already have those types of discussions, so I invited them.

Otherwise, the rest of the world TFP is space for me.

Xerxys 02-17-2009 06:10 PM

OMG, I hope no one ever finds my stuff on here. I'm supposed to be "upright!!!!"

ngdawg 02-17-2009 06:39 PM

I was just gonna post the same thing^^^. :D

My friends think I'm sweet and I sure as hell don't want to ruin the illusion :D

Truthfully, a friend brought me here and, while they don't visit much anymore if at all, we're still friends. I, in turn, brought a friend here and that didn't go too well here....I currently have one friend who wanders in and out-that's all I can handle.

snowy 02-17-2009 06:43 PM

I've shared TFP with select friends. If I think they might enjoy it, I suggest they join. I've had four friends join TFP...unfortunately none of them have really stuck around. They come back by every now and again, but they don't post. :( I tried, though!

My roommate has joked about joining. That's just a little too close to home for me...maybe once he moves out it would be okay! :lol:

SabrinaFair 02-17-2009 06:46 PM

I feel like most of my life is subject to public scrutiny--it's nice to have a corner of the world where I can just be myself, uncensored. There is only one person on the TFP who knows who I really am--I'm very happy to keep it that way.

genuinegirly 02-17-2009 06:50 PM

I selected "Other".

I have shown the board to several friends. Most have poked around a bit, but were not interested in a message board-based community.

There are a couple that I will not share it with because of the presence of porn.

I was shunned for a time by a group of friends because I showed them to the TFP. They did not appreciate the open discussion about sexuality here. They did not understand why I would spend my time in an environment that was so far from my every-day existence.

flat5 02-17-2009 07:31 PM

I've referred a few posts to other people.
It's up to them to decide if the forum is to their taste.

MSD 02-17-2009 07:34 PM

I've shown it to a few people, but for the most part my friends don't need to know any more about my penis than they already do.

PonyPotato 02-17-2009 07:43 PM

I don't show this place to friends because of:

a) the porn
b) some personal posts
c) the relationship it's linked to.

I don't want to be linked to him for eternity, and since he's a big presence on the board and sorta/kinda asked me to leave, I'm considering it. I like reading posts here and it's hard to find another spot on the internet quite like it, but I could make do.

Fremen 02-17-2009 07:43 PM

I've shown/talked about TFP to what friends I have, but I ran out of friends a while back...

Only one made an account. He doesn't visit much at all, though.

World's King 02-17-2009 07:49 PM

Are you kidding...

I have so many ex-girlfriends on this place I'm surprised we don't have more traffic.

inBOIL 02-17-2009 10:30 PM

Some of the things I've posted are things I wouldn't like to share with people IRL. Worlds cannot be allowed to collide.
If I were to become more open with them, I might make a few referrals, but I'd always be worried about some old forgotten post coming back to haunt me.

Crack 02-17-2009 11:30 PM

I didn't vote, because I have shared it.

Frosstbyte 02-17-2009 11:31 PM

Definitely because I like having my own space. I've referred a few people here over the years (only one of which actually joined, I think, and didn't stay long), but this is a place I've been coming for a long time, and I think of it somewhat protectively, for better or worse. It's an escape for me from people I "normally" know, and I'd like to keep it that way.

ASU2003 02-18-2009 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by inBOIL (Post 2596828)
Some of the things I've posted are things I wouldn't like to share with people IRL. Worlds cannot be allowed to collide.
If I were to become more open with them, I might make a few referrals, but I'd always be worried about some old forgotten post coming back to haunt me.

I can say what's on my mind, ask questions that I wouldn't want to ask IRL, and generally be able to keep things to myself that other people don't need to know.

dc_dux 02-18-2009 04:32 AM

IMO, if you want to attract more people to TFP who will be substantive contributors, promote the social interaction, not the porn that probably brings most new visitors here:
dump the Erogenous Zone...where there are more threads yet probably less discussion than other sections combined (24,000+ in the titty board alone), with comments (discussion?) generally appearing to be limited to "nice tits" or "I would do her"

give visitors greater access than the 3-4 posts they can presently read before being locked out.
Perhaps its time for TFP to decide what it wants to be.

What value does the titty board (erogenous zone) bring to TFP other than raw numbers of threads/posts? Does it contribute at all to substantive discussions or just lurkers with one liners?

If you want to be a titty board, thats fine. IMO, it reflects on the maturity of the site as a whole and is the primary reason why I dont bring new folks here, most of whom would probably be older than the TFP demographic and have seen enough tits in their life, but might enjoy the more stimulative discussions about sexuality, politics, the arts, etc.

fresnelly 02-18-2009 06:07 AM

My wife calls this place my "internet girlfriend" and doesn't give too much credence to online existence and I think most of my friends are the same way.

Also, I'm a bit selfish.

Charlatan 02-18-2009 06:22 AM

I don't have any friends.

genuinegirly 02-18-2009 07:21 AM

I also had one friend chased away by the hostile environment in Politics. He was an active, contributing member for over a year.



Originally Posted by PonyPotato (Post 2596790)
... he's a big presence on the board and sort of asked me to leave, I'm considering it...

Your presence is valued. You contribute to this community more than you realize. You are one of the few active women on this board.

Jozrael 02-18-2009 07:40 AM

I'm currently a lurker and I'd be sad to see you go as well.

Meditrina 02-18-2009 11:27 AM

I came to TFP to find my self, to be myself. I find that I cannot be myself with some of my friends IRL (I actually don't have many friends IRL to begin with). I don't know. I just wanted a space to call my own. TFP fits that space. :)

World's King 02-18-2009 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Charlatan (Post 2596890)
I don't have any friends.

I'll be your friend.

Lasereth 02-18-2009 11:49 AM

I occasionally share TFP with others but I am hesitant to do so because of the sexuality. I am actually somewhat afraid of even opening TFP at work because the word "sexuality" is displayed in the title bar. Where I live, TFP doesn't work. It just doesn't work. Also there are a lot of things on this site that I've said that would alienate most of the people I know (which is admittedly sad).

Glory's Sun 02-18-2009 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Lasereth (Post 2597003)
I occasionally share TFP with others but I am hesitant to do so because of the sexuality. I am actually somewhat afraid of even opening TFP at work because the word "sexuality" is displayed in the title bar. Where I live, TFP doesn't work. It just doesn't work. Also there are a lot of things on this site that I've said that would alienate most of the people I know (which is admittedly sad).

that's what we get for living in the buckle of the bible belt

Strange Famous 02-18-2009 12:10 PM

Ive never tried to check this site from work, Im pretty sure it would hit the "bad stuff" filter.

The two reasons I havent ever told anyone I know in the real world about this site is 1 - the porno, 2 - I wouldnt be so honest about myself in front of people I really know.

Plan9 02-18-2009 12:17 PM

I've recommended TFP to two relatively active members, but I have issues with recommending, say, college colleagues.


- Porn. Nobody wants to be recommended to a porn board regardless of the gnarliness of the other content. I've had the porn / exhibition poopoo deactivated on my account after sending $50 worth of beef jerky to the The_Jazz. Porn may generate a boatload of hits or whatever (not a web guru), but you're not getting any board content out of the fap horde. Exhibition is okay given my knowledge of the safeguards, but still a little leery because it features bewbs and wangz. Goes like this, "Hey, Bandersnatch... you should join this mondo site that I'm at called TeeEffPee. Hot convo and... uh... um... porn." Yeah, it's like citing Wikipedia in a college paper... you just flushed your credibility down the crapper.

- Personal post paranoia. I'm relatively anonymous here, but it wouldn't take a genius to find me if you read a few of my posts. This is a big deal considering the job field I'm entering where one's Facebook profile and a basic Google search are the first things that The Man does to ensure you're a good little robot.

- Not many of my friends are "readers." They prefer things like alcohol poisoning or chasing skirts. TFP is full of uber-brainiacs. And me, for some reason.


Originally Posted by PonyPotato (Post 2596790)
I don't want to be linked to him for eternity.

Is that a URL joke?

Anormalguy 02-18-2009 12:23 PM

I've made some very personal posts in the sexuality forum, & I'm not yet comfortable with sharing that information with my real world friends.

To a much lessor degree, I would be concerned about their reaction to the porn section.

ring 02-18-2009 12:24 PM

The porn.

inBOIL 02-18-2009 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by dc_dux (Post 2596869)
give visitors greater access than the 3-4 posts they can presently read before being locked out.

This is a good point. If this restriction had been in place when I found TFP, I never would have joined.

Plan9 02-18-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by inBOIL (Post 2597070)
This is a good point. If this restriction had been in place when I found TFP, I never would have joined.

I concur. I lurked for several days before I posted my hot-hot n00b drivel.

MSD 02-18-2009 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Crompsin (Post 2597036)
- Porn. Nobody wants to be recommended to a porn board regardless of the gnarliness of the other content.

On the contrary, I showed it to a few friends and several of them, including one couple, appreciated the porn.

TFP is full of uber-brainiacs. And me, for some reason.
We have reason to believe you're smarter than you think you are.

lostgirl 02-18-2009 02:16 PM

I choose other, because I have recommended this site to others. They just aren't into message boards.

Plan9 02-18-2009 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by MSD (Post 2597134)
On the contrary, I showed it to a few friends and several of them, including one couple, appreciated the porn.

Well, most my intellectual friends are female and it's been my experience that most women don't like porn a whole lot due to body image issues or... whatever.


The point: You can get porn anywhere on the Web. Hell, it finds you. I did a Google search for a specific gun part yesterday and got boob pictures in the first page. I didn't know that giant fake breasts were somehow directly related to AR-15 uppers.

And: Seeing that porn is everywhere and you practically trip over it to get to G-Mail, why does TFP have to have it?

Not that I've looked at it, but the exhibition stuff on TFP is cool by me. It's real people, right? Hell, I was even thinking about posting in there after I get my Brazilian done.

Generic pr0n? Lame. It's like opening a store that sells junk mail.

ASU2003 02-18-2009 03:37 PM

Maybe it should be setup where you have to request access to the porn section? There are a larg number of people that look at porn that you wouldn't expect to. Yet, if it and the exhiition boars were off-limits until they were here long enough to know about it, and wantd to ask for admission, it might make things a litle better.

Cynthetiq 02-18-2009 03:39 PM

It's been like that from time to time, we'd lock down access, we'd force participation on the community that exists within there.

forgot .... people had to EARN the access at one point in time, just like they have to earn access to some of the other forums here.

Glory's Sun 02-18-2009 03:53 PM

people still have to earn access to exhibition..

ASU2003 02-18-2009 04:07 PM

But do they automatically earn it after posting for a while, or do they actually have to request it?

Redjake 02-18-2009 04:10 PM

It's all about the porn. Pretty much the only reason I don't actively "recruit." That, and how 90% of the Internet would get banned here in 2 days because we have mods that do their job.

stevie667 02-18-2009 04:18 PM

This is 'my' board, i can be absoloutly myself without any preconceptions or knowledge. I don't mind internet friends coming to take a looksee, but someone who knows me in person will see more about myself that i would want them to see.

Plan9 02-18-2009 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Redjake (Post 2597196)
That, and how 90% of the Internet would get banned here in 2 days because we have mods that do their job.

TFP: Your brain must have _X_ wrinkles to enter.


Honestly, this is the most mature multi-topic board I've ever seen. It's like an exclusive martini lounge where everybody wears fedoras.

Lucifer 02-18-2009 04:45 PM

I have shared in the past with people, most joined, posted a few times and then quietly went away. I had an ex join, who then after she'd dumped me, took the opportunity to slag me off in the forums and finally left after slandering most of the male members for being misogynists.

After that experience, I'm not in much of a hurry to share my space again.

Grasshopper Green 02-18-2009 05:45 PM

I've shared it with 2 people and neither stuck around very long. My sharing days are done.

Baraka_Guru 02-18-2009 05:54 PM

If it weren't for sharing, I wouldn't be here.

* * * * *

But I don't like sharing because of the porn.

And, depending on the person, it's my personal space.

I'm black sheep enough in my family without their reading what I post here.

bazkitcase5 02-18-2009 07:46 PM

I'm in the group with the personal space, even though I have not shared that much yet - I might in the future and I do not need to bother with combining the 2 worlds

World's King 02-18-2009 07:50 PM

I mainly hang out with winos, pimps, and whores...

Most of which don't have a computer or can't afford to have the internet.

And don't know what either the internet or a computer is.

sapiens 02-18-2009 09:47 PM

I don't share because of the pornography.

Plus, it is my space to say what I want to say (not that I post all that much).

little_tippler 02-19-2009 02:07 AM

I have shared it with a few people, who I thought might be interested but they never stuck around. I don't feel there's anything I need to hide. I talk to friends about porn. No biggie.

@ PonyPotato - this is as much your space as it is his, and we have told you so before. Don't go ok? :icare:

freeload 02-19-2009 10:13 AM

Most of my friends are either from work or from the church. The porn plus my writings in sexuality would reveal a litte bit to much of "me" - this is "my" space, and for most of my friends I intend to keep it that way.

n0nsensical 02-19-2009 10:47 PM

I have shared it with about all of the people I'd think would be interested, I don't have that many close friends.

I mean, who doesn't look at porn, anyway? The stuff here is really tame compared to what you can find in the depths of the internet too. :P

Plan9 02-19-2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by n0nsensical (Post 2597813)
I mean, who doesn't look at porn, anyway?

HAHAHAHAHA. Hah. Ha. *sigh*

Xerxys 02-19-2009 11:32 PM

Gosh, I'm getting a lot of porn bashing!!! The main reason I joined was because of the porn!!! OK, that was a lie, I was reading this thread, but honestly, I have showed this place to some folk IN REGARDS to the porn.

It's the personal stuff I'm afraid of. TFP knows me better than everyone else except my mom!!!

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