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Bear Cub 12-03-2008 07:01 PM

Good news!
Biopsy results are in, and no melanomas for me! All 4 came back perfectly normal, so I have avoided my second bout with cancer for the time being.

So far in the past week, I have:

-Reclaimed the girl I'm madly in love with
-Arranged to have a house mate when I move to New Orleans (see point #1)
-Gotten a raise
-Found a mutual friend to bring to the holiday x-mas party so I can talk to someone under 40
-Paid $3 for a $43 surge protector
-Been told I will probably get a bonus at work in January
-Avoided cancer
-Gotten the go ahead for my new tattoo (see previous point)

The only bad things this week are that my old car insurance company is adamant on billing me for a policy I no longer have, and my flights back in from Thanksgiving sucked (had to say goodbye to E for another couple months, and the flights were horribly delayed and covered in vomit).

Bear Cub - 8, Life - 2. Ka-chow!

Wish they were all like this! (knock on wood)

Oh, and a special thanks to JStrider for picking me up from the airport hella-late on Sunday evening/Monday morning. Had I known delays would be like that, I would have just taken a cab!

ngdawg 12-03-2008 07:07 PM

Gotta love the good weeks. :thumbsup:

Bear Cub 12-03-2008 07:09 PM

Tell me about it! Nothing like some good luck to completely deter me from the crappiness of life's grand scheme!

Vigilante 12-03-2008 07:22 PM

Nice Avatar http://www.arsrclan.com/images/smiles/crackup.gif

May I ask, WTF are you moving to NO? lol

Bear Cub 12-03-2008 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by luciferase75 (Post 2568259)
Nice Avatar http://www.arsrclan.com/images/smiles/crackup.gif

May I ask, WTF are you moving to NO? lol

I'll be moving there (or more likely living in Kenner and working in NO) for work. New power plant going up right on the levy, so I'll be there for 2 1/2 - 3 years.

Vigilante 12-03-2008 07:48 PM

Ah I see. Have fun, I imagine there will be plenty of good fishing to be had over there :D

BadNick 12-03-2008 07:53 PM

Damn, you're on a streak! Best wishes for continued good luck. I kinda wish you were close enough so I could rub your head and maybe pick up on some of that good luck...could always use a little more of that.

Bear Cub 12-03-2008 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by BadNick (Post 2568270)
Damn, you're on a streak! Best wishes for continued good luck. I kinda wish you were close enough so I could rub your head and maybe pick up on some of that good luck...could always use a little more of that.

You're a few days late! I was in Williamsport last week, and drove through Eastern PA in route to CT!

timalkin 12-03-2008 08:17 PM


Church 12-03-2008 08:23 PM

I'm not sure if you meant to, but I noticed that you put "avoided cancer" pretty low on your list. Its nice to see that because it means that you're not letting it completely control your life. You've put some great points ahead of it, which is probably whats helping you fight it off so well. Its amazing how far a positive attitude can take you. Congratulations! :)

JStrider 12-03-2008 08:28 PM

Good news indeed!

no worries on the flight being late... you'll just have to put GG and I up when we come see New Orleans :p

SabrinaFair 12-03-2008 08:45 PM

Woo, you're kickin' life's ass, darlin'!

I love getting good news, even if it's not mine. :-)

Bear Cub 12-04-2008 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by Church (Post 2568287)
I'm not sure if you meant to, but I noticed that you put "avoided cancer" pretty low on your list. Its nice to see that because it means that you're not letting it completely control your life. You've put some great points ahead of it, which is probably whats helping you fight it off so well. Its amazing how far a positive attitude can take you. Congratulations! :)

Had thyroid cancer already, beat it, had a father and a sister also beat it, I shrug it off. I've had so many medical issues, I wouldn't get anything done if I even thought twice about them. Honestly, the only reason I "worry" about it is because of the inconvenience of scheduling doctors appointments, radiation, etc. Have a pretty select group of surgeons and endo's to take care of me with all that stuff, so I'll kick its ass anytime it rears its head at me.

JStrider: You got it! The places I'm looking at are still one bedroom, but quite a bit bigger than what I have now, fireplace and all. And they're a lot safer than being right in the city.

Sabrina: Thank you for the well wishes! Plenty of good luck this week to go around!

snowy 12-04-2008 10:29 AM

I'm really glad to hear things are looking up for you! I hope the trend continues.

skizziks 12-04-2008 01:51 PM

Its always good to hear good news. Ride the wave man, ride it for as long as you can!

Bear Cub 12-04-2008 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by skizziks (Post 2568619)
Its always good to hear good news. Ride the wave man, ride it for as long as you can!

I'm going to ride it until I crash to shore and split my head open on a piece of coral the size of an elephant.

Vigilante 12-04-2008 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bear Cub (Post 2568681)
I'm going to ride it until I crash to shore and split my head open on a piece of coral the size of an elephant.

Or that chunk of wood on mars?

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