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Cynthetiq 09-25-2008 06:26 PM

How often do you speak to your parents?
How often do you speak to your parents?

once a week? once a month? every day? many times a day? less frequently?

I don't talk to my parents very often at all. I'm lucky if I talk to them once a week, sometimes it's every few weeks.

LoganSnake 09-25-2008 06:27 PM

I live with them. Many times a day.

Jozrael 09-25-2008 06:29 PM

Once a weekish. I live with my grandparents. When I'm off at school it'll probably be closer to once a month. Since my grandparents are in the role of guardian for the time being, that'll probably be about once a week while I'm at school. If I'm really on top of things, maybe a couple times a week.

Halx 09-25-2008 06:30 PM

I'd say a couple times a month. My parents and I have a good relationship, so I keep them involved in my life from across the country.

thespian86 09-25-2008 06:31 PM

Sometimes more then once a week. Mostly once a week.

Baraka_Guru 09-25-2008 06:32 PM

On average, I speak to them every few months. Maybe once every 2 to 4 months.

Charlatan 09-25-2008 06:38 PM

I speak to my Mom pretty much once a week or once every other week. Living on the other side of the world from her, she likes to stay in touch and get updates on her grandchildren. Skype and email make this a relatively painless thing to do.

Willravel 09-25-2008 06:48 PM

I speak to them several times a week each. They're both nuts.

Grasshopper Green 09-25-2008 06:48 PM

I can't answer the poll because it's different for both parents. I speak to my Dad about once a week, but I only speak with my mom every couple of months or so.

Redjake 09-25-2008 06:57 PM

Once every 2 - 3 months usually.

Bacchanal 09-25-2008 07:03 PM

I picked every day, but that isn't really correct. I talk to my mom about 3-4 times a week, about nothing mostly, and usually go over on the weekends. I talk to my dad when he answers the phone, but he and I pretty much have our discussions through my mom.

Grancey 09-25-2008 07:35 PM

Physically? Not at all. They are both dead. My father died when I was 22, and my mother died just a few years ago. How often do I speak to them in my head? Quite often. I just wish they could answer the questions.

Vigilante 09-25-2008 07:37 PM

I talk to my mom a few times a week, but sometimes I skip a week so I put once a week.

These are my in-laws though, which I refer to as my parents because I actually lived with them in high school, with my girlfriend who is now my wife (different rooms/beds). I haven't spoken to my biological father in about 8 years, and I only recently started talking to my birth mother. Funny this comes up because I just saw my biological father a couple of days ago when I was driving by the old house out of curiosity. I saw him and he saw me, and I kept on driving as he stared. Satisfying day indeed :)

As far as anyone is concerned, my in-laws are my parents. So I speak to them on average once a week :)

ryfo 09-25-2008 07:46 PM

My parents , once a week, by phone they live too far away to visit often. Mother in law almost never, dont seem to have made any connection there on any level. Too different I guess. (BTW SO doesnt talk to her either)

skizziks 09-25-2008 08:18 PM

Never, they're both dead.

Makedde 09-25-2008 08:44 PM

I speak to my parents a few times a week. My mum usually calls me up for a chat. She keeps telling me that I should be the one to call her, lol.

lostgirl 09-25-2008 08:53 PM

It used to be once a week.

Lately it has been more like once a month.

ItWasMe 09-25-2008 09:28 PM

I speak to them daily. They live 2 blocks away and babysit my youngest on the days we both work the same hours.

telekinetic 09-25-2008 09:51 PM

A few times a week. They only live 10 miles from me.

Fotzlid 09-25-2008 10:06 PM

I stop by their house about once a month on average. We communicate more by e-mail than actually face time. With the odd schedule/hours I keep at work, its just easier to send e-mails than call or stop by.

abaya 09-26-2008 12:56 AM

I've been living thousands of miles away from my parents for about 5 years now, but in all that time I have always made sure to call my dad (stepdad) at least once a week and to e-mail my mom every 2-3 days--and we have a long chat session about once a week.

My dad would love to talk with me more often, but it's hard because he never calls me (he doesn't know how to use Skype or phone cards to call internationally)... that can get frustrating after being away for so long. And my mom just freaks out and has panic attacks if she doesn't hear from me for 3 days in a row. I used to have to call her every day in college to let her know that I was okay, and then when I first moved in Iceland (in 2001), I had to e-mail her every day. So I should consider myself lucky that now it's only e-mail every few days, as I approach turning 30 (yeah, seriously). I like contacting my dad. I resent having to contact my mom as much as I do, because I don't like feeling obligated to do anything, and she has always made me feel obligated about everything in our relationship. It's a sore point that I have just learned to accept instead of fight against it.

And here in Iceland, I also have an aunt and uncle who are like parents to me, but I only contact them every couple of weeks, usually by e-mail. If they were my real parents, I would definitely see them more often... but they're not. I spend enough time dealing with my own parents overseas... I don't like having additional extended family obligations here in Iceland, on top of that.

ShaniFaye 09-26-2008 02:00 AM

I actually speak to my mama 3-4 times a week on average, sometimes more often, but we email back and forth several times a day every day, so I communicate with her daily. I talk to my daddy whenever he answers the phone when I call my mom, which is not uncommon but its not usually anything more than "how are you doing, how is Dave"

highthief 09-26-2008 02:24 AM

My situation is not reflected in the poll - I talk to my Mum 2 or 3 times a week. My Dad passed away years ago, so we don't chat a lot.

jewels 09-26-2008 02:30 AM

It used to be more often, but I have difficulty listening to the complaining all the time. I've tried to boost them, talking about the girls and the good things in my life, but they've become self-absorbed.

Bad me. They're so depressing that I dread making the call. :sad:

PonyPotato 09-26-2008 03:14 AM

I'm with most everyone else (something there isn't a poll option for) - a few times a week. I talk to my father on the phone maybe once a week or every couple weeks, but talk to my mom 3-5 times a week. Sometimes every day if something big is going on (a visit, for example).

Ayashe 09-26-2008 03:54 AM

Maybe once a week typically. Lately though, with my health concerns my Mom tends to call me a few times a week.

Nisses 09-26-2008 05:57 AM

2-3 times a week.

I try to stop by on wednesday after work, and try to have lunch with them on saturday.
Then maybe the odd phonecall somewhere during the week.

MSD 09-26-2008 06:57 AM

Live with mom, dad died 6 years ago.

uncle phil 09-26-2008 11:44 AM

i talk/visit with my mother three or four times a week when we're up here, as she lives right across the street; dad died over 18 years ago so the frequency is nonexistent...

when we're in florida, i try to call her maybe once a month...

CinnamonGirl 09-26-2008 12:51 PM

I live with my mom & stepdad again, so every day. I talk to my dad only a few times a year, though.

When I lived in Georgia, I talked to my mom about twice a week. When I lived in Portugal, we talked on messenger almost every day.

Meditrina 09-26-2008 02:26 PM

I speak to my parents once a week. They always call me. It used to be the same day every week, but they started realizing that life cannot be set to a clock anymore. But it is still once a week. More if something happens. I used to be upset that they called every week, many times I had nothing to say. But since my dad got sick, I am not so upset anymore and we are finding other things to talk about as I get older - or maybe I should say as I mature.

World's King 09-26-2008 02:29 PM

My family is phone obsessed.

She calls everyday. I don't mind much. She is paying my rent while I'm unemployed.

grumpyolddude 09-26-2008 07:39 PM

I have dinner with mom at least once a week. She's 93 and I'm a change of pace from my sisters, who, admittedly, spend a lot more time with her, and attend to her daily needs much better than I could. They have to take care of business. I get to come over and just relax, and have fun chatting or watching some sports.

Bear Cub 09-26-2008 07:58 PM

Usually once a week or every other week. Been more frequently as of late though because of the hurricane situation and some stuff that's been happening at work.

snowy 09-26-2008 07:58 PM

I talk to my mom almost every day if our schedules allow it. Less when I'm busy, less when she's busy. I talk to my dad a couple times a week via email and once a week on the phone. When I was still taking classes, I'd call my mom any time I was walking somewhere on campus.

Given that they're my landlord, I have to talk to them on a regular basis. But they're also my friends, so I definitely talk to them more than that.

ironpham 09-26-2008 10:06 PM

Unfortunately, I have to talk to them once a weekish. It's not that I hate them or don't get along with them. It's just that my mom doesn't really understand much of anything about America despite living here for about 30 or 40 years. Therefore, I couldn't possibly understand it either. On top of that, my dad is extremely irrational. It almost seems like he doesn't use logic behind anything he does or tells me to do. So, talking to them on the phone is extremely frustrating.

greytone 09-28-2008 05:18 PM

It would be interesting to see the poll results adjusted to the age of the responder. When I was away in undergrad I would talk to them once a week at the same time. Long distance was more than and they always called me back after refusing my collect call. When I was in grad school and post grad I talked to them less regularly but maybe a little more often. Now in my forties I talk to them almost daily (when we are both in town). There is usually some bit of info that needs to be shared and cell phones obviously change how we interact. I usually try to make a call on the way home. My brief commute tends to lend a natural way to limit the conversation.

nomcat 09-28-2008 08:49 PM

About twice a month... I live on the other side of the world. My mom annoys me with her constant negetivity, but my dad is the coolest person I know!

Patient Kain 09-29-2008 10:46 AM

I'm at school, but talk about everyday with them. Not as often when I'm visiting my dearest or out and about, then it's only when something happens from either side. I suppose it will be less frequent when I move, hopefully this summer.

Eweser 09-29-2008 11:01 AM

I usually talk with my parents 3-5 times a week. It depends on what's going on. When I was raising sheep with my dad, I usually saw him and my step-mom every day. My mom will sometimes talk to me every day of the week on messenger, and sometimes it's just once or twice. We used to not get along when I was growing up. Instant messenger and my going to college close to where she lived brought us closer. She tends to be negative though, so I never know how pleasant (or unpleasant) our chats will be. I usually visit her every 2-3 weeks.

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