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UKking 09-12-2008 06:39 AM

'Capitalist' student auctions off virginity

'Capitalist' student auctions off virginity

****Her picture is at the above link****

A 22-year-old woman who is planning to auction off her virginity in order to pay for her college tuition says she has no ethical hang-ups about the plan.

The woman, using the pseudonym Natalie Dylan, will auction herself through the website of the enormous Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in the US state of Nevada.

"We live in a capitalist society ... why shouldn't I be allowed to capitalise on my virginity?" Ms Dylan was quoted as saying in the New York Daily News.

"I understand some people will condemn me ... but I think this is empowering. I'm using what I have to better myself.

The pretty brunette has already finished her undergraduate degree in women's studies at Sacramento State University and plans to start a master's degree.

Speaking on shock jock Howard Stern's New York radio show, Ms Dylan said she got the idea from a Peruvian woman who auctioned her virginity and received a $1.5 million bid.

The Peruvian woman did not go through with the plan.

Ms Dylan told Stern she would submit to a gynecological examination and lie detector test to prove she was really a virgin.

But she said she was not willing to let just any guy win the auction — price and personality would both come into the equation.

Stern denied initial reports that he was behind the auction, saying he only wanted to interview the girl about why she would do such a thing.

The Moonlite Bunny Ranch is a massive brothel, staffed by as many as 500 prostitutes, that calls itself "the de-virginising capital of America".
Based on that excerpt alone, I think this chick is awesome. She can boast the credibility of a higher education, which tends to resist the advances of batshit-crazy people(usually), so I'm gonna assume she's rational in the common sense. Now, on the assumption of sanity, she's taking all the social mores and dogma and peer pressures, and is kicking it straight in the nuts. She doesn't care, other peoples values regarding sex do not concern her. She's doing it HER way, on her terms, apparently by her own decision. She thought it out, she heard what others had to say, and is deciding to go through with it(...so far).

This is a monument to self-expression and free-thinking, AND it's 100% harmless. Mad respect.
And what if it pays her way to a doctorate, or something like that? Not something sneeze at. Not at all.
I mean, really, bring that into contrast. What's more important? Keeping true to our hypocritically puritanical values on sex that we were taught while growing up, or the doors opened by the schooling she might not have previously been able to afford?

....Of course, I could go and learn some dirty little detail that undermines the entire thing somehow, but so far it's core concept I think this is super novel.

PonyPotato 09-12-2008 06:49 AM

"Price and personality would both come into the equation."

Maybe I'm stupid, but I don't think she's going to find a very wholesome man bidding on her virginity. Maybe someone she can stand, sure, but I think that she might need to think that one through a little more.

Poppinjay 09-12-2008 07:02 AM

I'm surprised the ranch is that big, I had no idea. But that kind of brings up a point, from the HBO series on the ranch, the women there get paid around $1500 a session and porn stars get more if they're doing a guest appearance. Why would somebody offer any useful amount towards her tuition when they have 500 other girls who are actually good at sex?

stevie667 09-12-2008 07:50 AM

She went to uni with that rack and didn't get laid?

Something is wrong in just that, let alone the whole auction thang.

Baraka_Guru 09-12-2008 08:00 AM

"Will fuck for an education."

I guess this is capitalistic. But it also reinforces the patriarchal idea that women should just get what they want through sexual relationships with men.


But remember, this isn't about ethics. It's about education and "self-empowerment."

Her logic about empowerment doesn't work. Doing anything just to "better oneself" isn't automatically empowering. But I guess wanton capitalists would have a different idea about empowerment than I do.

Daval 09-12-2008 08:06 AM

I heard her on Howard Stern. I highly doubt she is a virgin. She was talking about how she has done everything else.

roachboy 09-12-2008 08:14 AM

komar & melamid sold their souls at auction 30 years ago.
nothing about this is new or interesting as an action.

and nothing about it is particularly capitalist, either. people have been selling themselves forever.
there's no separation of ownership from production, no standardization of production, no wage labor.

so it's really just an action like a thousand others except she got on howard stern which just goes to show you it's not what you do but the publicity you attract.

that said, more power to her.
i hope she has fun, chumps whomever i suspect this is about chumping, pulls off the action that i suspect is behind this and makes a bundle in the process.

why not?

Bear Cub 09-12-2008 08:29 AM

I never knew prostitutes went to college. You learn something new every day.

And if she's a virgin, so is Ron Jeremy.

Merlocke 09-12-2008 08:47 AM

sheer genius in marketing. Selling something that's already "gone" :).
Just like Jackie Chan - making "new" movies in North America that have been released in China like 2 years ago, but with a different uh... twist.

The Faba 09-12-2008 08:57 AM

Yes, but can she run really fast in high heels?

Baraka_Guru 09-12-2008 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by roachboy (Post 2522970)
why not?

When all is said and done, why not indeed.

A buck's a buck.

I need to find out more ways to monetize "what I have."

LoganSnake 09-12-2008 09:22 AM

Why does this make news? Happens couple of time a year and it's always a sensation. It's her body.

Willravel 09-12-2008 09:22 AM

Bear's right. I know what virgins look like and I don't believe that she's a virgin. I think the other man-whores on TFP will back me up on this one. It's not a certainty or anything, but I'm pretty sure.

Wouldn't it be interesting if she ended up marrying the winner?

Wouldn't it be more interesting if it were a woman?

LoganSnake 09-12-2008 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2522997)
Bear's right. I know what virgins look like and I don't believe that she's a virgin.


jewels 09-12-2008 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2522997)
Bear's right. I know what virgins look like and I don't believe that she's a virgin. I think the other man-whores on TFP will back me up on this one. It's not a certainty or anything, but I'm pretty sure.

What's up with you lately, Will?

Is it the big boobs that give it away? :confused:

canuckguy 09-12-2008 10:02 AM

First off she is not overly special IMO, but again like some above I doubt she is a virgin. Frankly who cares if she is or is not a virgin, any guy who *craves* or seeks out virgins kind of creeps me out a bit.

Too me a virgin is not an unbroken hymen, it is defined as no sexual experience. You can have a girl who has sex with her boyfriend once in his pick up truck and she is no longer a virgin, but you can also have a girl who had taken on the entire school via anal and oral but no vag and she is a virgin? don't think so.

My first thought is more power to her, I hope she gets a huge bid and gets the educations she desires. I also hope the winner is hung like a horse and rips her to hell. Sorry jaded part of me coming out...

I think that again this shows that women can use sex or the promise of sex to try and get anything they want. And yes I am aware it takes two to tango, and that men can do the same thing but not on this scale.

I hope they film it though.

PonyPotato 09-12-2008 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by LoganSnake (Post 2523000)


So, Will, care to explain to the rest of us what a virgin looks like?

Baraka_Guru 09-12-2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by canuckguy (Post 2523015)
First off she is not overly special IMO, but again like some above I doubt she is a virgin. Frankly who cares if she is or is not a virgin, any guy who *craves* or seeks out virgins kind of creeps me out a bit.

Too me a virgin is not an unbroken hymen, it is defined as no sexual experience.

It's not about the hymen or the sexual experience; it's about sexual territorialism, the "I plowed her first." She knows what she's selling. You can't sell a slut for as much as you can sell a virgin.

Cynosure 09-12-2008 10:06 AM

Meh. Virgins have always been way overrated. And now one's to become way overpriced.

canuckguy 09-12-2008 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru (Post 2523018)
It's not about the hymen or the sexual experience; it's about sexual territorialism, the "I plowed her first." She knows what she's selling. You can't sell a slut for as much as you can sell a virgin.

True, but any dude worth his salt knows that a slut can usually make your toes curl but a virgin takes some teaching and training...both can be fun i guess!

roachboy 09-12-2008 10:07 AM

like olive oil.

canuckguy 09-12-2008 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by merleniau (Post 2523016)

So, Will, care to explain to the rest of us what a virgin looks like?

Sorry not to answer for Will, but i am guessing he means that she is dressed kind of shall I say slutty to be considered a virgin.
-----Added 12/9/2008 at 02 : 09 : 37-----

Originally Posted by roachboy (Post 2523022)
like olive oil.

LOL oh yes.

jewels 09-12-2008 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by canuckguy (Post 2523024)
i am guessing he means that she is dressed kind of shall I say slutty to be considered a virgin.
-----Added 12/9/2008 at 02 : 09 : 37-----
LOL oh yes.

That's slutty?

Even if you think so, isn't she doing some PR, trying to sell something? She's looking for tuition, right?

Xazy 09-12-2008 10:18 AM

According to Bill Clinton she did not have sex yet!

LoganSnake 09-12-2008 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by canuckguy (Post 2523024)
Sorry not to answer for Will, but i am guessing he means that she is dressed kind of shall I say slutty to be considered a virgin.

So it's written somewhere that virgins can't wear sexy clothing?

Baraka_Guru 09-12-2008 10:34 AM

She's clearly trying not to be a virgin anymore. And to make money doing it.

Let's keep on track here, people....

levite 09-12-2008 10:41 AM

See, this is something I have never understood. Sure, she's plenty hot, and ordinarily, I would totally say I would tag her. But I don't get the appeal of squabbling over the dubious privilege of having sex with someone who doesn't know what they're doing, and probably won't enjoy it much anyhow.

I didn't even want a virgin when I was one. Why would I want one now?

I want someone who's had plenty of sex, so she knows what she likes, knows what to do, and doesn't have any issues getting where she needs to go. I need someone who's...experienced. Skilled. "Slutty," if you will....

Baraka_Guru 09-12-2008 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by levite (Post 2523062)
See, this is something I have never understood. Sure, she's plenty hot, and ordinarily, I would totally say I would tag her. But I don't get the appeal of squabbling over the dubious privilege of having sex with someone who doesn't know what they're doing, and probably won't enjoy it much anyhow.

Okay, to recap and expound....
  1. To have a virgin is a sexual fetish of men who get off on sexual territorialism.
  2. Men of wealth and power like the idea behind paying for sex for two reasons in this case: 1) to display and exercise wealth and power, and 2) to attain celebrity status, or to garner attention in general.
  3. If she's hot, it only adds to the desire for certain men to "deflower" her.
  4. We worship youth as a culture, especially hot female youth. Many men desire and lust after this.
  5. This is also about marketing. The package makes sense: virgins aren't easy to buy (supply & demand), there is celebrity status, and you get legal sex with a hot chick.

I cannot make this any clearer.

Willravel 09-12-2008 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by jewels (Post 2523005)
Is it the big boobs that give it away? :confused:

It's her behavior, not her appearance.

canuckguy 09-12-2008 11:04 AM

i have nothing good to say without being a jackass so delete.

UKking 09-12-2008 11:48 AM

Capitalism does not have morals. Capitalism's ideal is to maximize profits. Losing your virginity is a moral question and this woman's plan to auction her virginity brings this situation to full light.

Most of our modern world views capitalism as the end-all-be-all of economic systems, but this woman has now shown us what happens when we base our life decisions on this system. This is but one flaw in capitalism, but one that is incredibly important.

I don't think her actions are to be celebrated as a step forward for breaking through conservative societal values regarding sex. Rather, I think she is showing us how capitalism, as a system of economy has evolved to dictate how human beings will interact with each other.

I think this is a scary prediction of what is to come.

lotsofmagnets 09-12-2008 01:55 PM

$25. final offer.

uncle phil 09-12-2008 03:21 PM

i did not have sexual contact with that woman...

CinnamonGirl 09-12-2008 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Poppinjay (Post 2522929)
I'm surprised the ranch is that big, I had no idea. But that kind of brings up a point, from the HBO series on the ranch, the women there get paid around $1500 a session and porn stars get more if they're doing a guest appearance. Why would somebody offer any useful amount towards her tuition when they have 500 other girls who are actually good at sex?

That's actually what I was thinking... but I guess it's a power thing. Getting to teach her the way you like it. But that only makes sense to me if you're DATING the girl, not just taking her for a roll in the hay.

*shrug* If she really doesn't care about social norms and sexual hang-ups, why not just go to school in Nevada, and work as a prostitute?

ASU2003 09-12-2008 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl (Post 2523205)
*shrug* If she really doesn't care about social norms and sexual hang-ups, why not just go to school in Nevada, and work as a prostitute?

I'm wondering what she will do after this as well... Is this a one time thing? It would be more interesting if she was offering marriage along with it. I'm wondering if she is just looking for a big payday to start her career at The Ranch?

Even though I would want my first time to be with a virgin, there is no way it would be worth the 1 million she is looking to get. It's only $1000 for any other girl there, $300 elsewhere, and most of the time it is free.

Ayashe 09-12-2008 06:01 PM

I find the "she isn't a virgin" comments rather humorous. I imagine for one she tried to put on a more sexually appealing outfit for her sales pitch, so dress hardly has anything to do with it. Also, as far as her not being virgin-like, maybe she is tired of being a virgin and wants it done and over with? Pay off the debt while she is at it? Maybe this is a personal fantasy of hers to be sold?

I couldn't do it personally, but hell if she makes a buck and has fun more power to her. We may be laughing now, but she may be laughing herself all the way to the bank in the end. More power to her.

jorgelito 09-13-2008 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by lotsofmagnets (Post 2523168)
$25. final offer.

I submit a bid of $20. She not attractive enough to warrant more.

dlish 09-13-2008 02:16 AM

i wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole

inBOIL 09-13-2008 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by CinnamonGirl (Post 2523205)
*shrug* If she really doesn't care about social norms and sexual hang-ups, why not just go to school in Nevada, and work as a prostitute?

Why work long-term when you can make just as much for a few hours' work?

Manic_Skafe 09-13-2008 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by dlish (Post 2523435)
i wouldnt touch it with a 10 foot pole

Now now, there's no reason to drag my penis into the discussion.

But seriously if that is what you guys call slutty then this forum has become much more prudish than I could've ever imagined. She has breasts and is showing a bit of her bra - I've met women in nightclubs who were wearing much less...

Edit: If this is all about the money to further her education then why is she only offering up her virginity to men? Lesbianism surely could be out of the question after all of this.

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