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Ballzor 04-11-2007 05:24 PM

What would you do if you were present during a "Sharking"? (NSFW)
If you dont know what Sharking is, here's a link,

http://www.muchosucko.com/show/ninja_sharks-26859, but basically its when a guy will run up on a girl in public and pull down her top/skirt and run off. But what would you do if you saw this happen infront of you? Enjoy the free show or chase them down and beat them to within an inch of their life?

Personally I choose both. (a joke)

Willravel 04-11-2007 05:27 PM

I'd probably chase the guy down. Assault is assault. Sexual assault is sexual assault.

Ourcrazymodern? 04-11-2007 05:56 PM

Aw, man. I never heard of "sharking" until just now. Incredible dumbass behavior to have acquired its own word! I'd just call the cops.

The_Jazz 04-11-2007 05:58 PM

It depends on the situation I guess, just like anything. I'd like to say that I'd agree with will, but if I'm sitting in a restaurant with a client and it happens across a busy street, I doubt I'd do much. If I was standing right next to someone and it happend, I'd like to think that I would.

Siege 04-11-2007 06:11 PM

Well, in this example, am I carrying my trusty shit knife?

on a slightly more serious note. I don't know what i'd do. I'd love to believe i'd do something, but it's something that has never crossed my mind. So i'd probably just be wondering what the hell just happened.

Ballzor 04-11-2007 06:12 PM

I don't leave home without mine.

Jetée 04-11-2007 06:24 PM

Mine doesn't help much outside of bone-chilling winter. And don't even ask about the hassle it is getting it out of my pocket. Nasty.

But, back to the topic at hand, I would most definitely run the guy down, yet not choose to exact the retribution that is justly deserved. That part would be most suited for the affected party in the matter, i.e., the embarrassed woman. Let the innocent woman who was undeservedly molested by some stranger decide what she would like to see happen to him; and if that means that I step in to aid her, so be it. As long as the perverted perpetrators get their just desserts. I like to optimistically believe that the world is not the one we all are jaded to where we allow genocides to happen in one country while guys running up to young women and trying to tear off their clothes is happening in another. In my book, chivalry is not dead, but is due for a revival.

Vincentt 04-11-2007 07:51 PM

I would probably try to chase the guy down.

Although now that I have seen this video, I would look for the camera man...
Get that camera and you've got proof to put the two guys away for a long time.

ryborg 04-11-2007 08:17 PM

I can't honestly say I would chase the violator down. I would probably be so shocked by the level of asshole required to do something so mean that I would be temporarily incapable of doing anything.

Silvy 04-11-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Vincentt
I would probably try to chase the guy down.

Although now that I have seen this video, I would look for the camera man...
Get that camera and you've got proof to put the two guys away for a long time.

Those are somewhat my thoughts. Though I'm not sure that I would resist the temptation to beat him to an inch of his life, find out who the real perpetrator is, then go and find him. And by beating him to an inch of his life, I might just miss by 2 inches.

IMO the most just reaction would be to go for the cameraman, and present him to the girl in question, like Jetstream said. Whatever then happens all options are still open. But I certainly like to see them get what they deserve... And a slap-on-the-wrist by some court is generally not sufficient.

btw, anyone see the show Dexter? Not quite in the same league as this, but the thought process is the same.

Lasereth 04-12-2007 03:23 AM

If anyone chased these guys down and beat them up you'd be more fucked in court than they would. I like all the people saying they'd take the cameraman out for evidence with the tape. You can't just walk up to someone who was doing something wrong and expect them to accept your justice. The cameraman would resist, the runner would resist, and then you find yourself fighting with two strangers that are fucked up enough to shark a woman. Who knows what else they'd do.

If it happened in front of me, I'd get angry at the guy that did it and then possibly ask if the woman is alright and if she wants to call the cops.

Dilbert1234567 04-12-2007 07:30 AM

snap some pictures of the guys, chase after, hopefully they are dumb enough to threaten me then after a royal ass whooping (mine), I'd file assault charges against them.

guthmund 04-12-2007 07:44 AM

There you go, Las. :thumbsup:

Give her a hand and move it along. Do what you can to help if she decides to call the cops.

Even if they are knuckle-dragging, mouth breathers, it isn't my place to judge and deal out punishment. Show some compassion, help her out and then hope that Karma gets them later.

Val_1 04-12-2007 10:06 AM

Personally, I think we should be allowed to chase the guy down. Unfortunately vigilantes are usually punished greater than the perps are. Grant it, I only endorse vigilantism if the guy is caught red handed. Even 1 cases of mistaken identity isn't worth it.

And I don't think anything greater than a jab or two at the creep would be called for. Embarrassment is bad, but it's not really worth debilitating someone over. There's far greater crimes out there.

Jinn 04-12-2007 11:13 AM


Give her a hand and move it along. Do what you can to help if she decides to call the cops.
Amen. If every arrogant asshole decided it was HIS job to protect women and prosecute others with their fists, civil society wouldn't exist. Police exist for a reason; vigilante justice has never and will never be effective.

You help her up, and you ask her what she'd like you to do. If it's call the cops, than you can call the cops. If it's "leave me the hell alone," you can do the same. It's not your job to pummel any guy who hurts the poor little women.

uncle phil 04-12-2007 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Ballzor
Enjoy the free show or chase them down and beat them to within an inch of their life?

how old are you?

Ballzor 04-12-2007 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by uncle phil
how old are you?

a joke, of sorts, but still a serious question. People have a good point that you would be punished worse if tried to exact your own punishment, and it's not like most guys dont stare at tits all day anyways. I would go so far as to say there may not be a guy here that could keep themselves from just instinctively staring, even if they catch themself quickly afterwards.

I'm also very sick in the head and enjoy tasteless humor, but I know I'm not the only one.

MSD 04-12-2007 05:36 PM

CT law allows use of deadly force to prevent or halt sexual assault (severe bodily harm.) If he didn't run within a second of touching her, I'm in the mindset of "beat to a pulp first, ask questions later," since one of my friends was sexually assaulted this afternoon.

Before anyone asks how my friend is doing, I don't really know. She filed a report with the campus police, went home, and won't talk to anyone about it. All I know from the report is that he "grabbed her and tried to kiss her." If I had to guess, I'd say she's not doing particularly well.

Ballzor 04-12-2007 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
CT law allows use of deadly force to prevent or halt sexual assault (severe bodily harm.)

That is the best thing I've ever heard of. Straight up permission to kill some piece of shit.

MSD 04-12-2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ballzor
That is the best thing I've ever heard of. Straight up permission to murder some piece of shit.

It's not murder, it's justifiable homicide.

edit: i added the part I accidentally deleted from my previous post about my friend being sexually assaulted today. Gives a bit of background.

streak_56 04-12-2007 07:13 PM

I would show him what his nose looks like, inside out!

KungFuGuy 04-12-2007 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Lasereth
If anyone chased these guys down and beat them up you'd be more fucked in court than they would. I like all the people saying they'd take the cameraman out for evidence with the tape. You can't just walk up to someone who was doing something wrong and expect them to accept your justice. The cameraman would resist, the runner would resist, and then you find yourself fighting with two strangers that are fucked up enough to shark a woman. Who knows what else they'd do.

If it happened in front of me, I'd get angry at the guy that did it and then possibly ask if the woman is alright and if she wants to call the cops.

I agree 100%. I would just ask if she was alright and if she needed any help. I believe that 9/10 people posting that they would chase the guy down and beat him are full of it. There's too many variables. As lasereth said already, they're messed up enough to shark someone. What if one of them has a knife and isn't afraid to use it? Getting yourself messed up isn't going to help her at all.

The best thing you could do to help out the woman would be to try and get the camera, or the recording tape. Of course the guy could claim innocence and he could have no association with the sharker. Then the police have to start an invistigation and they'd have to get it as evidence.:rolleyes:

and on top of that, the 'sharker' is wearing a hoody and you can't really see his face in even a single frame.

that being said, if this happend to a girl I was going out with at the time, I would run till I caught up with the guy, b/c then I'd have a much more personal stake in what happened. (it would still be a bad idea b/c of all the reasons above) Of course, you notice in the video all the girls seem to be by themselves.

Don't you remember what happend to Bruce Wayne's parents in 'Batman'??? Sharking is even less that theft of a necklace.

World's King 04-12-2007 10:33 PM

These are the most bullshit answers to a serious question...

I'm pretty sure that 75% of people here would just ignore the situation and go about their day. I know I would.

Ballzor 04-12-2007 11:04 PM

if the guys got no weapons and is just some punk kid, how about toss in a group of you compared to the two of them. I'd say 75 percent of the people here would gladly give chase.

Infinite_Loser 04-12-2007 11:08 PM

I'll be honest... If I saw it happen in front of me, I'd laugh.

Edit: And maybe stare a little :paranoid:

Menoman 04-13-2007 12:12 AM

Infinite glad you were honest :)

I'd be right beside you, on the ground, laughing.

stevie667 04-13-2007 02:01 AM

Depends on if i'm wearing my steel toe caps or my trainers. If its my steelies they're getting broken shins, if my trainers, broken jaw.

But thats just a reflection of the fact i'm willing to use completly unnessecary violence on people i don't think are acting properly. You'd have to be a pretty big arse hole to do that typa crap, seems more like some punk ass kid than some messed up bloke would do it.

Edit: A bird just flew into my window as i clicked post, nothing to do with the thread, but i'd thought i'd share the comedy:thumbsup:

Hektore 04-13-2007 06:12 AM

I'm kinda mixed up about this, on one hand I feel like these guys are morons who probably deserve a good beatdown. Not really for what they are doing, but just for being stupid. I have this weird time justifying it, because, well...they're just boobs. If people weren't so uptight about them in the first place, for no reason, then this sort of crap would have never even started.

Interesting related thought experiment: If it were a woman running around lifting up guys shirts or 'pantsing' them, would they have any recourse at all? I don't think they would.

Glory's Sun 04-13-2007 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by World's King
These are the most bullshit answers to a serious question...

I'm pretty sure that 75% of people here would just ignore the situation and go about their day. I know I would.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I'd be willing to bet most people would laugh at first then sit there looking like dumbfucks with their mouths open thinking "did I just see that?" then go to the starbucks they were heading too and have no trouble ordering a double latte.

guthmund 04-13-2007 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by World's King
These are the most bullshit answers to a serious question...

I'm pretty sure that 75% of people here would just ignore the situation and go about their day. I know I would.

Oh, don't get me wrong. More than a few of those women in that video, looked pretty pissed off. Chances are I'm not going to cross the street to ask her if she's okay. She's fine.

However, there were a few that either dropped a bunch of shit or just collapsed and...well, the "country" in me requires that I help her out even if her underwear is down around her knees. Same goes for women, men, the elderly and the handicapped...not the underwear thing....the help thing.

shakran 04-13-2007 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
CT law allows use of deadly force to prevent or halt sexual assault (severe bodily harm.)

Yes but if the assault has already happened, you're not covered by that law.

Bill O'Rights 04-13-2007 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by World's King
I'm pretty sure that 75% of people here would just ignore the situation and go about their day. I know I would.

Y'know...every once in awhile...just once in awhile, mind you...you make absolute perfect sense.
Although...I'd put the percentage much higher, myself.

Of course there's the part of me that says that I'd run them down like a bad debt. Beat the snot out of them, then drop the carcass at the feet of the offended party.

The realist in me, however, knows that I'd probably just stand there wondering if I really saw what I thought that I'd just seen.

debaser 04-13-2007 09:16 AM

Before I watched the video I was all in favor of a massive beatdown, now that I have seen it, I have to admit that i got a chuckle or two from it.

I mean really, who stands there and lets him pull down the skirt, pause, and then pull down the panties? I agree it is a violation, but my time would be better spent slowly poisoning Enron executives rather than worrying about these morons...

debaser 04-13-2007 09:17 AM


hambone 04-13-2007 09:21 AM

These guys are dumb, but nothing much would come from chasing them down and beating them.

Since the woman is being victimized there, I would most probably just ask if she was ok and try to help her out in anyway.

The fact is most people WOULD just ignore it, so a polite inquiry into their well-being goes a long way. I wouldn't push it though since as mentioned before, I am sure they would be embarrassed.

blahblah454 04-13-2007 10:37 AM

After seeing that video I decided that I probably would just go about my business for the most part. One of those poor girls looked really lost after it happened and didnt even try out her top back on, just covered her breasts with her hands. In that case I would be more likely to help out as she seems really hurt by it.

And honestly though, most girls today are wearing hardly anything at all. Why is it considered nudity if the nipple is showing and yet they can have 95% of the tit hanging out of her shirt and thats acceptable, but NO NOT THE NIPPLE!

ONETIME 04-13-2007 11:13 AM

wow they have a name for that. Well, honestly i would probably just watch and try to not get involved. I guess that means i'd sit back and enjoy.

relenawolf 04-13-2007 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by debaser
Before I watched the video I was all in favor of a massive beatdown, now that I have seen it, I have to admit that i got a chuckle or two from it.

I mean really, who stands there and lets him pull down the skirt, pause, and then pull down the panties?

Having been on the receiving end of a public groping by a strange man, my first reaction was utter shock. For several seconds you don't know how to deal with the situation. By that point, the man is normally gone. I don't think it's reasonable to expect that the women would have thought he'd go further or would have been able to stop the attacker immediately.

In the country where I was at the time, men target women who are alone, or only with other women, on narrow sidewalks next to busy streets. By the time I thought to react, it was too late and there was nothing I could have done anyway because the police wouldn't have come quickly or really done much (very machismo society). I wish that there would have been a passerby to ask if I was OK. If would have helped a lot.

Lady Sage 04-13-2007 04:40 PM

I would be forced to trip the son of a... Then I would likely try to beat the tar out of them. That kind of shit doesnt fly with me.

JStrider 04-13-2007 05:40 PM

I would probably not do anything... or ask if they were ok... after something like that the last thing a lot of them probably want is to be approached by another strange guy...

what I wanna see is the video where the guy does it to a track running kickboxer, marshall artist woman and totally gets owned...

Ballzor 04-13-2007 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by JStrider
I would probably not do anything... or ask if they were ok... after something like that the last thing a lot of them probably want is to be approached by another strange guy...

what I wanna see is the video where the guy does it to a track running kickboxer, marshall artist woman and totally gets owned...

are you talking about the video where some random guy just punches this guys girlfriend as they walk past, and the boyfriend is a kickboxer and just sends them flying? makes me happy on so many levels

Intense1 04-13-2007 08:33 PM

If it happened to me, I'd be so stinkin' shocked on so many levels that I'd probably not be able to begin any type of pursuit. I'd be more embarrassed than anything.

But then, after I recovered, I'd run like hell to track the dude down, and would tackle him like a linebacker after a running back getting a pitch out in an option play.

As has been said before, sexual assault is sexual assault.

Regardless of the fact that I am overweight, I'd get my man.

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