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Please do not feed the unsaved animals!
26 - 1 - 0031 SANHEDRIN FINE LONG-HAIRED HIPPY SOSHALLUST FOR FEEDING FILIT-O-FISH TO FIVE THOUSAND HOMELESS SCUM! (Convicted blasphemously claims Jewhovah didn’t make the Protestant work ethic hating poor purely to prosper the righteous rich :eek: ) |
Unless the people are clearly obstructing traffic in a major way or are endangering people, let us help the less fortunate. Jeez.
(He gasps at his error and claps his hand over his mouth. A stone hits him on the side of the head. He reacts.) Right! Who threw that? Women: (high voices) It was her. It was *him*. (low voices) It was him. OMM: Was it you? Culprit: Yes. OMM: All right. Culprit: Well, you did say "Jeez." |
Looks like the cops had the choice to not be dicks and failed to choose correctly. While I can understand enforcing laws, I can also understand just how bad this is for everyone (the police, the homeless, and the helpers) involved.
Imagine coming across one of these dirty drug-addicted cry-babies camped out in a public park, where you had taken the family on a picnic to celebrate Memorial Day, droolingly ogling your hot-dogs. :eek: The sight of a PTSD feigning, nutritionally challenged, lazy amputee lying in his own shit and syringes could traumatize your morbidly obese snot-gobblers for life! Quote:
Can someone explain to me what this thread has to do with religion? I see all these religious references but nothing in any of the stories about any religious organizations.
What I do see is at best a choice of questionable police tactics and at worst a misappropration of authority. I have to wonder, however, about the location where these tickets are being written and if anyone is indeed impeeding the flow of traffic. I'm really not sure at all what to make of the last story. It's pretty self-evident here that a lot of homeless are veterans. Not all of them saw action, but a lot did. I think that the stereotypical homeless person in most Americans' eyes is a Vietnam veteran who couldn't deal with the world outside of combat and is an addictive mess. I'm not saying that's right, just my opinion on exactly what the stereotype is. I guess that means that my son's stereotype will be an Iraq veteran instead. Sad but a part of human nature I think. |
This is really sad. The church I attend regularly feeds the homeless every Sunday and sometimes during the week. One night one of my friends called me up and let me know about a bunch of extra food they had from some fancy dinner and they wanted help to get it to the homeless. So a bunch of us young twenty year olds got together and drove down by the homeless shelters. We then parked on the road and unloaded the vehicles of Salmon, Prime Rib, Chicken, ect and fed homeless for a few hours until everyone was fed. During this some cops pulled up to see what was going on. They said hello and were very polite and went on their way. I'm sure they could have sited us for some violation but they had a heart and could see a place where the law should not be enforced. The letter of the law should never be basis for enforcement instead it should be the spirit of the law.
This is a case where people should get it out in the news and pressure should be placed on the mayor. And why do they have laws preventing people from feeding the homeless? Why don't we just shoot them it will be quicker.... |
Ever wondered why America and its sickeningly sycophantic Calvinazi satraps in the U.K, Canada, and Oz also think poverty is a sure sign of divine disapproval? Or why craven John Wayne wannabes, who haven’t ever and never will see a shot fired in anger if they can help it, condemn people as traitors if they don’t “support our troops” in Eye-Wrack and AgaKhanistan? Yet the same warlike Cut-lunch Commandos couldn’t give a flying fuck for "our boys" when they come home as damaged goods? Quote:
Ol' Man Mose, I didn't understand any of what you posted but I just have to say that I can't find the correlation between religion and homelessness here...
Anyway, many of the streets in the downtown Orlando area are one way but they have designated places to park along the curb. The only way to impede traffic would be to stop your car in the middle of street, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone do that. |
You most probably also don’t see the correlation between America’s exclusive brand of Christinsanity and its many wars of conquest. I hope my previous post has cleared the former up for you. Seeing personal opinions are tapu here, yell out if you need exhaustive links proving the latter. |
Ol' Man, personal opinions are what keep the Politics board chugging along. It is the meat and potatoes of this part of TFP and would not exist without everyone's personal opinions and the freedom to share them. Where you and I have run afoul in the past is personal attacks. It is fine to disagree with someone in a polite way, as you've done thus far in the thread, but it's not acceptable to be insulting, as you've done in some of our correspondence. That's all that I've ever warned you about. Subtle jabbing the staff for trying to keep a modocum of civility in this board is neither appreciated nor warranted. I trust that you'll allow us to do our jobs from here on out. Now for what I really wanted to post anyway: Quote:
I don't see where you've drawn any sort of correlation treatment of the poor by society at large and religion. Are there religious fanatics on the Orlando police force that are demanding that homeless not be fed? Do you have any evidence to substantiate that this isn't what it apprears to be - a local traffic problem? And I don't see any correlation between Christianity and American foreign wars, namely because there isn't an "American brand of Christianity". I think that quite the opposite is the truth - there are multiple competing brands of Christianity that ebb and flow over time. For instance, the Catholic Church is very important in some communities and virtually non-existant in others. I need you to spell out your arguement for me better. I don't follow it at all. |
So much for “private mail” eh? :rolleyes: As for the rest, I was sardonically SUGGESTING that the parking fines were simply a convenient justification for stopping Pinkos from feeding slothful trailer trash in a public park frequented by decent work ethic motivated worker ants. Mea culpa, Mea culpa, Mea maxima culpa!! I will write, “Never forget Americans do not understand irony” 100 times. :paranoid: It is also my considered OPINION – based on over fifty years of reading scholarly theses such as THIS – that MOST things Americans do are subconsciously influenced by a particularly rabid brand of depressing Presbyterianism, that the universally despised Puritans brought with them from the Old World, and imposed it on their fellow denizens of New World. (BTW, I was bought up to distinguish these “Scots-Irish” turncoats from the courageous Highland Caffliks by the disparaging name “Souper,” i.e. scabby-gutted scum who had sold their Scottish birthright for a bowl of English gruel.) :eek: The nearest one can come these days to America’s long redundant, rabid brand of Protestantism elsewhere is (surprise! surprise!) Ian Paisley and his obnoxious Orange Order in Northern Ireland. As a result of centuries of crafty Capitalists expediently encoding their Bob Crachitt-like American drones with their claptrap Calvinazi “work ethic,” today we see poor Shmooish American’s idea of getting a modicum of self-esteem is to obsequiously brown-nose their boss by working 48 hours day. And/or bombing some poor easy-beat little black, yellow, or brown bastards back to the Stone Age before carpet-bagging their country. There, I’ve now insulted (although most folk outside of The Fourth Reich would call it talking truth to power by expressing their heartfelt opinion) the whole country! I’m sure your self-inflated flag-waving friends will complain sufficiently to have me silenced forever. :thumbsup: |
Private discussions are meant to be kept private, why air them publically? it doesn't help TFP and it doesn't add to the dialogue. *shrug* work your issues out on your own time
I digress... This story in the OP is individuals following something to the rule without use of common sense. I have to agree with Toaster that yes, they had the right to be dicks and they chose that.... Thanks, sweetpea |
Hooray for the "I-hate-America-because..." posts :rolleyes:
Frog od's sake!
One might think we're barbarians. |
You’ll find that most of the world is at a loss to explain American’s apparent I-hate-the-non-American-world attitude. My posts are merely meant to explain to non-narcissistic Americans why the pigeons are finally coming home to roost. However, do worry about me unduly, Infinite Loser. I’m positive the Fascistically Correct here will silence me forever in the very near future. :paranoid: |
Well, for one, I wasn't born in the United States and, secondly, I frequently leave the country (As most of my relatives either live in England or Nigeria) so I'm not constrained to my Southern Canadian neighborhood.
Not to drag this thread too far off-topic, but from your posts you'd think that all Americans are narcissistic, hypocritical, bloodthirsty warmongers. Jeez... Have you ever been to the United States or met an American? |
I'm sure he'd be surprised at a paranoid, bleeding heart, poor person feeding atheist like myself being a US citizen, born and raised.
delete please.
Otherwise they wouldn't have voted their professional failure and bored-agin Barfly leader back into power after his first four years of fiasco after fucking fiasco. Most of them knowing full well he had committed high crimes against humanity in his evilly premeditated "War on T-u-u-r" Then there are the flag-waving foaming-at-the-mouth faux Librul Recliner Rangers who cheer on "our boys" as they blast another black "ass" in Aye-Rack or Agfacolorstan. "The world" declared and fought a "total war" against Germany in WW2 for far less than what this spineless little Lieutenant from the Texas Luftwaffe has done. From memory, only about 30 odd percent of the Gemans voted for Hitler. And at least Hitler was a genuine highly decorated war hero with some miltary flair, rather than a cossetted and spineless Little Lord Fauntleroy who doesn't know his arse from his elbow. What is America's excuse for tolerating this religiously insane witless WASP war criminal for one minute more? And yes, I have been to America. |
Well you're always welcome here.
Many of us, myself included, are very interested in beginning impeachment proceedings as soon as is possible. I wanted him simply removed from office back in 2000. He never actually won, so he wouldn't require an impeachment, just security. The funny thing is, I'd say that 70+% of Americans want the war to be over and don't like Bush. That he had to rely on cheating in order to win both of his elections reflects better on us than an actual win would have. The real short coming would be that not enough people know the details about when he cheated. Back on topic, the police are supposed to enforce the law. Sometimes the law isn't important. It's up to the individual cop to know what to do. If I were a cop, I'd do everything I could to help the less fortunate. Not all agree. |
Still, I believe you're missing the most crucial point in all of this. If the government decides to go to war, then there's nothing I can nor any other American citizen can do about it. Besides, have you seen the approval ratings on the war in Iraq? I can't remember what the exact number is, but it's ridiculously low. Quote:
I live in Orlando and this story, like most, has multiple facets (most of them not what I would call attractive facets in regards to my city faire).
Orlando has an ongoing decades long struggle with the reality of homelessness. As in it struggles to deny the reality of its existence in Orlando. Especially in the downtown areas which, when I was in junior high and high school, was almost exclusively the domain of drunks, drug addicts and what, in the old days, one might affectionately call hobos. Today we might call them transients. And Central Florida has a lot of them...for various reasons relating to geography and infrastructure. But about 20 years ago or so, the city of Orlando tried to "reclaim" its downtown areas for economic reasons (of course) and has been attempting to systematically rid the area of homeless people ever since by closing down "transient hotels," enacting and heavily enforcing laws against loitering and panhandling, forcibly "evicting" groups of homeless people who gather under bridges and abandoned housing, squelching the feeding programs in Lake Eola Park and generally harrassing anyone downtown who is not there to spend money or walk their dog. All true. Personally, I think a well-established and important city is almost defined by the richness and vibrancy of its homeless culture, but that's just me. It's important to understand the suffocating influence Disney and its insistence on everything being "perfect" and "clean" and "beautiful" has had on this community. Second facet, and I'm running out of time so I'll say this quick. Parking around Lake Eola is a bitch. You are very lucky if you find a spot on the street directly around the park. I've lived here a little more than 20 years and could probably count on one hand the number of times I've parked in a spot that borders the park. Not only that, but like someone said earlier, most the streets are one way (and one lane!) and traffic is normally very heavy. If someone parked their car on the street and blocked traffic I can completely understand them getting a ticket for it. I'm sure I would! I would think it would behoove these folks to park in a legal spot somewhere off from the park and invest in a trolley to wheel the food up the park with. But, eh, I'm a solutions kind of person. And all of that said...I would like to keep Lake Eola and downtown beautiful, as they truly have become so. But I don't think not providing for people who are just simply not going to disappear as much as some people would like for them to is making Orlando more beautiful. I tend to think that beauty comes from the heart. |
If we can't feed the poor, they steal or die. Maybe we should all be social workers. Maybe too much is being skimmed off the top. Maybe W didn't really win at all and the rest has been a bad dream.
Probably I praise whoever obstructed traffic to give alms to the poor. |
Ol' Man, in light of a resident's assessment of the issue here, I don't see how your arguement holds water at all. Downtown redevelopment is an important issue in many cities, especially in the South. Re-invigorating urban areas creates new jobs and new opportunities, especially for those homeless who are able to work. For those unable to work, it can increase their quality of life as well by providing them with safer environs than a shelter or neglected urban streets. There are the obvious displacement issues, but I don't see how Christianity or GW Bush factor into a local traffic issue. Perhaps you should pick a better cause to champion than this particular one.
No, this is a local municipal issue. And I take umbrage with many of Orlando's methods of dealing with it. But I'm afraid this case in particular isn't all that compelling. More compelling is that there is a court battle going on as we speak to make feeding the homeless in Eola Park illegal. In fact, they already made it illegal, but these groups are suing the city over it.
Although, from what I understand, this sort of thing is becoming more and more common. I think it's also fair to point out that most of the homeless in Orlando are transients who largely choose their way of life. These are not families. It's true. I don't begrudge them anything for it. I support feeding them. I give them money when I walk by and they ask for it...sometimes even when they don't (if I have it!). But the vast majority of homeless people in Orlando could work if they wanted to. I guess I don't really blame them for not wanting to. I understand it. |
I think this thing is becoming much more common because too much is being skimmed off the top. As if cream is healthy or gold is nutritious.
Yes, more and more people are being alienated by the system. It's fucking hard to make it, you know? So I understand the mentality that says "Fuck it, I can't handle it, I'm going to get by on the streets." There is a certain percentage of the population who are going to feel that way. Most of us aren't willing to live on the streets and just scratch by. Therefore I have no problem with us supporting this segment of US citizenry. It bothers me not one iota.
Ironically, since Orlando has been working so diligently to rid itself of its transient population, that transient population has increased by like a third or something since, uh, oh about the time Bush took office. I love little factoids like that. :p |
Our species often unkind I can only make noise. (You know, with the house and all...) Here's more noise: For public hanging, number one. |
According to the American sponsored Nuremberg articles, Dimwit and his followers are indictable war criminals. These fugitives from global justice justify their rapacious invasions, and the continuing occupation of long since proven innocent countries, by hypocritically claiming their leaders are possible war criminals, or perhaps have one of the hundreds of thousands of WMD that they have in their gargantuan arsenal. This astounding double standard HAS to be apparent to supporters of the War on T-u-u-r from both sides of the political aisle. Any way, not knowing the law is no excuse anywhere I know of. For instance, I’d suggest the silent majority of Germans and Japanese didn’t want a bar of their religio-political war party’s campaigns of foreign conquest. Ditto the nationalistically conditioned drones on both sides in WW1, whose priests and pastors had convinced them that Christ and his genocidal Daddy blessed their murderous endeavours. This didn't give them a get-outta-jail-free card when the shit hit the fan. Nor should it. As with other rogue nations through history, it is always a minority of faux “decent family values” folk who support dictators like Dimwit. And the overwhelming majority of them motivate the rest of the rent-a-mind masses with religion. Sadly the only way to get the (evidently) indecent majority to rise up and depose the sham moral minority that governs them is to exterminate both them and their moralistic masters. As the sickeningly decent “Allies” did to the "evil" Germans and Christ denyin’ Japs in WW2. This is the traditional and accepted way that renegade countries, who threaten or disturb world peace, are bought back in line. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! I jest of course, but I’m sure you get my point. I say moral minority, because it is obvious that religions are geographically determined. That is, if you are born in America it is highly unlikely you will be Shinto or Hindu. I mean let’s be fair dinkum here, most God-bothering Bubbas wouldn’t recognise the communistic Christ if he was up their rattler-worshipping arses with an armful of chairs! What is most depressing is knowing that another “decent” demagogue, probably from the democratic side of politics this time, will take Dimwit’s place, spouting the same religiously inspired national supremacist shit that narcissists love to hear, to get the uninformed masses to invade yet another “evil” feeble foe of their own creation. Quote:
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