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PayUp 08-16-2006 02:46 PM

Who Remembers....
A few nights ago on the radio the DJ was talking about an event that occured in 1983. The Cabbage Patch Kid doll. I remember my mother almost getting beat up trying to get one of those studid dolls for my sister.

I was thinking about all kinds of forgotten little memories, so who remembers......

Tough Skin Pants????:D

What do you remember that might help us to rember something we havent thought about for years???

hambone 08-16-2006 03:17 PM

You know what I haven't had in a while....Big League Chew

Jason762 08-16-2006 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by hambone
You know what I haven't had in a while....Big League Chew

Ha ha. I found a place in SF that has some. At the end of Pier 39.

I can't find that stuff in grocery stores.

In the same league as hambone, I miss the Josta soda. I really liked that stuff!

hambone 08-16-2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jason762
Ha ha. I found a place in SF that has some. At the end of Pier 39.

I know that place. They have tons of throwback candy. Very interesting in there.

Now an obscure one:
Anyone remember this old TV show called Special Delivery? All I remember was some puppet guy with a big nose...or no nose...or something like that.
My parents told me I loved the stupid show.

PayUp 08-16-2006 03:36 PM

I love Big League Chew! I remember playing baseball as a youngster and we all thought we were so cool because we had are chew like the big boys.

Who Remembers ....

Fat Albert???

SSJTWIZTA 08-16-2006 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by hambone
You know what I haven't had in a while....Big League Chew

hahaha family guy?

i remember garbage pail kids:D

the only thing i really remeber from the 80's were chuck taylors...everyone wanted them in all colors and styles, i guess its coming back, i went into a journeys shoe store and woah.

oh and acid washed jeans :-P

hambone 08-16-2006 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by SSJTWIZTA
hahaha family guy?

THANK YOU! :thumbsup:

cj2112 08-16-2006 04:53 PM

Rubiks Cube, New Coke, Big Track, rock'em sock'em robots, Wacky Packs.....I could go on for hours :D

ratbastid 08-16-2006 05:00 PM

Stompers 4x4s.
Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Those two crash test dummies from the seatbelt commercials.
New Coke.

shoegirl 08-16-2006 05:06 PM

leg warmers.
Punky Brewster!
Who shot JR?

Meditrina 08-16-2006 05:13 PM

This is making me feel old.

I remember Teen Magazine, and pinning up the pictures on my wall (my mom hated when I did that)

I remember roller skates with 4 wheels.

Candy I remember: Charleston Chew (best when frozen), pixie stix, and gobstoppers.

*can I go off in the corner now and cry? or at least color my gray hair?

cookmo 08-16-2006 05:16 PM



spectre 08-16-2006 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by sportswidow05
Candy I remember: Charleston Chew (best when frozen), pixie stix, and gobstoppers.

Don't forget the candy cigarettes that looked and tasted like chalk.

Elphaba 08-16-2006 05:25 PM


*can I go off in the corner now and cry? or at least color my gray hair?
Don't cry sweetheart...I will always have your back on age, and you can never get older than me. :icare:

The '50's Micky Mouse Club anyone? Soupy Sales? Or a more recent zinger that Pan reminded me of today..."Plunk your magic twanger, Froggie".

Meditrina 08-16-2006 05:25 PM

candy cigarettes!! oh! I do remember those!

and Fun Dip! and Pop Rocks!

shoegirl 08-16-2006 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by sportswidow05

and Fun Dip! and Pop Rocks!

ooh, Fun Dip and Pop Rocks! My favorites! :D

ratbastid 08-16-2006 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by cookmo

Totally. There was a girl in my class who was always pinching her ear and talking to Synergy.


Originally Posted by spectre
Don't forget the candy cigarettes that looked and tasted like chalk.

Buddy, I think that was chalk.

cookmo 08-16-2006 05:35 PM

Who had a pair of LA Gear, with the million different colored laces. Mine were white, grey sparkly, and pink. I've heard they wern't cool on the coast, but here in Ohio they were the shiznet.

Crack 08-16-2006 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by cookmo
but here in Ohio they were the shiznet.

oh no he dident'
oh yes him did!

longbough 08-16-2006 06:41 PM

Abba Zabba ... ugghhh.
Wax Lips ... gross

pig 08-16-2006 06:45 PM

what? did you say Billy fucking Idol, Jams, and fat laces?

dwayne wayne?

snowy 08-16-2006 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid
Alvin and the Chipmunks.

I LOVE Alvin and the Chipmunks. I am overwhelmed by nostalgia every Christmas when I hear The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late), as the cartoon was very popular in my youth.

I also remember that when I was very small I loved to get up for Mousercise every morning, and then watch all my favorite shows on Disney, like Dumbo's Flying Circus. The Disney thing was mostly because from age 2-5 that was the only channel we got besides HBO (which had Babar).

Elphaba 08-16-2006 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
I LOVE Alvin and the Chipmunks. I am overwhelmed by nostalgia every Christmas when I hear The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late), as the cartoon was very popular in my youth.

I also remember that when I was very small I loved to get up for Mousercise every morning, and then watch all my favorite shows on Disney, like Dumbo's Flying Circus. The Disney thing was mostly because from age 2-5 that was the only channel we got besides HBO (which had Babar).

Snowy...we have much to talk about on Sunday. The Frickin' Chipmunks!? :lol:

analog 08-16-2006 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by hambone
You know what I haven't had in a while....Big League Chew

I love Family Guy so much, I almost laughed so hard that I pissed myself because of this. Way to go.

How about... Crystal Pepsi, the clear Pepsi? While not that old (92-93), it was extremely short-lived.

ngdawg 08-16-2006 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Elphaba
Don't cry sweetheart...I will always have your back on age, and you can never get older than me. :icare:

The '50's Micky Mouse Club anyone? Soupy Sales? Or a more recent zinger that Pan reminded me of today..."Plunk your magic twanger, Froggie".

Loved Soupy Sales. White Fang, the 'show me' board-show me a sweaty angry hobo and I'll show you a hot crossed bum.:D
Turkish Taffy?
Lemon Tootsie Pops?
Wax Lips?
Transistor pocket radios? That got FM?
Mary Janes? both the shoe and the candy
The ORIGINAL hiphugger jeans
Bonnet hair dryers

Elphaba 08-16-2006 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by ngdawg
Loved Soupy Sales. White Fang, the 'show me' board-show me a sweaty angry hobo and I'll show you a hot crossed bum.:D


- Curling long hair with orange juice cans. We slept on those nasty bastages. :)

Sweetpea 08-16-2006 08:29 PM

Super bright colored Hair Scrunchies... I had them in every hot pink and hot purple color imaginable and color coded with my outfits :)

and the song....

"hey mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, hey mickey *clap clap* hey mickey".........




Originally Posted by ngdawg
Wax Lips?


Loved wax lips, although we weren't allowed to have them at school, evil bastards!

Sun in... turned my hair slightly orange, but i loved that stuff :D


PayUp 08-16-2006 09:51 PM

Who remembers...
The Green Machine
The big Wheel

snowy 08-16-2006 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Elphaba
- Curling long hair with orange juice cans. We slept on those nasty bastages. :)

One of my best family friends recommended that to me when I was in middle school to help my hair out...but alas, my mother had no idea how to do it and it had most definitely gone out of style.

Now I rely on a fat-barrel curling iron and a straightening iron.

As for wax lips, I remember my dad bringing me home some from a conference one time when I was about 8. Seems so long ago.

TexanAvenger 08-16-2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by ratbastid
Stompers 4x4s.
Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Those two crash test dummies from the seatbelt commercials.
New Coke.

I respect you, man... and I'm with you on the others...

New Coke?

I can feel my tongue rocking back and forth while weeping softly.

Bill O'Rights 08-17-2006 04:54 AM

Banana bikes
The Night Gallery (Rod Serling after The Twilight Zone)
Space Food Sticks
Pet Rocks
Mood Rings
SST Racers
The "Goose" Pump (think Hot Wheels)
Space 1999
Melissa Gilbert...in pig tails.

warrrreagl 08-17-2006 05:02 AM


Grancey still has hers. Does anybody else remember these weapons of mass destruction? They were two colored solid glass balls dangling from each end of a thin rope. You grabbed the rope in the middle and moved your hand up and down. The balls would then fly up and down and CLACK into each other above and below your wrist and you'd see how long you could keep it up. It sounded like a machine gun if you did it right.

Every kid in school at one point had horrible black-and-blue bruises all over their forearms from these little missiles, but the only reason they finally outlawed them was because the glass would eventually BREAK on you. Yikes!

How did we survive childhood? We're the same generation that played with Lawn Darts.....

Bill O'Rights 08-17-2006 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by warrrreagl
How did we survive childhood? We're the same generation that played with Lawn Darts.....

It's called...natural selection. ;)

Something that, the more I look around me, I realize that maybe we shouldn'ta hadn'ta oughtnta messed with.

loganmule 08-17-2006 05:30 AM

car hops on roller skates...my first Schwinn bicycle...sportswidow is right about the old age feeling that goes with these memories. I'm glad for them though.

fresnelly 08-17-2006 05:30 AM


The show Kids Incorporated, Mini Pops albums, Big Wheels (turning them upside down and spinning the wheel to "make Popcorn", Green Machines, Crystal Gravy, Fast Ones....

One pop cultural icon that I'm surprised hasn't been revived, is Max Headroom. Not only was the tv show inspired, he was all over advertising and whatnot. Matt Frewer, the Canadian actor who played him is still around ,and if Alf can be brought back occasionally, surely there's a place for Max.

In fact, the more that I think about, there has been zero reference too him since he faded away. Of all the humour today that revolves around pop culture references, I can't recall a single wry nod to him. How odd.

Eweser 08-17-2006 05:34 AM

Smurfs....I even had smurf bed sheets. They were my favorite by far. lol

Cabbage Patch: my parents couldn't afford a real one so somewhere they found a knock off and bought it. I still have it somewhere. hhmmm

Glow worms

newtx 08-17-2006 06:07 AM

its Slinky,

its Slinky,

a most remarkable toy.

Its fun for a girl or a boy.

Nothing like the sights and sounds of a Slinky easing down a flight of stairs. Never could master the turns in the stairway.

God of Thunder 08-17-2006 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by sportswidow05
Candy I remember: Charleston Chew (best when frozen), pixie stix, and gobstoppers.

Oh man, that reminds me of a Pixie Stix story.

A few years ago we were over to my sisters place for vacation and went to one of the fun parks, with go karts and skee-ball and such. So here we ar playing these game and winning tickets. This was before babygirl so we had to find something to purchase with the tickets for ourselves at the end of the day.

We're looking around at the "prizes" they have to offer and we see the giant Pixie Stix. You know the ones that are three foot tall? We think to ourselves "Oh yeah, I remember those from when I was a kid"

So we get them and are walking out to the parking lot giggling like schoolkids. My brother-in-law decided not to get one, and we considered him a party pooper for not indulging in our childhood with us.

We snip off the ends and the three of us, my sister, my wife and myself all tip them back anticipating the greatness to which we remember.

Did you know those are pure sugar???:eek:

Well yeah, so did we. But we remembered them tasing a lot better.:lol:

My brother-in-law still reminds us of that incident to this day.

At least now everytime we go over there and win tickets, at least we have someone with us to use the tickets.

hambone 08-17-2006 07:09 AM

Hey, remember those little suction things that came in cereal boxes? Just little rubber bowl things that you pushed inside out and set on the table and then they would eventually pop up?

Didn't they have to get rid of those cause some kid sucked his eye out or something?

ngdawg 08-17-2006 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Elphaba

- Curling long hair with orange juice cans. We slept on those nasty bastages. :)

Oh yea...or, when my hair was really long, I'd wrap it around my head soaking wet, bobby pin it in place and go to sleep.

Falls with their attached headbands?:lol:
Nehru jackets?
Indian gauze shirts?
Smock tops?
Corner sub shops? (instead of chain stores)
MacDonald's when it was a drive-up
Drive-in movies
Magilla Gorilla:lol:

My first 'adult' schwinn had chrome fenders, pink seat, rest was white. It was an automatic-no gears and no handbrakes-you stopped by pushing the pedal backward. God, I loved that bike!!

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