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Bill O'Rights 08-31-2006 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by biljan
BOR do you remember Buster Browns to go with those tough skins???:lol:

Buster Brown and his dog Tige?

You betcha I do. ;)

Ustwo 08-31-2006 10:38 AM

Beer can collections and to go with that....

Billy Beer.

uncle phil 08-31-2006 02:25 PM


and captain midnight's secret decoder ring...(c'mon, b(o)(o)bby...)

Lady Sage 08-31-2006 04:30 PM

I still drink that stuff!!! Have some on my kitchen counter right now. :lol:

caver 08-31-2006 05:35 PM

The Night Stalker, the tv show, not the murderer.


Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Who Remembers....

When they would clean your windsheild, check your oil, and check the air pressure in your tires whenever you filled your gas tank?edit

They filled your gas tank, no extra charge!

ChangingMyName 09-01-2006 04:53 AM

Eight is Enough (which I believe was followed by American Hero!), Feather Earrings, Parachute Pants!

maleficent 09-01-2006 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by caver
The Night Stalker, the tv show, not the murderer.


They filled your gas tank, no extra charge!

Move to the great state of NJ - self serve gas is illegal :D

the night stalker was one show that used to really give me nightmares... scary stuff..

what's scarier though is the vh1 the 70s series... it remember entirely too much :D

lindalove 09-01-2006 01:55 PM

I remember Crystal Pepsi! Whatever happened to it?

viejo gringo 09-01-2006 06:56 PM

we "watched" JACK ARMSTRONG THE ALL AMERICAN BOY on the radio...
that is until some idiot bombed a place called Pearl Harbor, and then all we
could get was the news that next week...

Night owl theater was the first thing we watched on TV, and that was through
the window of the store down town...

----and Easter Sunday, 1964----pumped gas for 19 cents a gallon--ran the
tanks dry...

rockogre 09-01-2006 07:26 PM

Hey viejo, I remember when Kennedy was shot. No cartoons for what seemed like forever. Bought gas in high school during a price war for 15 cents a gallon one time.

Zeraph 09-01-2006 07:30 PM

Reminds me of the Robot Chicken episode where chucky hides out in a cabbage patch....the dolls get up and eat him. Was pretty funny.

Anyways, those dolls have always creeped me out. Glad my sister didn't play with them.

Blackthorn 09-02-2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by sportswidow05
candy cigarettes!! oh! I do remember those!

and Fun Dip! and Pop Rocks!

Pop rocks was going to get my vote. That and having baseball cards that actually were fun to collect and trade and flip against a wall with your buddies ... winner getting the card that was closest to the wall -- leaner get a bonus card!

Oh yeah... and Lisa Schnieder -- wow did I like her. :D:love:

maleficent 09-02-2006 03:08 PM

Vinyl... and recording vinyl to those new fangled cassettes...

The first sony walkmans...


casey kasems america's top 40 - keep reaching for those stars..

Denny terrio's dance fever...

that other show with the scantily clad dancers that usually wore gold lame

amercian bandstand-- yah, it's got a great beat but you can't dance to it...

Land sharks- roseanne roseannanadanna - a wild and crazy guy- hans and franz pumping you up... saturday night live when it was funny.

analog 09-04-2006 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by lindalove
I remember Crystal Pepsi! Whatever happened to it?

hehe it just never caught on... it was only around for one year.

bobby 09-04-2006 06:46 PM

my god ....you're all a bunch of kids...............xoxoxoo

Lady Sage 09-04-2006 07:54 PM

Tv Shows...
The Littles
Biker Mice From Mars

Ample 09-05-2006 05:37 AM

Got this email from my lil sister today

You Know You Grew Up In The 80's or Early 90's If:

1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word SIKE.

2. You watched the Pound Puppies.

3. You can sing the rap to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and can do the Carlton

4. Girls wore biker shorts under their skirts and felt stylishly sexy.

5. You yearned to be a member of the Baby-sitters club and tried to start a
club of your own.

6. You owned those lil' Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.

7. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom

8. Two words: Hammer Pants

9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock"

10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars... and spokey-dokes or
playing cards on your spokes for that incredible sound effect

11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales" (Woo ooh!)

12. It was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.

13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.

14. You saw the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen..and
still know the turtles names.

15. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at

16. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a
knot on the side.

17. You played the game "MASH"(Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House)

18. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it.

19. L.A. Gear....need I say more?

20. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in Kindergarten. (She's Truly

21. You remember reading Tales of a fourth grade nothing and all The Ramona

22. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF"

23. You wanted to be a Goonie.

24. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of us...head-to-toe)

25. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell
off and his cheeks shifted.

26. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.

27. You took lunch boxes to school... and traded Garbage Pailkids in the

28. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.

29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence.

30. You remember Hypercolor t-shirts.

31. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.

32. You thought She-ra (Princess of Power!) and He-Man should hook up.

33. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you
exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.

34. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes.

35. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know you are,
but what am I?"

36. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"

37. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.

38. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.

39. You have ever played with a Skip-It.

40. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonalds.

41. You've gone through this nodding your head in agreement.

42. You remember Popples.

43. Don't worry, be happy

44. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.

45. You wore socks scrunched down (and sometimes still do..getting yelled at
by younger hip members of the family)

46. You remember boom boxes and walking around with one on your shoulder
like you were all that.

47. You remember watching both Gremlins movies.

48. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!!"

49 You remember watching Rainbow Bright and & My Little Pony Tales

50. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was hot.

51. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.

52. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool...and don't even
flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB"

53. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By
The Bell," The ORIGINAL class.

54. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.

55. You just sang those words to yourself.

56. You remember watching Magic vs. Bird.

57. Homemade Levi shorts.. (the shorter the better)

58. You remember when mullets were cool!

59. You had a mullet!

60. You still sing "We are the World"

61. You tight rolled your jeans.

62. You owned a bannana clip.

63. You remember "Where's the Beef?"

64. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' 'bout

65 You had big hair and you knew how to use it.

66. You're still singing shot through the heart in your head, aren't you!

lindalove 09-27-2006 02:42 AM

Does anyone recall Alfie? The little robot toy dude?

Min 09-29-2006 02:42 PM

I remember Alfie and I even wanted one. Not that I got it.

I remember my one ambition was to have an air brush t-shirt with my name. Which the artist promptly mispelled. I have NO idea how he managed that unless the fumes were getting to him.

uncle phil 09-30-2006 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by bobby
my god ....you're all a bunch of kids...............xoxoxoo

hehe...and i'm older than you, b(o)(o)bby...

ngdawg 09-30-2006 10:32 AM

And some things we did in the *ahem* 60's and 70's that are back:
Flare-legged jeans
Skinny jeans
ballet slipper shoes
The Sassoon cut (one side down over the ears, other side short, almost shaved)
oversized earrings
Bleached stripes in the hair (goes with the Sassoon cut)
Thick black eyeliner
Dark-rimmed nerdy glasses
crocheted bags
Thick-tired bikes (now called 'beach cruisers')

Grasshopper Green 09-30-2006 03:59 PM

I don't know if anyone has mentioned Shrinky Dinks, but they were one of my favorite things when I was a young child.

Anyone remember a show...I think it was called Greatest American Hero...it was with a young blond guy with curly hair and I think he wore a red suit...I watched it when I was really young and I loved it.

Drive-in movies. I remember being woken up after dark when I was about 4 and going to watch Superman 2 at the drive in.

Gatorade Frost 09-30-2006 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by ngdawg
The Sassoon cut (one side down over the ears, other side short, almost shaved)
oversized earrings

Google Image Search - Sassoon Cut


SugahBritches 10-01-2006 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by biljan

Who Remembers ....

Fat Albert???

"Haaaay, Haaaay, Haaaaay!!! It's FAT ALBERT!!!"



Originally Posted by newtx
its Slinky,

its Slinky,

a most remarkable toy.

Its fun for a girl or a boy.

Nothing like the sights and sounds of a Slinky easing down a flight of stairs. Never could master the turns in the stairway.

LMAO!!! I'm actually singing this too!

I've not read this whole thread so I'm probably repeating someone.

--Grape Nehi

When the bottled man brought our drinks and took the empty bottles back with him. There was actually DELIVERY! :D :D

--My mom's teased hair pieces

--Dressing up for the Florida Gator Games

--My Daisy Bee Bee Gun

--Putting tinfoil on the spokes of my banana seat bike (oh, I was soooo cool)

--Jiffy Popcorn



lindalove 10-02-2006 05:23 PM

Remember Puffalumps?!

They're back I guess, saw them at Target. Brought back memories!!

(unless they've been around for a while now and I'm just oblivious - I *think* they've been gone for a while and are just now coming back)

Carno 10-02-2006 06:04 PM

Ha, my sisters loved Puffalumps. I remember they had the pig and the elephant.

mirevolver 10-02-2006 07:15 PM

I can't believe nobody brought up "Where's Waldo?" I spent whole days with that book.

As for Crystal Pepsi, here's the whole explination of the rise and fall of that drink. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Pepsi

paulskinback 10-03-2006 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by cookmo
Who had a pair of LA Gear, with the million different colored laces. Mine were white, grey sparkly, and pink. I've heard they wern't cool on the coast, but here in Ohio they were the shiznet.

I had some HUGE LA Gears, we used to keep the licence plate tags on them that said "LA GEAR"! oh my god what were we doing?

I've still got a bottle of Crystal Pepsi

Remember Silly Putty?

Intense1 10-03-2006 04:59 PM

After reading this thread, something has been just swishin' through my memory. Let me display my "age bracket" by starting this one:

(okay, hear the music begin to play) "Scanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports...."

Hope that is the beginning - I was very young when it was out.

Hee :)

lindalove 10-11-2006 03:02 AM

How about Yardley by London Lemon Spray, Sun In, and Dippity Do setting gel?

guthmund 10-11-2006 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by shesus
What a fun thread. I forgot about a lot of that stuff.

I remember the cartoon Gummi Bears and they drank the juice that made them jump really fast away from the enemy. They used to make the juice and I remember being disappointed that I couldn't jump like them, but I'd pretend to anyway.

Then there were the Shirt Tales...I remember they were animals living in a park and their shirts were magic, but I can't remember what they used them for.

And there was a cartoon with a caboose and a moose named Montgomery. I have no idea what the cartoon was or what is was about, but a little piece of my brain is used to remember that much of it I guess....

Shirt Tales! Their shirts expressed their emotions. The tiger (his name is Tyg; I had to look that up :) ) would take off running and leave his stripes behind.
I found the opening bit online here at Retrojunk. I also found out that Nancy Cartwright (the voice of Bart Simpson) played Kip Kangaroo

The moose named Montgomery was from the Get Along Gang. For Christmas one year, my sister got Dottie Dog and I got Montgomery Moose. I still have the doll although the clothes disappeared a while ago.

There's some good stuff in this thread... Voltron, Thundercats...
What about Silverhawks? Wuzzles?

Gummi Bears
bouncing here and there and everywhere
high adventure that's beyond compare
they are the Gummi Bears

uncle phil 10-11-2006 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Intense1
After reading this thread, something has been just swishin' through my memory. Let me display my "age bracket" by starting this one:

(okay, hear the music begin to play) "Scanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports...."

Hope that is the beginning - I was very young when it was out.

Hee :)

like, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat?

hunnychile 10-11-2006 03:36 PM

Troll Dolls of every size & every color of hair imaginable.
The Banana Splits on Saturday morning TV
The Flintstones on Thursday nights
The original Twilight Zone Show on TV....in black and white!
40 Inch bell bottom jeans...yikes!Drive-In Movie places where they had a swingset next to the snack bar. And sneaking in kids in the trunk of someones car.

Lady Sage 10-11-2006 03:50 PM

Muppet show Tuesdays at 7pm

uncle phil 10-11-2006 04:06 PM

sea hunt...

Intense1 10-12-2006 11:13 PM

Did anyone else pinch off the orange Levi tags from their friends' blue jeans?

hagatha 10-13-2006 03:42 AM

Clackers --invented in a time when it was still okay for an 8 year old to go to the store and buy smokes for their parents. And candy ones for themselves, Popeye cigarettes were my brand of choice.
Does anyone remember the show Circle of Fear? It was one of the most terrifying shows I watched as a kid.
And David Cassidy was all the rage with the girls....

Leto 10-13-2006 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by hagatha
Clackers --invented in a time when it was still okay for an 8 year old to go to the store and buy smokes for their parents. And candy ones for themselves, Popeye cigarettes were my brand of choice.
And David Cassidy was all the rage with the girls....

- clackers - nunchucks on string. In the winter they would shatter into pieces from the cold.

- Pop Rocks??? oh yes. My brother and I had loads of fun feeding those to our cat. :lol:

- David Cassidy, Peter Frampton & Bobby Sherman. All the girls liked 'em

TV shows (hopefully they havent been mentioned yet):

H. R. Puffnstuff
Rocket Robin Hood
Rocket Ship 7 (from Buffalo)
Space Ghost / Herculoids

Donny & Marie Osmand (I must say that I was a little bit country!)
Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom (with Marlin Perkins i think)

The Gong Show (Jean Jean the Dancin' Machine!)
Fernwood 2Nite (Martin Mull)


my fav: the timex watch (for the Marlin) with the diver at Acapulco
- Resdan (dandruff control - with the black market guy in a trench coat selling it to Americans cause you could only buy it in Canada)
- Brylcream: a little dab will do ya
- what about the phrase: "the wet head is dead" ? for non greasy hair product


Smash Up Derby


Anything from K-Tel.

hunnychile 10-19-2006 07:01 AM

Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots!
Barbies little sister, Skipper. Barbies Dream House and her car...
The Monkees.
Wonder Woman, Linda Carter. Ahhh those power bracelets! :)
Black and White Saddle Shoes (their come back in 1969)
Ironing my girlfriends curly hair to be pin straight.
Pulling the hanger loops off the back of a cute guys button down shirt.

Deltona Couple 10-19-2006 09:40 AM

Hmmm.. Not sure if anyone has mentioned all or any of these but...
Parachute pants? (think MC Hammer!)
Vanilla Ice (the singer)
the ORIGINAL Starwars collectables!
Creature from the Green Lagoon. (Filmed in Florida I think)
the ORIGINAL King Kong?
Charleston Chew?(candy)
The Blob (Movie)
The Blue Lagoon (I was SOOOO in love with Brooke Shields!!!)
The One-Eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater? (Song)

Bill O'Rights 10-19-2006 11:21 AM

Jeezus, DC...when did you grow up? You covered references from about 6 different decades, spanning about 70 years.

maleficent 10-19-2006 12:42 PM


The Blob (Movie)
That I remember only from the afternoon movie -- i think it used to be on about 4:00 on ABC 0 it was good afterschool watching - every week it'd be a different theme of movies.. sometimes Gidget - sometimes Horror movies - the blob was one of my favorites...

JumpinJesus 10-19-2006 12:55 PM

Things I remember:

Monster Mash on KTVU channel 2 on Saturday afternoons.

The Chicago White Sox wearing shorts and big wide collars on their jerseys.

Watching "The Love Boat" and "Fantasy Island" on Saturday nights.

Going to see "Jaws" at the drive-in when I was 6 and trying to convince my cousin I was shivering because I was cold....in July....when it was 80 degrees out.

There were these things that let you make shrunken heads out of dried up, baked apples or something like that.

Weebuls Wobble but they don't fall down...

I remember when they used to put those square records on boxes of cereal that you could cut out and play on a record player (or were they inside the box?).

I had this Evel Knievel (sp?) dragster that you would attach to this box and pull on this cord thing. The dragster would take off and a parachute would open up on it. I crashed that thing a million times.

Ustwo 10-19-2006 12:57 PM

Son of Svengoolie


frogza 10-19-2006 02:06 PM

Cheerios commercials featuring a stick figure playing some sport, getting tired, eating cheerios and bouncing back to win. When he'd eat his cheerios you'd hear "Cheeri-iri-os"

My brother and I used to go into the back yard after Saturday morning cartoons when they'd play that commercial and try eating cheerios to make us run faster, we even tried shouting Cheeri-iri-os to see if that helped. It didn't.

thingstodo 10-19-2006 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by hambone
You know what I haven't had in a while....Big League Chew

Just come to Detroit. It's a favorite of our pitchers and now the fans!

Fearless_Hyena 10-19-2006 06:55 PM

I'm more interested in who *doesn't* remember these :)

Wall-mounted rotary phones and the ringing sound they make?

Reach out and touch someone!

Gator Gum

Schoolhouse Rock

The Land of the Lost

And ever have a TV without a remote?

Jackebear 10-19-2006 07:35 PM

I can't believe the coller-up thing is back, you know on golf/polo shirts. The 80's called...they want their coller back.

How about the Bay City Rollers?? S, A, T,U,R, D,A,Y Night!

Leto 10-20-2006 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by hunnychile
Wonder Woman, Linda Carter. Ahhh those power bracelets! :)

Bracelets?? Oh yes, the bracelets. nudge nudge. :lol: Remember on American Dad (? I think ) when Superman flies up to WonderWoman while she is using the toilette on her invisible plane??? too funny.


Originally Posted by Jackebear
I can't believe the coller-up thing is back, you know on golf/polo shirts. The 80's called...they want their coller back.

Ditto with the collar up. So damned affected. I hated it back then, and was on the 'Coller turn Down patrol' to 'fix' this errant style. circa 1979 - 80.


Originally Posted by Jackebear
How about the Bay City Rollers?? S, A, T,U,R, D,A,Y Night!

That good 'ole rock n roll road show,
Saturday Night, Saturday Night,
keep on Dancing to the Heart and Soul of
Saturday Night, Saturday Night


Originally Posted by Deltona Couple
The One-Eyed-one-horned-flying-purple-people-eater? (Song)

"Pigeon toed - under growed flying purple people eater!"

Yes! I had K-Tel's 'Goofy Greats'. Chock full of one hit wonders (Guitar-zan, Alley Oop, Rockin Robin etc)

Also, in the 70's or '80's Nair did a commercial which used the Purple People Eater tune, or part of it for the "We wear Short Shorts" part.

Fremen 10-24-2006 09:57 PM

Ahhh, this is a thread after me own heart. :D

My earliest toy memories are of Army Men, Lincoln Logs, Candy Land, Sit-n-Spin, Pick-up Sticks, Jacks, Six-Million Dollar Man action figure, Evil Knievel action figure and wind-up motorcycle.
Also, Hula-hoops, and those lemon-looking things you put around your ankles and twirled them around yourself while skipping over them.

There were so-o-o many more toys, but it would take too long to list them.

TV shows: Saturday mornings were wonderful...and so many already mentioned...hmmm there was Shazaam, Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Toons, Scooby Doo, Peabody and Sherman, Tennessee Tuxedo, Blue Falcon and Dyno-Mutt, Mighty Man and Yukk, Sigmund and the Sea-monsters, The Flintstones, The Bugaloos, Lost in Space, the Lost Saucer, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Laffalympics, Wacky Races, Inch High Private Eye, Secret Squirrel, The Banana Splits, and so on...

I used to love watching all of the Saturday afternoon Westerns, too.
The Lone Ranger, The Rifleman, Big Valley (Linda Evans, hubba-hubba), Rawhide, Bonanza, Branded, Hondo, then there was the Tarzan tv series, Batman, The Green Hornet, Kung Fu, Wild Kingdom, and the list goes on...

Sunday's were always started with Davey and Goliath, and some guy named Bill that read the funny-pages on tv and it was sponsored by the Ft. Worth Zoo.

Also, anybody remember the book series, The Three Investigators? Great set of children's books.

Great thread. :thumbsup:

MSD 10-25-2006 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Jason762
Ha ha. I found a place in SF that has some. At the end of Pier 39.

I can't find that stuff in grocery stores.

a CVS in Miami Beach soid Big League Chew when I was there over the summer.

Anyone remember Love Potion 69, brainwash, and the other Skeleteens drinks?

I remember my dad telling me that Crystal Pepsi was just a marketing gimmick, it tasted the same as regular, and no, he would not spend more on it because it was the same thing.

I have a Cabbage Patch doll somewhere downstairs, I think it's in the cedar closet.

Bill O'Rights 10-26-2006 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Fremen
TV shows: Saturday mornings were wonderful...and so many already mentioned...hmmm there was Shazaam, Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Toons, Scooby Doo, Peabody and Sherman, Tennessee Tuxedo, Blue Falcon and Dyno-Mutt, Mighty Man and Yukk, Sigmund and the Sea-monsters, The Flintstones, The Bugaloos, Lost in Space, the Lost Saucer, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Laffalympics, Wacky Races, Inch High Private Eye, Secret Squirrel, The Banana Splits, and so on...

Impressive. But you forgot one very important one.

Lancelot Link
Secret Chimp

And his sidekick Matta Hairy:D

rjnjr 10-26-2006 07:54 AM

What about the Hippity Hop? I'm not sure how that toy made it through to my generation (although we did have Jarts, too , so ...) but we nearly broke our necks as kids trying to out-jump each other on that thing. I'm not sure what they were made of (recycled tires?) but they were tough - we used to bounce right through the doorway & out into the yard. Hours of fun. Days of recovering from the chafing.

+1 for The Three Investigators. Read them all. Good stuff.

Fremen 10-28-2006 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Impressive. But you forgot one very important one.

Lancelot Link
Secret Chimp

And his sidekick Matta Hairy:D

I should be shot! :thumbsup:

Lizra 10-28-2006 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Elphaba

- Curling long hair with orange juice cans. We slept on those nasty bastages. :)

Ha ha! Yes...there were no blower dryers (till Sasoon :p ) I have curly hair and endured the orange juice cans coming out a ponytail that was on top of my head....till I discovered ironing my hair on the ironing board. :D Had to have that perfect "cheerleader flip"

Dippity do, hair tape, Happy Face face wash cream...that Bonne Bell ten-o-six lotion, Biba make-up, pot-o-gloss, how about those elastic belts that held the sanitary napkins in place...before some GENIUS figured out putting tape on them! :eek:
Bub's Daddy bubble gum, wearing a head scarf to keep your ears warm. I wish more little girls wore headscarves......

TV.......Dark Shadows, Where the Action Is, Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In....."WIN MARK LINDSEY'S LOVE BEADS" on the cover of every other Teen Magazine.....:lol:

USMC6531 10-29-2006 05:18 AM

I do remember Drive-In movies. Used to go to the swap shop every Sat. night and watch something. ANd if it was no good I'd just change the radio station to the movie behind us and turn around and watch whatever else was on. What I miss is the $1 Movie theaters,

noodle 10-29-2006 05:38 AM

I can remember sitting in the tree down the street with my friends "smoking" candy cigarettes... you blew in the end and "smoke" came out. We were cool.

And swinging on our original swingset that was metal and had to be put in the ground with concrete. You were really cool if you could make the entire thing rock. It only had two swings and a slide, connected by monkey bars.

I'm now singing the theme songs to KIDS Incorporated, Knight Rider, and the Slinky commercial... thanks.

Where are the My Little Ponies, Muncheechees, Snorks, original Fraggles? C'mon you guys.

I still have my Puffalump somewhere. And my parents' attic smells like Strawberry Shortcake dolls. It makes me laugh hysterically whenever we open it.
And my family used to go to Cleveland, Georgia to Babyland General when I was a kid and we were on vacation. Know what's "born" there? You can do it....

We actually watched Cabbage Patch Kids born right out of the cabbages in the "garden." It was awful, but we loved it then. I have one of the originals.

I remember te day that MTV started, wearing neon everything, riding cool in a Caprice Classic as big as a house, hiding the Beastie Boys from my parents, those little mice and animal people you played with in dollhouses (I was obsessed), inflatable Barbie furniture, the original Trivial Pursuit, Sweet Valley High books replacing Nancy Drew...

Miss Mango 11-18-2006 07:58 PM

What about Bubble-Up?


Xera 11-19-2006 06:27 AM

I'm still singing shot through the heart.

how about Pat Benetar and Olivia Newton John and the whole world wanted to Get Physical?

Who remembers Elvira hosting the Halloween shows? Hell for all I know she still might, but I haven't seen her in at least 10 years.

He-man, She-ra and shrinky dinks made the world go around.

I loved my yellow banana seat bike.

Buying our first microwave oven in 1981.

Moms feeling safe letting their kids, at 6,7 years old ride their bikes anywhere in the neighborhood, as long as we were "in yelling distance"

Oh what about those trick bikes? Seemed like every boy in the world, and about half the girls were doing some amazing gymnasitic tricks on those things for a while.

cellophanedeity 11-19-2006 06:31 PM

I may be too young for this game. My memories include:

* The Beetlejuice cartoon
* The Ghostbusters on TV
* Zoodles
* Orbitz soft drink http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbitz_(soft_drink)
* And a hundred thousand other things that, when I think about it, happened a decade ago.

Intense1 11-19-2006 09:52 PM

How about:

* Inch Worm

* Lite Brite ("makin' things with lite, what a ? making things with lite brite")

* Operation (what did that kid say when he took out that organ? "Blah, blah, blah"

Xera 11-19-2006 09:57 PM

I can't believe I forgot to mention Rainbow Bright, Punky Brewster and ET dolls. I loved Punky Brewster.

Miss Mango 11-20-2006 06:44 AM

There is a rusty safety hazard formerly known as our swingset in the back yard.
I had a Strawberry Shortcake board game, and a friends dog ate the Sour Grapes playing piece. I remember being awfully upset about that...

Anyone remember SeaWees? When looking for them (because I couldnt remember the name!), I came across this site. http://dreamfollow.com/lilypad/eighties.html

I remember Serendipity books, too. What about the Sweet Pickles series? (I loved em!)

raeanna74 11-20-2006 03:36 PM

Clove gum. Been craving it lately and cannot find it anywhere. That or Black Jack gum.

Also, Jelly shoes - fun and cool lookin.
A Chinese jump rope was a blast too.

IT2002 11-30-2006 12:07 AM

Anyone remember the diet candy called AIDS?

How about "Who shot J.R?"

Does anyone else remember going to the movies with Dad and coming home with Mom? :lol:

Miss Mango 11-30-2006 02:44 AM

Naugles (I think that was how it was spelled). It was like a cross between Taco Bell & Del Taco, but better!

Lizra 11-30-2006 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by IT2002
Anyone remember the diet candy called AIDS?

How about "Who shot J.R?"

Does anyone else remember going to the movies with Dad and coming home with Mom? :lol:

Oh geez....those nasty carmel squares! :eek: They were wrapped in wax paper in that box.... My mom "enjoyed" them....:p
And "Sucarel" (sp?) those weird tabletop bottles of sugar substitute....they had that pointy top. I have an antique booth.....and I sell the occasional Sucarel bottle if I stumble across one....the shape is so distinctive....brings back memories to lots of people. :)

beavstrokinoff 11-30-2006 03:03 PM

Cuban lunch. I haven't seenone of those for years.

m0rpheus 12-13-2006 02:54 PM

I just saw one in a used game store the other day...

Who remembers ColecoVision?

RedCometChar 12-14-2006 12:53 AM

Yeah, I remember. I was big into He-Man at the time, and I bought the Colecovision game believing it would work on Atari like every other oddball shaped cartridge, only to have it be this tiny little thing. I didn't actually play it for years, ended up giving it to a cousin who had a Colecovision.

I remember the little dial joysticks and the number pads on the controllers, though. The He-Man game even came with a little plastic sheet you could slide into your keypad to customize it.

Lasereth 12-14-2006 07:50 PM

I don't know why this thread reminded me of it but does anyone remember the popcorn that was different colors. It was green red and blue I think. This was late 80's possibly early 90s.

Miss Mango 01-14-2007 02:56 AM

I was never much of a doll person, but one of the few that I did have was Mrs. Beasley. So ugly!

I had a Lemon Twist ankle toy swingy thing.

I loved to watch HR Pufnstuf, Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, the Bugaloos, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, etc. I was a TV junkie.

I still have some of my Charlies Angels trading cards that came with bubble gum. Also, Monkees cards!

One of my favorite possessions was a Magic Window. Man, I loved that thing. I was totally hypnotized by it.

Miss Mango 04-09-2008 07:09 AM

Dairy Queen Tokens included in the Full Meal Deal so you could buy desert afterwards.

genuinegirly 04-09-2008 07:51 AM

Those Dairy Queen tokens were great.
What about etch-a-sketch?

lotsofmagnets 04-09-2008 07:56 AM

was just playing with etch-a-sketch over easter in the north of iceland. they are not dead.

this thread made me remember the old hypercolour t-shirts that would eventually turn vomit brown

snowy 04-09-2008 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by lotsofmagnets
was just playing with etch-a-sketch over easter in the north of iceland. they are not dead.

this thread made me remember the old hypercolour t-shirts that would eventually turn vomit brown

I had a pair of hypercolor socks. Those were cool. Not.

Crack 04-09-2008 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by hambone
You know what I haven't had in a while....Big League Chew

do you even listen to yourself talk?

777 04-09-2008 10:33 AM

Remember the old names for our stores?




Sav-on (And Osco)

And horror movies had these weird monsters, like Hellraiser, Jason, Freddy, and Michael from Halloween. These days, they're mostly seriel killer films, and the monsters that are made aren't milked to death.

Dammitall 01-28-2009 01:16 PM

I remember going to see a double feature of Explorers and Footloose at the drive-in in our Datsun hatchback. I fell asleep five minutes into Footloose.

Anybody else have a subscription to Ranger Rick? Oh, and anybody remember playing Flashlight Tag?

cdwonderful 02-01-2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by IT2002 (Post 2160853)
Anyone remember the diet candy called AIDS?


it was AYDS and i use to eat em like candy

did anyone have a Major Matt Mason?

Leto 02-02-2009 06:28 AM

I had a Major Matt Mason, with the Space Sled and Back Pack.

Best damn toy I ever had, even when the wire in the posable arms and legs broke.

better than the Smash Up Derby cars. anybody remember those?

ring 02-12-2009 09:09 AM

Me holding the 'Hugnik' mouse.
My sister loved that robot, I did too.
I can't remember who made it.
I looked around on the net a bit and couldn't find it.


Terrell 02-12-2009 10:00 AM

My sister had a couple of cabbage patch kids, as well as a cassette with cabbage patch kids music. I also remember garbage pail kids trading cards (spoof of cabbage patch kids). She had some of those too. I had a Rubiks Cube, as well as Pyramix (sp?).

roachboy 02-12-2009 10:15 AM

my brother and i were sky king fans when we were little. we could be skydivers off the edge of the couch in the livingroom. it was orange and made of vinyl. sometimes we would take breaks from skydiving to bury general douglas macarthur again, who was apparently quite dead inside one of the orange cushions.

ring 02-12-2009 10:28 AM

the glorious tunnels we would make,
by draping blankets over all the tv-tray tables,
and chairs in the basement.

Dammitall 02-12-2009 10:35 AM

Simon, anyone?


ItWasMe 02-12-2009 10:55 AM

Oh, yes, simon! I had one of those.

Rubik's cube
The Wonder Years
Donkey Kong
Boom Boxes
Flash Dance
Knight Rider

vanblah 02-12-2009 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Intense1 (Post 2156505)
How about:

* Inch Worm

* Lite Brite ("makin' things with lite, what a SIGHT making things with lite brite")

* Operation (what did that kid say when he took out that organ? "Blah, blah, blah" BUTTAHFINGAHS!

cdwonderful 02-12-2009 12:32 PM

paddle pool!


uncle phil 02-12-2009 02:21 PM

water painting the sides of houses...

cdwonderful 02-12-2009 02:25 PM

mood rings

hey it does resize your avatar picture.....wheeeeee

NoSoup 02-12-2009 05:16 PM

Things I miss - Clear Pepsi and Hubba Bubba (I think) Soda. At any rate - it was radioactive pink and tasted just like Bubble Gum.
-----Added 12/2/2009 at 08 : 19 : 41-----
Oh! And Hungry Hungry Hippos

uncle phil 02-13-2009 03:24 AM

clear pepsi was soo wrong...

Cynosure 02-13-2009 07:50 AM

If you guys want an amusing and bittersweet trip down memory lane, of what U.S. consumerism life was like, growing up in the mid '70s to late '80s, I highly recommend you getting your hands on a copy of this book...

Retro Hell: Life in the '70s and '80s (from Afros to Zotz)


(The image may be too small for you to make it out, but that's a flaming disco ball. LOL.)


Valley girls. Quaaludes. Howard Cosell. K-tel Records. In today's pop -culture spin cycle, the seventies and eighties rule -- as evidenced by everything from reruns on Nickelodeon and VH-1 to Brady Bunch movies and New Wave theme parties.

Now, at last, there's Retro Hell -- a sassy, knowing travelogue through the best and worst of these unforgettable decades. Orchestrated by the editor of Ben Is Dead, winner of the Firecracker Alternative Book Awards 1995 Best 'Zine of the Year, Retro Hell both sends up and celebrates the cultural landscape of our misspent youth. Thirty Ben Is Dead writers and hundreds of readers helped assemble the nearly 1,000 sharply opinionated alphabetical entries and loopily authoritative sidebars. The icons, the eccentricities, the excesses, the kitsch -- it's all here, from alligator shirts, breakdancing, Earth Shoes, and Farrah Fawcett to bumper stickers, eight-tracks, Schoolhouse Rock, and John Travolta.

Illustrated throughout with 100 black-and-white photographs and illustrations, Retro Hell is the definitive compendium of recent pop-culture arcana -- a fresh, funny look back for everyone who survived the seventies and eighties.
amazon.com: Retro Hell: Life in the '70s and '80S (from Afros to Zotz) - Editors of Ben is Dead Magazine

Although this book is out of print, you can get a used copy in pretty good condition at a reasonable price. I've had my own copy of this book for several years now, and I've perused it many, many times. (Once, while eating a bowl of good ol' Quisp cereal, which I happened upon in a grocery store, a few years ago.)

777 02-13-2009 01:11 PM

I was talking to this young girl the other day, and she has no idea what a pager was!
-----Added 13/2/2009 at 04 : 17 : 11-----
And for those who had a Nintendo growing up, who can remember this song:

snowy 02-26-2009 04:52 PM


Anyone remember Original New York Seltzer? I remembered this today when enjoying a diet Hansen's Black Cherry soda, as the black cherry flavor was my favorite of the Original New York Seltzers. I also really fancied those unique glass bottles they came in. I have fond memories of saving up our seltzer bottles as a kid and turning them in for nickels on a family trip to Oregon (we lived in WA at the time, where there is no bottle bill). Obviously, this is before they started using different barcodes on products for states with deposits, before the machines, back when they still guessed how many bottles you had based on how full the bag was.

newtx 02-28-2009 07:35 AM

20 inch bike with high rise handle bars,banana seat and of course a racing slick.
western flyer bike from western auto
double your pleasure, double your fun............with _____,_____,_____gum.
Carters little liver pills. ex: He has more money than Carter has little pills.

Leto 03-01-2009 07:17 PM

double, mint, chewing gum?

How about Certs? "Two, Two, Two mints in One!"

Those bikes with the banana seats and the sissy bars? They were called Mustangs.

Remember Brylcreme? A little dab 'll do you...

And the '70's rejoinder was "the wet head is dead" but what was the product?

Now, I'm wondering if anybody remembers Resdan Dandruff Shampoo? Song went something like: "Resdan, Resdan, Rah Rah Rah, Dandruff, Dandruff, boo, boo, boo..." Showed in the mid '70's. Can't find anything on Utube.

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