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Happy April Fools Day!
Yeah, I know I'm a little early, but in some parts of the world it's already April 1st... Do other countries even celebrate April Fools Day?
Does anyone have any exciting tricks they plan on using on anyone tomorrow? What are some previous tricks you have pulled? I've never played a prank on anyone and I'd like to, so I'd love to hear some ideas. :D |
Playing pranks on people that are trained to kill can get a little ugly. I have been exposed to that.
We have a rule of "NO PRANKS". It prevents the inevitable retaliation. As far as pranks go, I have seen everything from: rolling alarm clocks back, salt in the sugar bowl, Shampoo in the toothpaste Toothpaste in the shampoo vaseline on doorknobs (or other surface to be touched) Pretending to be dead, and waiting for co-worker to be first responder (complete with make-up) You name it, I've seen it. Fucking dangerous game. I stay away from that shit. And everyone knows that a world-class beating is coming to anyone who pranks me. |
expanding insulation foam
pennies in the doorjamb plastic wrap duct tape them to their mattress change clock times I dunno, just pick one habitual thing a person does everytime and mess with it, subtly or a huge amount |
When I was in college two dorms were having a war and I suggested opening someones door in the middle of the night and dumping a bag of flour in front of a big box fan. Well they did it and it created a big mess. When they got in trouble they said it was my idea and I got written up along with them. Punks!
Empty a pork-pie and fill it with cat shit.
(don't do that) |
Empty beer bottles in flyman's fridge...
:D |
One year, I think it was my sixth grade year, I put a very realistic looking snake on a teacher's seat. It seemed like an awesome idea at the time, until the teacher saw the snake, screamed, ran out of the room crying, and I got suspended.
Ack! Thanks for the head's up. Stepdaughter is coming over tomorrow and she is nuts about 4/1 pranks.
The Top 100 April Fools Jokes of All Time is an excelent site and gave me more than a few ideas. Last year I told my folks that my lovely and beautiful wife was pregnant....with quintuplets. My mom almost fainted (she blacked out momentarily). It was quite fun. I suspect she wanted to shoot me after that.
But he's also got a heart condition, diabetes, blood-pressure problems and is shit-scared of snakes so I suppose I'd better not... |
well I tried playing the "I'm dead" prank on my other forum... Got another friend from the forum to tell them I was hospitalized with a heart condition.... here's some of the responses I got:
I'm not playing any more april fools day pranks :( I'm not a jackass am I? |
I know Ace better than nearly anyone else, and he's been around in my life for about 7-8 years.
He's also been there for me when almost everyone else walked out and that's something that can't merely be brushed aside. Jokes are only funny if everyone's laughing, and that shit's not cool. Ace it ain't true, you're not a jackass :icare: I guess it does make you do a double take about who you consider friends out there. p.s. nice to be back TFP ;) missed you guys |
Fart machine. Hard to go wrong with that.
Hope there's a lot of blamestorming among those victimized. |
i've done some crazy shit for april fools' day. i've pretended to have been stabbed at work (complete with fake half a knife on my chest). i also, one year, gave my parents a "It's a girl!" cards. My girlfriend (at the time) and I had just gotten a kitten, that i'd specifically not told them about yet. Inside the card was a pic of the kitten. :)
That was great. |
Came back from Spring Break one year and told everyone I was married. Had some hastily-made props to support my claim (napkins, invites, etc.).
The fools believed me! My RA found out and suggested I seek married housing. Nowadays, I keep my pranks limited to those found on /. |
Has anyone found any obvious pranks online? You'd think some major websites would be running pranks today.
Our local public radio station once did a report on the horrors of water polo and the large number of horses that drown every year while playing it. :lol:
I am a bartender and I finished my little April Fool's prank before I left last night from work about 2 am. We have a big open cooler than holds our beer where you just fill it w/ice to keep the beer's cold(kinda like a big trough). My manager is very, very anal about there always being enough ice in it, to the point where I usually cannot fit any more beer in, because of all the ice. So last night before I left, I packed the cooler full of shaved ice and froze the whole thing solid. There should be a 2'x6' block of ice with about 100 beers frozen in the middle for him when he gets there this morning :)
The release of DotA Allstars v6.30
Got me really excited only to find out it was a prank :( boohoo |
Ace, I'm hesitant to respond to your post, because I don't know if you made that up as a joke to play on us. If it isn't a prank, then that's sad...I've never interpreted you as a jack ass. If it is....well, then I fell for it...kinda :)
I debated telling my hubby that I'm pregnant for April Fools, but I don't think he'd appreciate it very much. |
I found a good one: http://www.google.com/romance/
Although there's always the off-chance that it's real... after all, Gmail was announced on april fools' day two years ago ;). |
There was a prank pulled off at FedEx when I was still doing Data Entry last year.
The Senior Data Entry Agent (My ex-gf which we broke up few months before) had brought bunch of little art thing that looks like chicks (As in chicken) and brought enough to put one on everybody's computer including mine and some 15 on her computer (What an odd girl). In the weeks leading up to April's Fools Day, one by one went missing until someone finally pointed out that they were starting to disappear. Rumours and speculations went flying, everybody was a suspect including myself and my boss. Of course I denied it all. I think the chicks started disappearing few weeks before April's Fool. In fact there was even a ransom note the week before April's Fool, demanding a pay increase and more hot chocolate :D Prior to the big day, it came down to 1 last chicks on the Senior Agent's computer station. While I was doing some work on my computer, a coworker rolled up in his chair alongside me and asked me "Hey Jeff, where'd you hide the chicks?" I knew that the Senior Agent had sent somebody to "investigate" me and I figured I'll play along by responding that I had hidden them in a cabinet that was in the same room "over there". Of course he went away and the Senior Agent immediately went over to the cabinet that I pointed out and searched through the whole thing and found nothing. Her logic failed in this case because it was the same cabinet that everybody opens everyday for the last few weeks and didn't even find a single chick? After the Senior Agent extensive search came up nothing, she begin to openly accuse me of "stealing" the chicks. I denied it all, again. Everytime she would accuse me, I deny it, she would go back to work for a few minutes and start over again. It had gotten to the point where she threw out wild facts including one time that she "saw" me taking them, obviously a lie. The Senior Agent continues to accuse me and arguments would start and get heated up to the point where my manager comes in and saw the whole thing happening and ordered the two of us to his office. In his office, we both explained our point of view and my manager asked me a simple question "Did you take it?" and I replied "No" and that was it. I left his office, leaving my manager to have a dicussion with the Senior Agent about apporiate workplace ethics regarding this situation. She came back crying and went home early for the night. On April's Fool, the next day, a mysterious FedEx package had arrived from another FedEx location's Data Entry department (I saw the package information and all the detail) and it was addressed to the Senior Data Entry Agent of the Calgary station, which was my ex-gf. She opens the package and inside the package was a photo. On the photo, it was a picture of the data entry computer station in other location with one noticeable detail: They all had chicks on them, including 15 on one station. Yes, I do admit that I was part of the prank that my manager had pulled off along with several people at the other location. My part was to take the chicks and FedEx it to Vancouver and even throw in the ransom note :D:D:D. |
FALLENANGEL!!!!!!!!!! *Does Cartwheels!!***
Now... THAT will be a mean joke if you're only back to post today ... I better see ya here tomorrow too :icare: Ace ... not a jackass ... nope... you already know what I think :) |
My boss got pranked by her daughter this morning, she called and said she had lost her wallet full of money. My boss managed to get pretty upset before her daughter told her 'April Fools!' It was kind of cute. I was unintentionally pranked by my very nice but sometimes a bit of an airhead colleague who had had trouble with the online newspaper returns reports yesterday and had even managed to mess up today's report... yesterday! It took me half an hour to sort out that mess.
I don't believe I've ever played a prank on anyone. Nor have I had a prank pulled on me. How boring.
that what you said is EXACTLY what happened. I got seriously reverse-pranked by my friend in Pakistan classic april fools, got me GOOOOOOD |
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