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Stylophone Madness
Stylophones might be the least great musical instruments ever invented but these guys done good all the same.
Mark Kermode plays 'Also Sprach Zarathustra' from 2001: A Space Odyssey whilst gurning like a mentalist: Some guys from Leeds playing beloved rap songs: And an ensemble playing some Bach: |
Alright, I've been biding my time here with this, and I hope you do not mind that I give this little thread a bump, but I might help morph this into real musical madness (in time).
For now, all I have left to give (at this moment) is this: http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...527cfef9_m.jpg (still unclear on the identity of the above artist / band) |
this could quite easily be used for musical madness: a new stylo-style musical instrument. But the guy is playing it far too sanely for it to be mad just yet.
(another) Question: would you at all mind if I start contributing just plain awesome retro keyboards, sometimes standing alongside their ridiculously-rad human counterparts? I've acquired a few of these, too, and would hate for them to just go to waste.
- - - http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ks...4fjqo1_500.jpg MAKE: Japan : Stylophone Beatboxの実力を見よ + bonus http://26.media.tumblr.com/Kweceg2FZ...Un9ro1_400.jpg Stylophone The Original Pocket Electronic Organ |
The context of it:
Brett Domino and Steven Peavis of the Brett Domino Trio perform a short hip-hop medley to showcase the variety of sonic treats that emanate from Dubreq’s new Stylophone Beatbox. Quote:
'Rapper's Delight', by Sugar Hill Gang. 'Jump Around', by House of Pain. 'Boom! Shake The Room' by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince. my own personal commentary: The guys' near-cockneyed accent is great to hear, and sets a good indication of what to expect. Thanks for sharing this one. PS Also, that Roger Linn new prototype instrument is right nice. I'd like to see more of that, definitely. And what's more, even though that Bach's 'Air' video was the shortest, it was the one that stuck. I really liked it. |
...but something's not right with that Bach one. The video looks sped up but the sound doesn't sound it. Also I would prefer that they learned their parts rather than reading it!
I now understand why I have this inescapable need to want to post intriguing keyboard visuals: I originally mistakenly shifted the meaning of a 'stylophone' to that of 'keytar', and perhaps that's why I find it hard to let it go. So hard, in fact, that I'm moving on with them and through them, so I do hope you don't mind it.
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l3...7lxdo1_500.jpg Building a stylo / piano / DJ-mixing station... is, actually, quite-amusingly hot. (they're Asian chicks, what's more, and in certain circles, would be referred to as a 'nerd's dream'.) -- curated by yimmy's yayo |
I've been trying to give this hybrid/unseen instrument a name, but it's harder than I initially perceived it. Right now, it's in between a 'xylophoner' and a 'keypilo' |
Jetee, that's a "melodica". If you remember the Philly band "The Hooters", they used one quite a bit in their music.
Yeah, I'm no good at coming up with witty titles, or new un-yet-seen words.
And I'm barely familiar with bands I actually listen to, so no, I haven't heard of "The Hooters", I'm afraid. - - - http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l1...5vu7o1_500.jpg H Plus Blog - Moment Sound Vol. 1 |
http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...852ad80f_m.jpg http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...1a632890_m.jpg creations by Dan McPharlin (papercraft) [pristina.] |
Stones Throw recording artist Oh No uses the Korg iElectribe App
on up to three iPads at a time to create his signature sound. |
Set Up by Incase. ; featuring the Korg ESX Ipad app. |
JazzMutant - Multitouch controllers for audio production, live music and media performance. |
simple statement: tho it's slow-going at the moment, I really, really love this topic
- - -
Blue ArduinoMe (Monome Clone) (instructional) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4...odz3o1_400.jpg "synthporno" explains: They are my ArduinoMe or Monome Clones, as you prefer. They have a 64 button/led matrix fully configurable and works on OSC/Midi. They are the coolest hardware controllers on the world, pure action/reaction. - - - author's comments: This is a video of a remix performance of Radiohead's "Reckoner" from In Rainbows that I've been working out on the monome for a while now. I'm using my monome 64 running mlrV to chop and sequence each track/loop. The black monome 40h I built with ultraviolet (UV) LEDs is running vu scroll (a scrolling VU meter app) which is picking up the sound in the studio from the laptop's built-in mic. All of the audio was recorded and mixed down in Ableton Live 8. I used my laptop's iSight and a small Sony for the video. I used Adobe Premier Pro CS4 to edit the video (it was my first time using Premier Pro for a project). Download the mp3 here: http://www.demsuite.com/audio/reckoner_remix.mp3 |
Melodica (thanks for clueing me in, RedLemon) + 70s artist, Augustus Pablo. [webdice.] |
Fan-made remix of Gorillaz 'Stylo' + Chiddy Bang's 'Opposite of Adults'
[frontarmy.] (^^ above link is housed on a liberal-agenda titty blog) |
[stylecharts.] (^^ above article is in German) |
more melodicas
http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4...dgw1o1_500.jpg 誕生50周年を記念した特別仕様のメロディオン、3機種各500台限定で同時発売|キーボード| Rittor Music Port by リットーミュージック |
Medley masters Brett Domino and Steven Peavis load up on instruments
and charge head-first into a marvelous musical mashup of the Top 40 hits featured in the 75th iteration of the popular compilation Now That’s What I Call Music! CD series. [TDW.] |
GetLoFi » Circuit Bent Famicom with a Famicom breakout box synopsis: Kaseo has recently completed a circuit bent Famicom with another Famicom as a break out box for the first unit! This was done probably because space is a premium in a Famicom, unlike those great bulky US NES model which allow for tons of switches and knobs, but either way it looks cool. The breakout box also has an audio input that is seen through out the video affecting the scan lines. Now I need to see an circuit bent Atari 2600 with another Atari 2600 as a breakout box.- - - + bonus: DEMO http://youtube.com/watch?v=lT1rox4csJs |
I think this thread deserves a more recognition, and a grander rendition, than it is currently garnering now.
http://26.media.tumblr.com/DGWHj3H8e...29LZo1_500.jpg *- (I'll still be waiting.) |
... 'cause I have none.
Not sure if this pertains, but I found it gaining buzz, and it is sort of controversial, in the musical instrument sense.
4 chords is all you need for every pop song ever made. Axis of awesome. : funny |
all you need to start your very own (auto-tune) orchestra |
Tadanori Yokoo, one of Japan's most prolific and internationally recognized graphic designers, has created a number of psychedelic posters for notable musicians. [pinktentacle.] |
The short, syncopated history of...
STYLOPHONE REBORN | BoingBoing Gadgets
The Stylophone, a '60s-era electric musical instrument with a metal keyboard activated by stylus, has been reissued, this time with a line-out and two new sounds. Stylophones make sound from an oscillator wired to a resistor—the stylus completes the circuit. They've been used with some frequency in pop music over the years, according to L'Wikipeaudeax. The Stylophone appears on a few commercial recordings, most notably David Bowie's "Space Oddity" and "Slip Away" and the commercial rave single "Stylophonia" by Two Little Boys in 1991. Kraftwerk used the Stylophone on the track "Pocket Calculator" from their album Computer World. The British duo Erasure also employed it on the single "Don't Say Your Love Is Killing Me" (from the album Cowboy in 1997) as well as on their 2000 album "Loveboat". In a lesser-known instance, the Stylophone is used for the bulk of Orbital's single, "Style". Marilyn Manson made use of it for "You and Me and the Devil Makes 3". They Might Be Giants played the Stylophone in several of their songs, including a number on their 2007 album, The Else. Jon Spencer has used the Stylophone extensively on recordings with his band Blues Explosion, and has famously had problems bringing the device — described as "the world's most annoying musical instrument" — through airport security.- - - - - * - http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3036/...d5ed66b7_m.jpg |
Soft Machines - Kuschelt Euch rein, Gear Junkies! pictured above (clockwise, from top right): 303 Bass Line , Original Game Boy , Analogue Solutions Leipzig , Beat Box 808 |
Radvertising: Alt1977 — Alex Varanese
author's comments: (Artist @AlexVaranese asks:) “What would you do if you could travel back in time? Assassinate Marilyn Monroe? Go on a date with Hitler? Obviously. But here’s what I’d do after that: grab all the modern technology I could find, take it to the late 70’s, superficially redesign it all to blend in, start a consumer electronics company to unleash it upon the world, then sit back as I rake in billions, trillions, or even millions of dollars. |
i picked up one of these awhile back..........and man is it a fun unit.
some great sounds. |
KORG is a fairly big name in the syncopation and synthesizer business, I think (moreso in Europe).
Thanks for sharing that, Fly; gives me a new little toy to seek out (though I wish I had one like you do, to tinker around with). - - - Can't believe I hadn't posted this yet. (maybe I have elsewhere?) http://img.ffffound.com/static-data/...d3b25c27_m.jpg >> Aha - I was right... [Flying Nuns] |
Stylophonic Rendition of: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time-OST medley, performed by Joe Marvelly.
David Bowie and his "Tin Machine", 1969. (* -) |
you can play around with this:
http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_le...7hmlo1_500.jpg Virtual Drum Machines |
Hi-Fi/Lo-Fi Disc Jockey Service Branding by Paul Gardner |
go pick one up man,they are a hoot.........actually IS full of bells and whistles.......:thumbsup: |
I'm gonna buy one and join a band
美雨お嬢様 - Miu when she was age of 2? (or even younger... ) *relevant context |
author's comments: (HumanisticRationale)
This is my rendition of the song "Creep" by Radiohead. Obviously the performance has it's flaws, but thats what makes it unique. Anyway enjoy the video and hopefully I can make some more in the near future. *topical trivia: Theremin excerpted overview: Quote:
Alexander Chen’s “Conductor” uses realtime data on the MTA’s subway schedule to turn Massimo Vignelli’s iconic NYC subway map
into an interactive string instrument. author's comments: The piece follows some rules. Every minute, it checks for new trains launched from their end stations. The train then moves towards the end of the line, with its speed set by the schedule’s estimated trip duration. Some decisions were made for musical, aesthetic, and technical reasons, such as fading out routes over time, the gradual time acceleration, and limiting the number of concurrent trains. Also, I used the weekday schedule. Some of these limitations result in subtle variations, as different trains are chosen during each 24-hour loop. |
~明和電機 社長ブログ~: OP-1 これはかわいい!シンセサイザー! - - - - - translated: Teenage Engineering Company (Sweden) have crafted their newest synthesizer: The OP-1 Instrument! Engineering’s OP-1 is something unique in music hardware. It’s got a form factor inspired by the Casio VL-Tone series – you know, those cute little 80s-vintage synths. It’s a sampler. It’s a synth. It has an FM radio. It will have a variety of sequencers. It has, we’ve just learned, a multi-track tape mode that lets you do beat-synced virtual splicing as a performance technique. It is expected to inte- grate and interoperate with a design lifestyle including, if you like, a luxury-priced, meticulously-machined desk lamp, and according to one rumor I heard, perhaps even a specially-designed electric bicycle. (Seriously.) READ MORE... [createdigitalmusic.] |
Sound Toys: Stylophone, Hohner Student 32 Melodica and Casio VL-Tone keyboard -- courtesy of ~nosferatud2. |
http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ky...p6iio1_400.jpg http://i55.tinypic.com/j5j9tf.jpg
the AM / FM keyboard 6 the instrument was designed by vasco alves; it is an updated version of his earlier + bonus [designboom. / ohreaally.] |
Castlevania theme comes in surround sound, from what looks like 30 different devices.
Phantom of the Paradise (Brian de Palma ; 1976) |
HUMAN AFTER ALL - MRHIPP # Artist Features # Daft Punk # Sonic Scythes # Key-tars & Double-Bass |
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