![]() |
Now I know this post is a couple years to late, but I was playing DAOC when this came out and everyone knows what a time sink that is. (And how sweet it is to quit with the idiocy that has become Mythic)
Anyways I was bored and picked up the 'game of the year' edition for $30. Best $30 I've spent on a single player game ever. About the only flaw is that the NPC's are pretty dumb at times, but it has a great story line, tons of side quests, and the landscapes are amazing. If they ever make a morrowind MMPOG I'll be there. Anyways if you are looking for a timekiller and like RPG"s this is worth the 30, as it comes with both expansions, and for a two year old game, the graphics are very up to date. |
Morrowind is one of my favorite games. One of the best time wasters ever made. I LOVE the world they have created. The cities are so awesome too. Excellent graphics and excellent gameplay.
You know it's a good game when it's single-player exclusively but plays like an MMORPG.........and people STILL play it :) No one cares or can even see your character and how good it is, but you still play the game for hours. They have a nice system going on :) |
Holy Smokes! I wasted sooo much of my life playing morrowind. Unfortunately, you get to a point where your character is, essentially, a god. I eventually stopped playing because i got bored trying to kill everybody on the island.
I love the game, I've played it 3 summers each with a different character.
Great worlds like you said, and each time I played a different way and discovered new things. And the expansions just make it even better :crazy: |
I <3 Morrowind Fear my Dunmar Samurai Werewolf
I like Morrowind, but I couldn't stick with it long enough to level up past, say, a level-25 character. I know it has so much to offer, but it all just started to blend together after that.
Now my brother, on the other hand, worships the game in all of its glory. I am literally amazed at how much he plays the game and how his passion for the game escelates each time he talks to me about it (and every time we talk, he brings it up). |
I'll be honest, I didn't like the game much the first time I played it. I got into it reading about it and everything and just sort of expected too much out of it. I stopped playing soon after buying it and it sat in my collection for about a year. Then my friend got a new computer and was looking for a cool game to play, I thought Morrowind would be the perfect game to show him how well spent the money was on his graphics card. The more I saw him play it the more it made me want to play it, and so I got it back from him and made him buy his own copy ;). I played it pretty far and got towards the end, but, alas, I never beat it. Still thinking about finishing it someday.
The best part about Morrowind is that you can honest to God get lost :) Those "where in the fuck am I" moments happen like every two hours :)
Mark and Recall = life savers |
I also bought the game and played for the first time in the last couple months. Seemed very open-ended, very Gothic1/2-like, and I found some amazing patches online made by users that make the game look 1000 times better.. I'll dig up the links and post them later. Great game, even if at times the freedom that makes it so great can make it a bit daunting, even bringing on an almost 'so much to do, will never finish' type attitude.
y |
Morrowind came with the computer I bought last year (among a few other free games), and I just started playing it a few days ago. I'd like to get into it (I need a new time-waster), but I'm having trouble killing things. It's like my weapons can't reach what I'm trying to hit -- I'm attacking some cave rats and I swing and swing and swing at them, but I just can't seem to hit them. What gives?
Oh, another problem -- the only sound I have is the music. No voices, no sound effects, nothing - just the music. Anyone know what the problem might be? |
-Lasereth |
saut, do you have any 'energy' left in your fatigue bar (green bar in lower left of screen)? The more fatigued you are, the more difficult it is for players attacking with a low level attack skill (i.e. level 15 Long Sword) to land a hit. You can restore your energy by just resting for an hour as long as you are away from enemies or by just walking and not-jumping/ attacking and letting your energy regenerate itself slowly.
Yes, the fatigue bar is not empty. I have no idea what the hell is wrong. The lack of any sound but music is annoying as well. argh!
Of course, when you get to level 25-35, your character becomes a fucking demi-god and can destroy entire cities. I got bored one day and went and killed the city of Caldera including all of the guards. It's weird...in the beginning your character sucks really bad, and then towards the end you're a powerhouse. As for the sound issue, you either need to configure the settings in Morrowind (turn down music and turn up sound effects) or change your sound drivers. There is a different .exe that you can run to change the settings in Morrowind; you might wanna give that a shot. -Lasereth |
morrowind was a real good game
the only one i ever bought... the game gets bit boring tho after the main quest is complete... u need to get better with the weapon to improve your chances of hitting and damage/hit more u use it...higher the %rating will go....after getting 100%, the rating will increase by 1....then u gotta rest for the effect to take place. |
Well I figured out my weapon problems - you guys were right - I just sucked with the weapon I was using.
Anyway, my sound is still all confuckulated (I get a sound effect or two very seldomly -- I almost shit my pants when I turned a crank and it made a loud sound). I'll try what you suggested, Lasereth. Hopefully that'll do the trick. |
Morrowind is one of my all time fav computer RPG's ever.
I have all 3 sets of the game, (game and 2 addons) and have beat the entire thing 3 times so far, and the main quest many many more. I love just collecting stuff like a pack rat and building a house to store it in to show off. :) And my opinion stands strong that morrowind DOES NOT need multiplayer, I've always hated multiplayer rpg's. |
I play a character for a while and after I figure out a few things I wonder, 'what if I had picked that race, with that sign, and those skills'. Heh... |
I have been enjoying it so much recently simply doing the side quests and careful levelling up. I don't cheat at all but I do know a fair few "exploits" (the awesome scroll seller in Caldera, the alchemy intelligence boosting thing). I sometimes load up a game, character strips down to his trousers, swallows some powerful homebrew health restore and strength potions and does ten rounds of bareknuckle boxing against that punk bitch Vivec (Ali boma-ye indeed).
Enchanting is fantastic - there's nothing like coming up to some stupid Kagouti and whipping out my "Sacred Warhammer of 'I'm going to cave your nads in Beavis'"(demoralize creature) or "The Thermonuclear Amulet" (fire damage 100 points 40 feet on target) against a pack of cliff racers or the good people of Balmora.:D It's not about becoming a God but rather becoming a superhero. Scroll of Windform and you're Superman, Fix the Boots of blinding speed and you're The Flash, Constant effect telekenesis amulet and you're Jean Gray, Constant effect water breathing helmet and you're Aquaman, Constant effect water walking shoes and you're Jesus. :p |
Most amusing is the scrolls of icarian flight. You know what going to happen when you use one, but you just HAVE to use one :) About the only thing I don't like is you can level 'wrong' and miss a lot of stat points. |
I played the crap out of it--so much, in fact, that by the time I got around to finishing the main quest, it was a cakewalk because I'd wandered for days, leveling up and stealing crazy armor. It's too bad that those main quest characters didn't auto-adjust, at least to a certain extent, to match my level. So you end up with a great world to explore, but with a minimal plot to lessen the possible impact of the player sailing through the final battle. In retrospect, I actually wish the game had been somewhat linear. As it stands, a lot of people had the impression that the main quest was too easy, but I think the problem was that it was too easy to become very powerful outside of the quest.
I just ordered this from Amazon yesterday. After reading so much I had to buy it now that I have a computer with a good vid card. I'm really looking forward to wasting a lot of time.
Well I still don't have any sound... I gues I'm going to have to find some new sound drives... which is a problem at the moment, as the computer I play Morrowind on isn't connected to the internet right now. Bah!
I have a quick question.
Is there a quest attached to the loose pages from "A Brief History of the Empire" that you find lying on the ground in the Molag Mar region? I have found 18 of them and while they seem to make a trail, I can't ever figure out where it leads. Any help would be appreciated. |
So I've been playing for a couple weeks now and I love this game. I don't get to play it nearly as much as I wish I could. I made a custom class Dark Elf under the Antonoch (sp) sign. He's got crazy magika. Although I didn't do it right at the start, I have been making sure all my multipliers are 5x when I level up. I'm at lvl 13 and my endurance should be at 100 soon. I haven't even started using enchanting yet but once I start getting some grand soul gems I'm going to make some bad assed equipment.
Because TV and all that shit, I have a really short attention span. I tried it, played it for 1 hour and hated it. Its strange, cause I love RPGs, and diablo-type games. But I just couldnt stand playing this game more than 1 hour. Maybe the game starts to pick up later, but I just didnt have the patience. I might give it another shot after all the praises it got from this thread.
Re: Morrowind
And I was not dissapointed when I got it. Unlike half the people waiting for it. Morrowind isn't for everyone, but I loved it. |
This is an old thread. But I'm glad to see it revived, as I am still in the midst of my Morrowind addition. I'm a level 24 imperial warrior with a nice mix of ebony and daedric armor and a badass daedric dai-katana.
A few questions: How do I enchant items? I know I need a soul gem, and a soul in the gem, but how on earth do I get a soul? Possible Spoiler: Also, I'm about to confront Dagoth Ur (have all of the tools) but I can't open the door to his lair. How do I open it? |
Buy a soultrap spell and cast it on a creature. You then have 60 seconds to kill the creature and then it will be in there. There was a side quest where an NPC gives you soul drinker for completing the quest. That casts soultrap on strike.
How does the quality of a soul gem effect things? I had a nice one worth 4000 drakes, but I was a dumbass and sold it. Now I'm carrying one around that's worth 40.
There really isn't 'quality' to them. They basically range in
different sizes, from something to Grand Gem. The Grand Gem's can hold up to anything of 80,000 capacity, which are your Golden Saints, and one or two other creatures (I haven't played this since last June :P), or you can get a special one that holds up to 4 million, I believe. I don't believe I ever really used mine, I know I just sold them. And for the person asking about Dagoth Ur, are you actually in his keep, is so, I dunno what's wrong, but if you're outside, in the mountain canyon lava-pit thing, there should be a lever to the right of the door (to the right when facing the door), btw, if you see that guy walking around in all Glass-Armor, kill him :) (And if anyone has any really good soul-gem enchanted weapon combos, PM me, I haven't found anything better than Sunder.) |
With enchanting, the only way you can get a constant effect enchanted item is to use a grand soul gem with either a golden saint or ascended sleeper.
The gems by themselves aren't worth a whole lot. The value comes from putting souls inside of them. All creatures have a value assigned to their souls. Each type of gem has a max value for what type of souls they can fit. I haven't started enchanting things yet, but good enchantments to use for weapons are cast on strike things like elemental damage plus weakness to that element, paralyzation, attribute draining enchantments, health draining, and weapon/armor eating enchantments. You can even make them dish out damage over time... For armor its good to have constant effect things that fortify attributes, resistance to fire, spell reflection/absorbtion, chameleon or security, water breathing, swift swim, water walking, or levitation. It's also usefull to have an item with mark and divine or alsmavi intervention to get out of tight places. And another with recall and a high invisibility enchantment. Keep in mind that like spellmaking, you have to have the spell in your spellbook in order to enchant an item with a specific spell. Also when making powerfull enchantments you need high enchant skills and high intelligence in order to be sucessfull. If you fail, I think you lose the gem. To get around this, many people gulp several fort intel potions to bump intel up to 500-1000. You can also go to an enchanter and they will never fail. Be carefull with enchantments, from what I've read people can make themselves so powerfull that they are godlike. For this reason I haven't started playing with them yet. Here are two FAQ's for enchantments: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/...ent_points.txt http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/dosw...nchantment.txt |
best enchant for killing is put a 2 sec paralyze+anything more u can fit on it
Money comes easily in MW. Do you sell items to the Creeper in Caldera? If so you shouldn' have to worry about money ever in the game with all the loot that gets picked up.
Oh no, money is no problem at all -- I downloaded a plugin that gives merchants more money, so that I could actually sell the glass armor and other expensive items that you come across for more than 2000 gold. I have about 70k right now.
That sounds like a convenient plugin. Its such a pain in the ass to have to buy a bunch of shit from a merch so that you can up their money before you can sell them shit.
I sell everything I can to the Creeper. It's more convenient and then I know where to look for stuff that I had previously sold. |
I've been messing around with enchantments a little, and I am not getting very good results. How can I enchant something so that it has a constant effect? (ie: fire resistance on a cuirass)
You need a grand soul gem with either a golden saint or an ascended sleeper trapped inside. Also, it's best if you have a relatively skill points for enchant and you gulp some fort intelliegence and luck potions first
i found its better to not bother learning enchanting, and to just pay the ingame enchanters to do it for you. Just sell a few daedric weapons to the mudcrab to cover the cost
I just did a quest to get Azura's star, a reusable grand soul gem -- I'm set.
I got this game from someone who never played it, and from the hour or so I played, it seems cool... but confusing as shit.
I don't have a manual or anything so there's a lot of stuff I'm confused with.. in particular, skills, leveling up, the "multipliers" I've read so much about, and other things. |
I started playing Morrowind a few months ago - & of course one reason b/c my last name is Morrow ;)
Anyways, I love the game like a donkey's ass - it's a mother fucking rock n roll mcdonalds. |
The manual is a POS. There's no need for it. The explainations of the character signs are terrible, the don't highlight the differences between the races well enough and hardly touch on the fact that it does make a difference what sex you chose. GameFAQs has some great tutorials to look at.
If you haven't gone too far into the game and you plan on having a character that will use magika, you should restart and make the character fall under the sign of the antronch (sp). They get huge magika bonuses. Because of this huge plus, they don't regain magika when they sleep, but there are very easy ways to get around that! Here is an excellent FAQ. It's really long, but it explains a lot without revealing any quest details until you get over 100 pages into it. I copied a lot of it to a word file so that I could print it http://www.gamespot.com/gamespot/gam...all/morrowind/ |
Acrobat Pro is your friend - Good link kutulu, I just PDF'd the whole thing down it's tree.
I don't have a subscription, so I couldn't get the PDF file. The other thing that sucks is that there are so many images that it would waste a lot of ink.
I've been making some kick ass potions lately. I start by going to the Imperial Shrine in Wolverine Hall and loading up on Ash Yam and Bloat. I mix up a few, take them, mix more, take them, etc. Once my int is up to about 1200, I start mixing restore health or magika potions. My alchemy skill is under 50, but I'm making restore potions that restore 17-20 pts for about 60 sec. A definite powergame strategy so I try not to abuse it too much. When my int is that high, my magika is over 3000. When I get around to it, I'm going to foritfy my int and willpower, I'll try to make a spell that will be big enough to kill a whole town in one blast. |
You misunderstood me - I made the PDF myself - I have no subscription either. With Acrobat Pro you can set a website for the PDF source and select how far down the tree to go. The resulting PDF was 580+ pages - but that includes some blank pages and all the images. Now I can just pull it up on another machine while playing and see what I want from it :)
Just explore around without the manual. That s where the fun is.
I just downloaded a plugin that lets you have the Gorbak manor in Caldera (the one with the creeper), and it's totally redecorated and deckout out with armor mannequins and shit inside. I'm trying to collect a full set of every type of guard's armor, plus rare badass armor (ebony, glass, daedra, etc).
My house rocks. |
I am picked up a used copy of MW for the XBox, not knowing what it really was. I just saw that it was an RPG and game of the year, so I thought it would be good for a few hours of fun. Now I am addicted. Play a little in the morning before work and an hour or so most evenings.
I am currently a level 16 Orc Barbarian with a dwarven battle axe and mostly bone armor. At level 16 I seem to slice through most everybody pretty quickly, but I'm heavy on strength and axe skill. I rely on potions and scrolls for most of my magic work. I recently started casting soul trap whenever I start a battle and have enchanted quite a few sould gems, but I sell most fo them. I do have a greater soul gem now with a Ogrim soul that I want to use to do something funky with my axe. |
I'm a level 16 Dark Elf fighter/mage under the antonoch sign. Most of my armor is Dark Brotherhood, with the exception of a heavy curiass and glass helm and shield. I have an ebony long sword for real fights and a dwarven spear that I use against lesser opponents so that I can raise endurance as much as I can without training.
I want to start enchanting, but my skill level is low and I unfortunately took it as a minor skill. I could raise it by training since I have plenty of money, but I am advancing too fast as it is. I've only done a couple Blades quests and I'm close to becoming the head of the mage's guild (I've done the most of the quests, but need to advance my destruction). For now, I should put my sword away and focus on blowing things up. saut - there is glass armor sitting in the open in Ghostgate. All you have to do is steal it. I need to go back there. :) |
Edit: Where in Ghostgate? We might be talking about different sets of armor... |
I've only been there once, but it was just lying on the table. I've heard that a good way to get either Daedric or Ebony is to summon Golden Saints and loot the corpse before it disappears.
Summoned creatures disappear too fast for me to be able to search their bodies. Is there a way around this? I'd love to have a nearly infinite supply of badass weapons. |
I think it just takes luck. I haven't been able to loot any summoned creatures yet, but from what I've read, most people can. You need to be able to predict where they will fall and start banging on the spacebar to open their inventories before they disappear.
Once you get Azra's Star and Summon Golden Saint, you can have endless constant enchantments. |
Thanks for the link, kutulu!
That answered a lot of the basic questions I had about the game. |
I never did learn to enchant or cast spells. I just stole everything and joined the dark brotherhood and killed everybody.
I wonder how a mage type would play. |
I randomly bought this game on a whim today.
Went into Best Buy looking for a computer game to try and lo and behold, this one stood out. Bought the fancy Game of the Year Edition and am liking the open endedness of it thus far. I mean, I took a torch in some fort, and the next thing I know I'm being attacked by a fire elemental creature and a guard lady, I end up killing the lady and stealing her axe. Only problem is my integrated graphics card is not handling it well. Any suggestions for a decent enough card to buy which could run this game smoothly at 1024 x 768? |
-Lasereth |
Ended up being about $140. He said it was a good deal and he has been working on computers for a job for a while now. So hopefully, in two days I shall be playing this wonderful game to my heart's content. |
heh. morrowind. last summer, I played through this game for... about 2 months straight. managed to become a level 60 something Redguard, head of every guild and temple I could find... good times. best advice: go for a fighter-thief, then change over to mage later. for your bonus attributes, pick strength and intelligence, or agility and intelligence...
as a thief, you can get the good bonus from the sign (forget what it is offhand, mebbe Tower), then go to balmora and level your sneak and lockpick skills like mad. as to ebony and daedric armor... try hitting up the ruins that are all around the map. |
Divayth Fyr (in the Tower of Tel Fyr) is also wearing a full suit of Daedric armor. If you're strong enough to take him out, and you've already advanced far enough into the main quest that you don't need him anymore, it's a very easy way to get a full suit.
I've been playing around with mods lately, which adds a whole new element to the game. It's incredible how addicting it is. |
If you are part of the Telvani House, you can get a deadric curiass and greaves that are enchanted with a 50 pt feather spell. The enchantment allows you to wear it without fucking with your encumberance too much. Great fucking armor. I also found some deadric boots in the Berne clan HQ.
I just killed Neloth so I could get the Robe of Drake's Pride and killed Trebonius to become the arch mage of the Mage Guild. His amulet rules. I also just finished my stronghold, I love it. If you want to get any real amount of spellcasting, you need to have the antoch sign. It makes regaining magika a pain when you are at lower levels, but the extra mana lets you dish out a ton of spells. |
I LOVED MORROWIND!!! :) I never finished it unfortunately because NeverWinter Nights came out while I was playing and I became addicted to that game. Now...i'm finding it hard to get back into MW because it's so big and I can't even remember where the hell I am. LOL!
Ya, it's hard to keep track of all the quests you've been assigned.
I'm currently trying to collect a complete set of every kind of armor and weapon in the game, for display in my awesome house. Anyone else doing something similiar?
If you want a pile of good items including lots of ebony armour and a few bits of glass armour, go to the Redoran Plaza in Vivec. In one of the manors, upstairs there is a room with a lady in it and a key to the Vault in the drawers. If you can steal that key, go to the Redoran Treasury, into the Vaults, and head down to the bottom vault.
Open the door and go in, there'san ordinator in there but if you wait long enough with the door open he'll walk out, and you close the door and start looting. I used the "coc" cheat to relocate all the items to my house because everything's so heavy it would have taken me an hour or so to move it all :o Also, if you don't want to wait for the ordinator to leave the room, close the door and taunt him into attacking you and kill him. This way you also get some indoril armour to either sell or decorate your house with (I'm just decorating my house with everything from there, already got enough cash from slaughtering ordinators.) Also there's an almost full set of glass armour in the Fighters Guild in Ald-Ruhn if you can pick lvl 80 locks (personally, i just made a spell that does Open Lock 100pts). |
Did you steal the house from a NPC or did you use a mod for the house? Either way, I'd like to start stockpiling everything like that, but my Telvani Stronghold is too small and too out of the way for me.
I was using a mod that lets you have Ghorak manor in Caldera (the one with the creeper in it) all to yourself, but I soon ran out of space. Right now I'm using the Abu Manor Mod in Ald'Ruhn. It has a bedroom, a study, a kitchen and a dining room (why these are there I have no idea, completely useless), an alchemy room, and most importantly, two fairly large rooms with tables, glass cases, pedistoles, and mannequins to display all my weapons and armor. It also comes with a ring that will teleport me to the house whenever I equip it, which is quite handy for transporting large amounts of booty (yes, booty).
I have four full sets of daedric, countless glass (most of which I sold to the creeper), just about all the unique weapons and armor (goldbrand, chrysamere, dragonscale, lord's mail, etc). I also soultrapped Almalexia (one of the Tribunal gods, found in the expansion "Tribunal") in a soulgem and enchanted a daedric katana with some really powerful spells. Almalexia's soul in a grand soulgem is worth 75 million septims and has a charge of 1500 when used to enchant an item. I'm slowly running out of things to do in Morrowind, which is something I never thought possible when I first began. The world isn't quite as big as it seems. |
I just got the "My House In Balmora" mod, adds a house between the pawnbroker and clothier, a short walk from the silt strider.
Lots of shelves, and a bed (which isn't much use because I'm under the Atronach sign and can't regen magicka through sleeping...) I also have Ra'virr's home, because I always kill him at the start for his juicy items :P |
I'm playing the total convesion mod "Sword of Perithia" right now... a little disappointed by it with all the hype, but perhaps worth checking out. It creates a totally new landmass to the southwest of Vvarfandel (the existing landmass in the game) with new towns, cities, camps, and more.
I got the Abu Manor mod last night and I love it. I don't see where the amor manequins are though.
It's going to take some time for me to find the right places for all my loot that I've collected (a good part of that will be just finding where I left some of it). My favorite thing about it is the labeled achemy ingredient storage containers. I was keeping all my alchemy ingredients unsorted on the ground in Ghorak Manor. I also need to go find a few skooma pipes to decorate the place with. The Conservatory is pretty kick ass also, does it take long for the plants to respawn after you pick them? |
edit: Are you having any odd experiences with the doors and cases in Abu Manor? I have 3 doors for every one... |
also, for all you low level fighters out there... here's a good way to get a daedric weapon of your choice, almost immediately. from Balmora, head along the river, til you get to the bridge.. cross the bridge into the wastelands, following the path until just before the curve. turn left, back towards balmora, and you should find a cave-mine (forget the name, offhand) back off the beaten path.
then, go to vivec, to the top of ... st olms, I think. there should be a "haunted" mansion at the top, which, if you explore, can find a man and his bodyguard in. if you tell them the location of the cave-mine, then he'll give you a daedric weapon of your choice for your trouble. katana is nice, for that... |
I haven't noticed anything odd, but I'll keep my eyes open.
Just after I posted that, I found a good mannequin mod. I'm also going to add better bodies 2.0 to go with that. Thanks. I love my potions, but I rarely use them. I gulp one restore health potion (made with > 5000 INT and > 1000 luck of course) and I'm practicaly invinsible for 3 minutes. |
I'll have to explore alchemy a bit, perhaps with the next character I make (if I ever make another) -- the one I have right now is too concerned with kicking absolutely everything's ass to worry about gathering mushrooms. |
I'm a bit confused. I like what I'm hearing about the game. Is there a difference between the computer Morrowwind and the Xbox? Same game diff consoles?
I'd like to get it for Xbox if its the same but if its a pain to run or not the same as compu version I'd go with comp version instead. |
I'd go with the PC version if you have a good computer (Morrowind can be quite demanding at times) simply for how many mods there are out there (and the ability to make your own quite easily). |
The game is very demanding on the PC. They recommend a 500 MHz PII, 128MB RAM, and a 32MB Vid card. I would like to see how it actually runs on that system because I have an AMD 2600, 1 GB RAM, and a 9600 AIW Pro and I still get bad framerates at times. I do usually leave several things running in windows while playing like mIRC, Kazaa, IE, etc., but that shouldn't change it that much (I think).
I have found that enchant is much more useful for recharging items than for creating enchanted ones. Besides, once you get to the point of being able to kill golden saints regularly, you should have enough cash to pay to enchant things. Then you can just barter with the enchanter and sell them the saint's weapon or shield to get your gold back. Ta Da, free CE enchantments.
Ok, here comes a real noob of a question for you guys:
How do you level up? Is it experience based or is it based on upping your skills? I probably need to level a few times seeing as how when I try to get a quest item, I get attacked by these three guys and just get slaughtered. |
You level up by increasing any combination of your major and minor skills 10 levels. Once you do, you will get a message saying you should rest and medititate. Once you rest, you choose which skills to increase.
Here's where it gets very interesting. When you level up, next to each attribute there will be a number from 1-5. It says how many points you will add to that attrribute and is based on how much you raised your skills that depend on that attribute. By training misc skills enough you can increase that number to 5 and get the max advancement. Here is a link to a page that explains it a hell of a lot better than I just did: http://www.gamespot.com/gamespot/gam...rrowind/7.html This is an excellent guide. It tells you almost everything about how the game works. The first 33 pages are devoted to helping you understand the game, since it's very complex. That section is pretty much spoiler free so you can use it pretty risk free. There is also a pretty basic walkthrough for just about every quest in the game. |
I just have a ring with Restore health +2pts constant effect + the necromancer's amulet which seems to keep me pretty safe from most things... also the main spell I use does Absorb Health 100pts so I heal myself while using it... although it's only good for fighting one enemy at a time because it costs so much magicka (somewhere inthe vicinity of 90) to cast and the higher level monsters often absorb / reflect it (reflect doesnt do anything though because you cant absorb your own health). Had a hairy run in with a dremora lord and some winged twilights.
Unfortunately I only use quicksave and I overwrote it by accident (was trying out some new mods with a new char) and hadn't done any proper saves for a few hours so i started a Dunmer Fighter/Mage although this seems to have been a bad choice because Dunmer seem to have fairly low hit points... |
Just a question, does morrowind run really slow for everyone else?
Here are my specs: AMD XP1700+ (1.47ghz) Geforce FX5900 512meg DDR RAM (not sure of the speed) Windows XP Pro 40gig hard drive 700meg virtual memory DX 9.0b latest Nvidia drivers (56.72 I think) I tried all the tweak guides and I still get about 15-20FPS in most areas. In fact, as far as I can see there has been NO increase in FPS whatsoever. I can run at 1280x960 with 4xFSAA and 4x aniso and pixel shaders on and I get the same FPS as 800x600 with everything disabled. Because of this, I believe it is my CPU, however I am told it runs fine on a P4 1.5... Any suggestions? |
I got the Deadric Crescent last night (actually I got two of them!). I haven't tested it out yet but the stats for it blow away the ebony longsword I've been using for quite some time.
this may be a stupid question, but how do you test your fps rate? |
I use a program called "Fraps 2.0" It shows fps in any game, takes screenshots, movies, or benchmark stats.
Is the trial version of that good enough or should I buy it?
the game should run beautifully on your comp....dunno what the prob may be
All this talk about MOrrowind is now making me want to play it again. I don't think I want to start all over again because it cost me hours and hours and HOURS of practicing and running around and sleeping and spell casting to get my stuff up to par and I don't know if I have the patience to start over again. Perhaps...i'll see if I can get into where my character is now. hehehehe
Gjefflin, You could always just use the fortify attribute/soultrap spell cheat to get your guy up to snuff right away.
To show your FPS on the screen go to your morrowind.ini and change the following:
Show FPS=0 change to Show FPS = 1 or just add it if it's not in there at all. |
I got this game 2 days ago. I just got to Carralies Corsades in the town. The game seems really cool, but I don't have a clue whats going on. How exactly do you level up? I still don't understand, there is a bar above my character portrait in the menu, and there is a level number, neither of which I know how to up. Does the character speed increase as you level up, or is there a run toggle, because I'm walking everwhere, and it takes forever. Other than that, it looks like a pretty cool game, if a bit complicated. Anyone have any tips for me? Im still level 1, and have restarted 3 times.
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