Allright, wasn't sure which to put this in computers or photography...mods feel free to move it if needed....but anyway, I love taking pictures on my digital camera, so I opted for a Sony 256MB Memory Stick Pro and I have a fairly good printer but when I go on trips and such and I'm coming back with like 100+ pictures I'd rather opt to just go to Wal-Mart or such and just stick my memory stick in their machine and get them all printed there....lot less work than doing it myself I think...But the problem is for some odd reason my memory card can't be read on their machines....and I'm not sure if it's just a deffective memory card and I should go get mine replaced or something? It reads fine on my computer and digi cam itself but not at any of the stores to get them printed?
Hopefully some of you have had similar problems and can help me out? :-D
thanks in advance, and heres a pic of the memory stick