Wow! He sounds like a wonderful guy. Just need to do some serious thinking. I dont know anything about either of you other then what you said in the post. I m just going to throw out a bunch of questions to consider and think about. I dont mean any harm in them its just something to help the thinking process.
1) How do you really feel about him you said you only love him largely as a friend. But can you love him like he loves you. Friend love and husband wife commitment love are totally different levels.
2) You have always had a friendship love, but is the love hes feeling for you now still that love of the past that you had together or is this something hes developed over the exchange of letters and that over the last little while?
3) You mentioned he told you that "I bet this is what it feels like to be married" Has he ever hinted or anything before now that he would someday like to marry you?
4) He hasnt had a serious relationship since highschool, which is no big deal. But has he had a bad streak with woman that he doesnt feel as comfortable with them as he does with you?
5) Is he asking you because he is comfortable with you, and afraid that hes not going to find anyone else?
(Dont take that the wrong way please)
6) Can you see yourself married in the next couple of years?
7) Are you ready to settle down into a life long commitment?
8) Are you falling in love with him? if so is it for who he is now or are you falling in love with him because hes rekindeled a long lost crush that you had for him?
I dont know if you can make any heads or tails out of this but I hope they help in some way. The one thing you both have to do is sit and talk to each other. It would be really sad to see a wonderful friendship end over differences of feelings. But its something that has to be done because if he is in love and really cares deeply for you and you dont have the same feelings towards him and doubt that you could ever develope those feelings its best to put an end to it now , and remain friends then to lose everything.
I couldnt think of anything to put here , but I guess anything would do
Last edited by Yalaynia; 02-01-2004 at 11:55 PM..