Originally posted by illesturban
Hey Bookman, don't worry, I'm sure we'll have Osama in custody just in time for Bush to catch his re-election votes.
And he would've gotten away with it if it weren't for us meddling kids.
Perhaps were just looking for an investigation that will find GWB to be Satan incarnate. Should we throw in the 2000 election woes too? How about how he got into Yale? An investigation into 911 that is looking to place blame on George is hardly looking for the truth.
911 is a perfect example of us all getting a little too cozy as masters of the free world. It was a tragic slap in the face to our openness. It showed us all that we could be hurt. It wasn't Bush's opus to Hussein, or because we have been more tolerant of homosexuals in this country as Falwell would imply. It was pretty much as simple as Liquor Dealer explained it. We didn't deserve it. We as a society fell asleep at the radar. Before 911 we didn't need to be awake. How often do you check your car's brake line to see if its cut before you drive away? You probably would every time if it happened to you. But since it hasn't, I doubt you do. Nobody expected 911 to happen. How many other things can we not expect? Will it be our fault for not expecting them? No, but after being burned once, we can do everything in our power to not be burned again.