We'll never know the truth in politics- we only know what they want us to know. I keep trying to figure our Bush's scheme for talking about immigration and Mars while the Dems are talking about Iraq and terrorism... but I'm sure there's some strategy I've never considered. But at least I know I haven't.
Personally, I look for qualities in a president that cause me to admire them, then I look at their stances and weigh them.
For instance, I was a Clinton supporter. I found him to be charming, very intelligent, and quick on his feet in a debate. He seemed to never be stumped, and on those rare occasions, he'd own up to being stumped. His background suggested he'd worked hard to reach that point in society, harder than most of us. (How many of us are Rhodes Scholars?) So, I liked him. After burrowing into his beliefs, I liked him a lot.
Now, I'm violently opposed to cheating in a relationship. So, it was disappointing to me that he does what he does- but after the whole world bashed his wife, I could scarely imagine why we wouldn't expect him to fool around.
Anyhow, in this election, I like John Edwards. He's a bright guy, well-mannered, doesn't seem calculating, although he likely is (A Clinton staple)... plus, he's from the hard-working, bootstraps background that I can identify with.
What does this have to do with anything? Simple... I'm not basing a whole lot of "facts", "voting patterns", so on... because I don't know them. I do know that Dean makes me feel a little creepy, Sharpton makes me laugh, and Edwards makes me wish I was him. Sometimes that's enough!