I use peanut butter as a basis for making a indo-thai peanut satay for kebabsa, work great on bread.
I pot of paenut butter I use crunchy although this is only for texture.
1/2 pot of pinapple juice.
1/4 pot of dark soy sauce.
I use the term pot the size of the peanut butter jar
2 cloves of very finley chopped garlic.
1 teaspoon of dried onion powder ( chopped onion does not work) .
1-2 table spoon of thai / oriental sweet chilli sauce.
MIx the first section in a pan on a low heat then add the spices.
Heat gently till they all mix.
You will love this if you love chicken sattays stick or kebabs
PLay with the spice quntites as you like form the basic mix I do a hot chilli version and a sweet version.
A barbeque winner.
Peanut butter and strawberry jam on a dry wheetabix biscuit kills the munchies for me, add a banana for fun.