Originally posted by RelaX
[little bit of a rant here]
College is a diploma granting institution, but I haven't heard of a single college that actually makes you truly learn something. In truth I have seen a lot of people struggle along with little or no actual learning. You just know they are going to end up unemployed or selling computers at some store for minimum wage.
Granted, you have a diploma, you earn more, so I'd still say, go to college. But for gods sake don't expect college to actually teach you stuff. Be curious, don't just do it for the money, do it because you're a technophile and damned proud of it.
College is good for 2 things, diplomas and introducing you to various subject matters.
What I found now that I am actually at a company (only internship though so maybe they start the technical stuff after this) is that if you really want to be good you should find out which of the courses interests you and just continue it, even after you passed it, in your free time.
[/little bit of a rant here]
Anyway, sounds to me you should check out the multimedia aspect of computers. Maybe graphical design for applications or something like that?
A friend of mine is doing a course called 'Humans and computers' which is a course aimed more at interaction between humans and computers than the actual internal processes of the computer itsself. Sounds like a perfect choice for you, but I live in the Netherlands, so you may want to check if they have something like that over there.
Interesting indeed. So what I'm up to right now is studying general ed courses at a local community college. Knowing that I shouldn't work for money, I've been looking into real estate (work for money but at least semi-interesting IMO) and I'm taking one art class per semester to keep up my artistic needs. I'm not as much looking for a profession right now as I am a side job. Numist mentioned that an idea is needed to make a company, and Techni mentioned ITT and certification training. I guess I misled most of you (RelaX excluded...) I'm hoping to maybe join a small startup company or the likes in maybe webpage creation (with my art being my selling side), or maybe something like Relax mentioned along the lines of making computer interfaces more user friendly. Maybe I can find some small real estate companies in need of a website or some fancier brocures...
Just venting some ideas. I'm definitely the confused one here, just looking for a little guidance

Thanks guys