I want you for christmas naked in a stocking
Easy, this is a 50/50 if she's joking or serious. All you need to do is play it off like it was a joke and you're in the clear. Say something like "I got one in the car, but I was saving it for later." If she was joking she'll laugh and keep her distance, if she was serious she'd laugh and make some sort of physical contact, usually she'll touch your arm.
Same as above, treat it as if it was a joke. Whatever you do dont freeze up.
This woman is TRYING REALLY HARD to get your attention. Do exactly what was said above, the biggest thing is Eye Contact. To women this is the window to the soul, and adds to your sincerity when you pay her compliments, and it shows you as more confident than you really are, and we all know confidence is the #1 thing that turns on women.