NO SHE DID NOT, but my obligations almost got me!
We hung out last Thursday night. She thought we're supposed to go to diner, I thought we're supposed to get drunk together and ate on my own. She came over, I was already drinking and had bigger balls, I laid down the law as advised by my fellow loggers. I told that she was going through this holiday season alone, and that it was too hard for me to be just "friends" with.
See she wants a relationship that is "Hands off, Unless I want You". She doesn't find me attractive or sexual anymore. I, Smoey, can't seem to keep my hands off her when she is around. I don't want her coming around here no more uless she is ready to get fucked, that might seem tasteless, but I think that is the only thing I really want from her
Last edited by Smoey; 11-19-2003 at 09:22 AM..