Originally posted by UnlikedOne
Personally i've cut once, when i was very down, but i have never had the desire to do it since, but at the time, honestly it did help, though it wasnt nearly as bad as that. Everyone deals with their problems in different ways. For some that is cutting...however, some of those people take it to a new level.
I'm not sure I agree with this. I think there are better and more constructive ways to deal with depression. If youre depressed, instead of focusing that energy on destroying yourself, you could go lift some weight and at the same time build confidence and muscles too. I understand that the adrenaline you get from cutting yourself can make you feel powerful and in control...if only for a short while. And that, I imagine can get addictive, but I still maintain there are better ways to deals with problems. If you're that depressed, getting help is a nice start. You don't have to fight alone.