3) A kid wakes up one morning and goes downstairs for breakfast. His mother gasps and says, "My God, what is wrong with you? You look bad!"
The kid says, "Gee, I dunno, because I feel good."
But the mom says, "Yeah but you look really bad."
And the kid answers again, "But I feel really good." And he goes off to school.
Once he arrives at school, his teacher takes one gawk at him and screams, "My God, you look bad!"
The kid says, "Well, I feel good."
And the teacher says, "Well, nevertheless, you need to see the doctor, because you look really bad."
But the kid says, "But I feel really good."
When he gets to the doctor's office, the doctor quickly exclaims, "My God, you look bad! What's wrong with you?"
The kids says, "That's what I want to know, because I feel good."
So the doctor gets out the medical dictionary and begins to thumb through the pages, muttering to himself. He says, "If I look through all these symptoms, I can narrow down the problem. Here's one. It says 'Look good, Feel bad.' No, that's not you, I'll keep looking."
After a few seconds, he says, "Look good, Feel good? No, that's not you, either. What about "Look bad, Feel bad? No, that's wrong, too."
Finally the doctor exclaims, "I've got it! Here it is. 'Look bad, feel good.' "
The kid says, "Yeah, that's it Doc. What do I have?"
The doctor looks up from the book, and says, "Look bad, Feel good. It says here that you are a vagina."
Living is easy with eyes closed.