that is definitely no good.
I've been away from my g/f for almost a year now, but we still call each other every day. Sometimes it gets hard, because I work full time as well as being a full time student and racer, but even though tensions flare, usually we manage to work things out within a few days or so.
People do change though, and college is one thing that can change people a lot. If you dont know who you are when you enter college, you find that to be one of the first challenges you hurdle. Most of my friends in their first year didn't know who they were, some still dont know who they want to be, but after a long time of struggling with yourself, you do learn here. A lot of the time some people go through drastic changes. It sounds like this is what happened.
It doesn't make it hurt any less, I know, but if she really has changed that much (and it sounds like she has), then it would have ended one way or another anyway. Again, it doesnt make it easier, but it does allow you to see other possibilities.
Take some time to get over this, it wont be quick and it wont be easy, but there will be another. Take heart in that.
Thats about all I can say, besides, of course: welcome to the boards, I hope your stay is as enjoyable as mine has been.