goes to a local college she went to formal, came back a different woman. she said she no longer wanted to see me or talk to me or have any communications with me. she said i was interfering with her college expierence. i asked her straight out, if she met someone else. on my fathers ashes she said no. she said she did not feel the same way about me as i did about her. thats all it took. i said i loved her wished her well, and good luck with life, and without hesitation.... 3 years... gone in a blink of an eye. we had been fighting back and forth for about 9 months, i thought things were getting better. she says that if i went to school ( i dont because i work too goddamed much) i would feel the same way. i said my feelings for her wouldn't change. i find myself looking for excuses to call her, to see her etc.
im crushed beyond belief. i loved ( and still do love this woman) with all my heart
i am once again alone.
please. be sincere in this post, i havent felt this shiity since my dad died in jan