Originally posted by punkgrl1984
...Well last thursday he gets drunk and comes back to the dorms and holds my hand all night....Then Saturday...Then sunday night...Then the next night...Ok so next day...Then Wednesday...What actually happens is I am really drunk and all over him and he is sober and going along with it..............................What is going on in his head?
Either he's a typical stick-it-in-wherever-you-can-put-it type of guy...
"I've hung out with this girl 6 times and all we ever do is get drunk and/or make out. I'm not even getting head or a hand-job out of this, let alone sex. Screw leaving my stuff here, I changed my mind, I got NEEDS. (sorry, had to say that. lol)"
He's getting nervous because he's a decent guy and that's what lots of decent guys do when they start getting close to a girl and really feeling for them. He may feel like he doesn't know how to act around you. If this is his case, he's also likely to believe he might be "dumped" at any time. It's a defense mechanism against being hurt by being told he's a loser or not worth dating, etc. This is especially true if he's light in the experience department, which I think might be the case considering he falls asleep during movies and you're not even dating yet. It's a nice-guy kinda thing to do.
Cheer up, you may actually have found something quite nice there. Talk to him. If you like him, TELL HIM YOU LIKE HIM. I only yell because all too often the nice guy gets shafted by a simple misunderstanding- like not getting any (*see below) hints the girl likes him enough to want him to continue his advances. He may think he's not getting the "go ahead" from you to step to the next level- actual dating, going steady, whatever.
Either that, or he's a horny guy who finds your lack of sexual freedom disagreeable (read: thinks you're a prude cuz you don't fuck fast enough).
Let us know what happens, good luck!!
EDIT: *I say any, but it's more like "enough" hints. Some guys are thick. Some guys need a lot of "go ahead"s from you to continue, because they're afraid of going too fast and freaking you out. Still others are so infatuated (sounds like your guy here) they are blinded to the details you throw them... even though they're important ones. lol