Originally posted by Four Fingers
Either way, I recommend to all the tilted forumers who can see the correlation between democracy and peace, to unanimously support Israel in this conflict.
It is obvious that both the Jews and the Arabs want peace. But while the Jews elect their leaders, the Arabs do not.
I support Israel's right to exsist. I support Israel to stop expanding in areas that are internationally recognized as belonging to another populus, as well as a dismantlement process that is long overdue.
As far as the Palestinians voting: this is only a guess I have'nt been over there since Sharon visited the Temple Mount, but I would tend to think that aside if Arafat did/or didnt have his thumb on the arab population, going through several checkpoints (not uncommonly harrassing) and negotiating an imposed curfew would severely dampen the flow of the voting process.
Not that Israel would have any reason to do that.
**I want to comment that when I say Israel; Im not referring to all Israeli's or Jews; but the current adminstration there and the power behind it.