Just thought I would offer you all an updated to the boring soap opera that is my nonexistant love life.
So last night the girl I like organised a birthday dinner for her former room mate who I also happen to be friends with. Her boyfriend knows the girl as well so I figured that he would definitely be there, but alas he was not. This definitely had me wondering so I was going to ask her about it, but luckily someone did it before I had the chance to. Unfortunately I was distracted so I didnt hear her full response but she seems to kind of skirt the topic, and not address it fully.
We are meeting again for coffee tomorrow, so I am gonna try to get to the bottom of this and see what is up. I just have one question.
What do I do if she asks me for advice about her relationship. Obviously I cant express my true feelings that she dump him for me, but I also dont feel as if I should tell her to work things through, as that would be working against my agenda. What do I say.