Let's put this another way...if she knows that she is the reason you aren't trying to commit suicide, she has power over you. For some people, this may be a good thing. For myself personnally...I wouldn't like it.
I've known many people that have had many different chemical imbalances in their heads, and thankfully they took their medicine. With one of them, you could when he went off his medicine, and when he started to take it again. Generally it was more fun being around him when he was on his medicine because he wasn't all down, he had a postive outlook on stuff and a couple other things.
My suggestion on meeting this girl is go see her, have a good time with her. She is a friend now right? If you don't think it'd work out as a relationship, she's still a friend right? Good, friends are a support net in the times you fall down. Use us as a support net. Even though I don't know you, I'd still support you in anything. So get your butt in gear, lose the doubts and go see her!