Originally posted by prince_albert
Its just that, I have never been with a person that shares the feeling and I think I am going to fuck it up!
Ok what I didnt say In the first posts is that I am suicidical, I have been that way since I was 13. She gave me a reson not to go...I mean, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here now...so she means a lot to me, so if she rejects me, or if I fuck things up...I dont know...
Oh....kay. Why on earth do you think you're going to fuck it up? There's no reason to think so. You don't even have past evidence to support this view, since you've never been with anyone else. It's all in your head.
Second, GET HELP. Run now to the nearest mental health professional. If you're suicidal and have been since you were 13, you have no business entering into a relationship until this is handled. If this girl is all that's keeping you alive, man, what kind of pressure is that to put on a new relationship? You need to be okay with yourself first, or it's just not fair to her. You're setting her up for a really bad situation, and if you really care for her, failure=death is not a position you want to put her in. Seriously, you really need to deal with whatever underlying issues you have before you can think about having a healthy relationship.