I don't know if it's flirting so much, because i'm not in the market for a girl right now, I am already with one and am very happy with her.
That being said, I love having as many friends as I can, and perhaps if I were after the sexual attention of the female I'm talking to, it might be considered flirting, based on the need I'm fulfilling... but maybe if it's simply to ingratiate myself with a girl so she'll be a good friend, would that still be flirting? I have no intention of anything further than friendship, although I guess being flirtatious really has to do with making an effort to get as far as possible, whereas I'm only aiming as high as "friend".
Guys are different. You think another guy is cool and become friends, or think he's a dickhole or stupid, etc., and don't. Sometimes the lines are blurred if you think he's a dickhole but is a good friend of a good friend- then it can become complicated. Other than that, guys don't "work" on being better friends with each other.
Last edited by analog; 09-21-2003 at 11:27 AM..