The " it's got to have a name " Game .
It all started with a conversation with a co-worker this morning .
Co-worker : You know that thing-a-ma-bob that changes the bathtub water from faucet to shower head ?
Me : Ummm , yea .
Co-worker : Well , mine broke last night and I have to replace it .
Me : Ummm , OK .
Co-worker : So what is it called ?
Me : Don't know ... sorry .
Shortly after we found out that the proper name was a 'shower diverter valve ' ... Duh .
Later at lunch a number of questions came up about other things that must have a proper name to them .
1) The metal thing on a pencil that is between the eraser and the wood .
2) The fastener that holds the price tags on your clothes .
3) The little divit on your face between your upper lip and your nose .
All of these things must have a ' proper term ' for them .
Do you know what they are ?
Do you have more to add to the list ?
Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.