illegal or legal?
In Ohio theres law saying you cannot use a "Rifle" for hunting(Muzzleloaders are classified as primitive weaponry so they don't count)
So, you cannot use a .357 longrifle.
You can however use a .55 calibur inline muzzleloader.
Check out the bullet speed, velocity, footpounds of killing power at 100/200/300 yards. The Muzzleloader outdoes the .357 in almost every single way.
I think its very silly and I've Emailed Ohio Wildlife Division many times on this. /sigh
If you live in ohio take a look at the specs for yourself and then Email them also if you feel its a silly law.
Post your opinions here also if you want.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
Menoman is my hero. He masturbates with Brillo pads. And likes it.