dj, you should do you homework. Modell WAS forced to leave the name and team colors behind as a result of a class action lawsuit filed by season ticket holders in Cleveland.
"When Cleveland Browns owner Art Modell was negotiating with Maryland officials in 1995 for a new home for the football team, mayor Michael R. White spoke defiantly: "The Cleveland Browns are ours. Keep your hands off, any other city in America." It turned out he was right. Season-ticket holders brought a class-action suit against Modell to recover damages. While the suit was thrown out of Cuyahoga Common Pleas court, it was allowed to go forward after being heard in the 8th Ohio District Court of Appeals. Damages were not recoverable, but Cleveland kept the Browns name and, of course, was awarded an expansion franchise that started play in 1999."
had that suit not happened, I guarantee that you would now be rooting for the Baltimore Browns, not the Ravens.
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank mice elf...agin...