It's a pity there's so many goddamn nimbys in Claremont, and that the Claremont city council are such pussies. Mark my words, in a few years there'll be a bit too much noise or some minor disturbance and a legion of yuppie wankers and old people will rise out of the depths and make them move the BDO to somewhere idiotic like Kwinana.
Hey, on a random tangent, do you guys (ones in Perth) know of a man called msquared? He is famous for being known to literally half of Perth, so I'm wondering if thats accurate or an exaggeration.
"Look, I'm pretty relaxed for a guy who just lost money on a rave. And who's currently speeding down the highway drunk off my tits. And I'm being chased by someone in a blue Corolla. Woohoo! I just ran a red light!"