The following just addresses the idea of gun quality, not all the other bullshit we like to buy.
Learn to shoot well and then decide if you need to upgrade your rig
Well there's another side to that too, and you'll here it from a lot of coaches.
You can only shoot as well as the gun. If you are better than the gun ie. you can hold a tighter group than the gun is capable of producing, how would you know? You'll end up endlessly searching for a way to cure your "problem" and possibly develop some bad habits.
If you are going to be serious about your shooting, then you are best advised to buy the best that you can afford. There are two points to this:
You can concentrate on your end of the shooting, knowing that the gun is not a factor.
You will get more use out of the gun before you have to replace it.
So. Two hands here:
Equipment will absolutely NOT make the shooter BUT, if you are serious about becoming a good shooter, buying the cheap stuff will not help you out either.
On the other hand: The point where the quality of the gun stays relatively the same but the price continues to go up starts a lot lower than you might think, so you don't have to spend a fortune.