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Old 08-05-2003, 09:53 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Home of the First Clone
Im still new to setting up linux, but thanks to friend I have apachie up and going hosting a site, and to be honest the man files for cmds are what I use. My beef with redhat is it doesnt let you do enougph on your own. Im running Debian now and I love it more and more each day. I still keep my windows box for games but other than that everything Else I do on my Debian box. Pragma is right nothing is better than jumping right in. I actually gave up my games for a few mths and used it as my desktop so that I was forced into learning basic cmds configurations. As far as projects, start of by doing simple things, like making dir, users,files, and then setting rights on those things. The internet is a playground of information, and linux forums all over will point you in the right direction if you take the time to post and read. And dont make the mistake I did and try to relate everything to windows as far as learning. Its a completly differnt OS, so approach it as such.
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