mainstream beauty... Stereotypical beauty.... ugh
There is the they of women that I am attracted to. and like Cynthetiq said.. You have to wake up next to them. I won't lie by saying physical attraction means nothing to me. But for me, its all about the face. The rest of the body really doesn't matter to me. If I look at a picture of a naked woman, without her face in the photo... I get nothing. I need the face, thats me. But past that, its her personality.... how she is past her physical beauty. Mind you "Different Strokes for Different Folks" We all are attracted to different people.. My type is not your type and your best friend's type may not be my type.
I think when you're young, you look to the mainstream. As well, you're still kinda blind in the way of society, but once you open them, you see things in a new light, and that includes beauty.
oh and uh..
Nikki: You can analyze the titty board and what they say all you want. But people just like that stuff, either its their type or its a mainstream. The mainstream will still "look good" to many people. But mind you this. I have seen your personality on these boards enough times to say you're beautiful with your mind alone. Besides that.. If they gawk at a woman's appearance, why would you care.. Its obviously not for you.
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.