I have to give this game two thumbs down as an arcady space-sim. It really suffers from being too simplified. I got about halfway through the game, so if any of this is wrong I apologize:
* All ships have the same top speed
* The controls are hideous - they decided to use a mouse to increase sales, and then to make up for poor mouse control the targetting is a joke. Physics is a joke, and as ships get "harder" they basically start ignoring physics more and more to fly all around your screen. It really doesn't capture the feel of out dogfighting someone and riding their ass into oblivion.
* The plot is forced on you in SP, so you can't build up your strengths at your own pace.
* The repair pellet scheme is a copout for not being able to balance the game
* The voice acting and splicing is terrible, and slows the game down painfully. Let me read the crap in 1/10 the time and without listening to bob who sounds just like Jim, Al, Steve, Rick, etc....
* The codec problem is annoying as hell, and I assume a gift from Microsft.
All-in-all it suffers from the suits trying to make a genre "more accessible". Not everyone has a joystick, so desiging the game for one would hurt sales. People want lots of speech. Anyone needs to be able to pick up combat very quickly. etc...
I imagine for most people it's a fun enough game, but try running through Tie Fighter, Freespace, IW2, or the Wing Commander games and playing this right afterwards