This is all coming from a California Rape case where two 17 year olds began having consensual sex, and at some point the girl decided she was no longer into it and asked him to stop. Eventually he did, but the courts felt that he didn't stop fast enough. Lurkette regret after the fact is not considered rape according to this law, either party must indicate their wish to stop verbally at some point during the act of intercourse for this law to take effect. If the other party continues sexual relations beyond that point it becomes rape.
Rage statutory rape comes into play when only one of the participants is underage, and the difference in ages is greater than the limit set by the state you're having sex in. In most states it's legal for an 18 y/o to have sex with a 17 y/o, but not a 20 y/o with a 16y/o.
I'm married now, so the only thing in my house that pulls out now is the couch.