I came of age in the '60's. I was 21 in 1968, married, a father, and in the military. Of course, I had been using alcohol for about six years at that point; everybody did then. In the intervening 25 years, I drank a lot; some of the toots I went on are too unbelievable to relate, but I continued until 1990. I got a DWI on December 28, 1990; I haven't had a drink since then. For various reasons, getting that ticket made me realize what an asshole I was; it isn't pretty when you figure out that the cool guy you thought you were is really an alcoholic shit that people want to avoid at all costs. I don't think that drinking is bad, but certian people (like me) can't do it. I'm not anti-alcohol; I think that some of the laws that have been passed in the last few years are way too restrictive, but booze is subtle; you may think you're in control, but you're not.
"If I had it to do all over,
I'd do it all over you."