Both Pit Bull and Rip It and just about every other brand are offered in sugar-free variants loaded with those infamous, cancer-giving artificial sweeteners. In this "low carb" bacon-four-meals-a-day ketosis-is-my-cure world, many people simply want the caffeine. The popularity of sugar-free Red Bull and those giant blue cans of Monster are proof enough. We're still left with the giant shots of B vitamins and the other magical kinda-tested (really kinda shady) supplements, of course. They're kinda another issue.
Uh, delivery systems, yes. A lot of people don't like the "earthy" taste of coffee and thus the fruit-flavored super-saccharine Go-Go-Go! juice is the alternative. I mean, I wonder if fruit-flavored energy drinks are more popular with kids than coffee simply because coffee is seen as that "old people dirt drink." Colorful anecdotes galore: I used to drink coffee when I did CAD in a cubicle and nothing had more of a jitters-got'em, diarrhea-inducing, I'm-spazzin'-out-maaan effect on me than the free Starbucks at work.
Last edited by Plan9; 06-09-2011 at 08:11 AM..