Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I find it incredibly depressing to hear some people here say school should be about learning facts only. That to me is a limited and limiting view. The social, political, and emotional development of the children is just as important. I have no issue with any teacher having any political bias as long as he or she is prepared to be challenged and challenge back.
I agree. School is for learning ideas and broadening concepts, too.
But the school or a teacher's viewpoints are often inflicted on these kids.
My daughter has a regular column on her high school's newspaper. We'd been waiting for the funding to come through so the first issue could finally be printed. Last month, my daughter brought me the periodical and told me that they weren't allowed to distribute it in the school. Apparently, one of the kids wrote about bullying and teen suicides, including information about the group
F*ck H8. The Principal was backed by the School Board in his decision to withhold this from the students and their parents. I wrote a letter to the Principal, called the school, emailed the School Board and my daughter's Journalism class circulated a petition, all to deaf ears. It was supposedly about the use of a partial four-letter word. Really??
And no one wore a button.