Originally Posted by Meditrina
You have to do what is right for you and your baby.
This. If I've learned one thing about parenting, it's that hot-button issues (and there are plenty of them) invoke strong feelings and there are plenty of people who think their way is the only way and people who do differently are bad parents and are damaging their children for life by their horrible, horrible choices.
I don't have a lot of experience with co-sleeping; my son slept in his crib until he was two, at which point he started sleeping with us. We moved when he was two and he had a hard time adjusting to his new room. He slept with us for about a year and a half, and after that we transitioned him back to his own bed and he was fine. My sister and her husband have co-slept with their son since he was born and now he won't fall asleep any other way. They'd like to transition him but he's not having it. He is 5. I do know if hubby and I ever have another (unlikely, but you never know), the baby will sleep in a crib. I'm a light sleeper, but I wouldn't feel safe sleeping with an infant and I don't want to have difficulties getting my child to sleep on it's own down the road.