Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
But the truth remains that sports performance isn't guaranteed performance. A player could hit a slump, lose a magic touch, get injured, etc.
But it's also true that CEO performance is more unpredictable than sports performance. This is because there are far, far more variables at play in the corporate world than there are in a baseball game.
Being a CEO must be a tough gig. I can't imagine the pressure that comes with it, regardless of the money.
However, I'll also point out that we're focusing on the CEOs we hear about (the fired, extremely highly paid ones) and not the ones we don't hear about. Do you know how many CEOs there are in Corporate America?
I have no idea how many CEOs there are in corporate America. A ton. And most do not get a huge bonus for resigning/getting canned.
There are probably sound reasons for "golden parachutes;" I just have a hard time comprehending those reasons, I reckon.