Well 9 in regards to-
The notion that the American people were completely blind to the delayed kneejerk push into Iraq is a little insulting. We can't be that stupid, right? I think the whole "...but we're still in Afghanistan" thing helped a lot of average people put 2 + 2 together.
I think Churchill said "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." But he also said "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried."
I don't know what the answers are but I feel like most of the questions that should have been asked prior to invading were never asked. Plus the questions that were asked were answered with either complete bullshit or nonsense. Shit like "this isn't going to be a long term thing, might last 6 day, 6 weeks or maybe 6 months." "I don't foresee a huge causality situation here for us." "We'll be greeted as liberators." "What was that? The costs?" "The oil revenue generated will allow the war to basically pay for itself. Then there's the whole WMD and ties to 9-11 reasoning, complete BS. None of it turned out to be true. The war has gone on for years, not days weeks or a few months, it's cost a lot of lives and money. There were no 9-11 ties or WMDs.
In my mind it was time to bring our troops home long ago, wish we'd never gone. But we had a bunch of "rah, rah, rah let's go get'em" folks here. Most of whom had little actual support for the war. "Pay for it? Screw you! You're not raising my taxes!" "Send my kid? To Fallujah? You're joking, right?"
Sure there were many families that supported this war completely. Many went. Many watched their sons and daughters gear up and hop on the big bird and fly off to the far side of the world. But those folks were out numbered, by far, by folks whose support for the war began and ended with the $3 yellow ribbon magnet attached to the ass end of their 40K 4X4 and "rah, rah, rah" attitude.