Originally Posted by romanticqueen
Thank you so much, Idyllic! Very wonderfully said. I'm very grateful for your time and thorough answer. You really put my mind at ease and put what I'm feeling into paper. I actually cried after leaving the office and do not want to ever go back again. He won't listen to my concerns, so how can he just give me medicine even though I told him I'm allergic to most antibiotics and I just got the prescription and it has ingredients that may be fatal (wth??)I already voiced my concen over taking medicine and antibiotics because from all my previous experiences, I always get side effects that turn into a new illness I'd have to cure.
...and how exactly do you know that you're allergic to "most" antibiotics? How many times and types of antibiotics have you been on to be able to make that assessment?
You will also be hard pressed to find any prescription medication that does not include death as a possible side-effect.
Refusing to take any medications your doctor prescribed under some pre-conceived notion that all medications are bad for your particular skin and then demanding to see a specialist is
not being polite. It's exactly the same as telling the doctor that he's wrong and you know more than he does about your condition. Can't imagine why he would refuse to give you a referral after that...