Mmmm, yes, another "Violence doesn't solve anything!" thread. Turns out violent ideation isn't necessarily a sign of psychological problems. Actually, I hear it's pretty normal as a release mechanism... or so I've deduced from listening to my peers talk about wanting to punch their bosses in the face for the last decade. During this period of time I've witnessed 0.0 incidents of boss-face-punching so I'd say it's just venting. This thread could be such.
As far as the OP: I'd imagine the its-against-the-law thing is only a small slice of why people don't haul off and punch other people in the face over petty crap. Bigger slices of this Falling Down pie would be the action threshold aka "I'm too much of a pussy to really do something," and the common cognitive landscape in society that state that fighting is bad/wrong/evil. Many of the would-be fighters I've run into were more interested in the Who's Dick is Bigger?! (TM) chest-thumping pride dance instead of actually fighting. Shit-talking and shoving are far more common than straight out brawling.
That being said... walking around like you're some type of knuckle-throwing time bomb is unhealthy. Get a hobby, a blowjob, and chill the fuck out.
Last edited by Plan9; 03-29-2010 at 11:07 AM..