Performance Review - Comments Section for Employee
So guys, below is the verbage I plan to put in my performance review comment section. I work in a Help Desk and need help to polish up and to see how it would sound in the eyes of HR. I want to come across as somewhat humble but impactful. Also I am looking for specfic verbage that I can alter or suggestions for grammer changes as well. That will also be a helpful response to this thread. These are just few areas I felt I needed to address but dont want to come off to defensive either!
"Some of the other factors tied into aux time that I have been involved with are conference calls, CAB meetings, vendor call back circuit issues, and helpdesk calls over the weekends. Additionally, during the work week there have been several occasions I was out of soc collaborating with the various functional teams (SAO NT, UNIX or Data Engineering) regarding current events and event management outages. These instances were verbally communicated to management during a recent biweekly meeting.
There have been several instances of the instability of the Ework Application that rona took place while telecommuting; I communicated these instances to management via email as soon as I became aware of them. Instability of the Ework Application is a known issue and has also been agreed upon by other colleagues.
On numerous occasions I have received favorable feedback (verbal and written) by cross functional teams (TTS groups) commenting on my continued "great service" and "great performance". Basedon receiving such merits, I strongly believe that I am performing as well as other colleagues on our team.
"Affected CI” and “location information” are required details which are necessary to generate a Remedy. I generally include these details in this section of Remedy. If there are specific instances on which I overlooked including this information, it was an oversight. Please make me aware of any future instances as soon as they are discovered, and I will promptly correct them.
I thorougly enjoy working with the team, and I am open to criticism and constructive feedback. I will continue to strive to exceed goals. I look forward to the upcoming challenges this year has to offer. "